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This movie was so beautiful!  Mirabel was such a likeable protagonist, and it was cool seeing all the different powers of the family members.  Also, I had no idea it was a musical hahaha





Thanks for reacting to this so quickly. I actually also thought that Mirabel's gift was either connecting to people or the direct connection to Casita itself (like if she represented home's hearth that brings family together). Didn't care much about the flower girl either. If it's so hard to pretend, don't pretend. And her attitude towards Mirabel is absolutely unexplainable to me. The coolest power would be Antonio's, ofc. Not only can he understand animals, he can kinda control them ("don't eat those", "warm up her seat") and his room is just the COOLEST EVER. He can ride a jaguar, ffs. Second best is healing by food, I think it's very handy, especially with broken arms etc. Just imagine - no need for hospitals, you eat a home-made tasty and no Covid for you. Best treatment ever. P.S. I have a friend named Bruno, and he told me earlier that it was hard for him to go to the Disneyland since there was no merch with his name available. Well, now we know why!


Ah ok, that would make a lot of sense for Mirabel's gift. Although in a way, I kind of liked the concept of her never having a gift. There was something special in watching her grow to truly accept herself and be accepted by others despite being "normal", as well as demonstrating how things like love, forgiveness, and perseverance are truly the things that matter in life and in a family, not your "superpower". I forgot about Antonio's power, I think you're definitely right that one would be the best. Heck, I'd love to get a dog and be able to talk to him like that, let alone every other animal. Healing is also SUPER useful, I'd use that right now to get rid of my cough haha. As far as Bruno, I mean, shhhh let's not say anything... but I will just say that he was one of my favorites in the movie, so I think your friend has a good character to reference :)


I was wondering what the heck happened to you! Found you on a YouTube search for a reaction to this movie. My two cents, the Abuela was the conduit or even source of the magic...she's not gonna live forever...so the magic chose another worthy member of the family to be the head matriarch (or patriarch, had Maribel been a boy) to lead the family and provide the gifts once she's gone. It really hits home with Bruno's, "You're the real gift, kid." at the end. So...she doesn't have A gift...she has THE gift. What I took from it, anyway.


I'm sorry but is it just an issue on my end or is the movie blurry for everyone

Lucile Byrd

First, I am glad I found your channel, you are one of my favorite reactors and when you left White Noise it was very sad. Now, to the movie, I felt the same way about Isabella, she is my least favorite character, because regardless of how hard it was for her to always pretend to be perfect, that is no excuse for the way she treated her sister all the time. I watched this with my nephew and Isabella is his favorite character because he thinks she is beautiful, I suppose in his defense he is only 6, so I will give him a pass for thinking outer beauty is more important that inner beauty and kindness.


Yeah, let's hope he ages out of it. I read a comment recently in a thread (after a video about narcissism), where the person responding said they're just recently realizing their fiance is a complete narcissist, but she's beautiful, so he supposes he can deal with it; he claimed to be 23. I hope for their sake they made that whole comment up and it's not true to their actual reality.


Mirabel didn't have any magic, but I think her "gift" was her ability to understand (because of her lack of a truly special ability) that people are not just what they can do. People should be treated as valuable wholes and not reduced to what they can provide to/for others, with no regard for their wants/desires/dreams/individual quirks. Sacrificing everything important to oneself to make your life only about meeting the expectations of others, to prove your worth, is a foundation that will crack over time. I do wish the candle had re-lit to signify that a kind of magic was re-awoken there, but that the magic was the coming together of the family that now had appreciation for each other, but WITHOUT the return of the actual magic powers and house. I think that would have been a more impactful ending.


I'm really glad that you understood Abuela because so many people villainize her when she's not. Part of the reason I love this movie is because there isn't necessarily a villain. I can understand the frustration about Isabela but as someone who is forced to be the perfect child, I totally relate to her. There is a point where all that pressure adds up and I know I've been a bit vindicative toward my brother because he doesn't have to be and its almost envy that he seems to be able to do more without the overbearing family that seems to watch my every move because I have to be perfect. It doesn't mean I don't love my brother. I don't know I just relate to her on a personal level.