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Sad, scary, satisfying... the final chapter of Hill House wraps things up with grace and emotional power.  Can't decide if this is my favorite episode, but finishing this episode feels like closing a great novel.




Glorie Bluestein

I cry every time during that ending sequence. I think it was a combination with luke and abigail....he had to have talked to the real girl a few times for her to want to do a sleep over, ghost her also always is wearing the blue dress but luke comments he's seen her in several outfits when he tries to take theo's clothes for her....but that one time with her sitting across from him she is wearing that blue dress ghost her is wearing so it is possible especially after nell's storyline. I also appreciate the opening credits of the first episode to the ending episode where they change it to "all that walk there walk alone" to all that walk there walk together" Nell's definition is actually i think a physics theoretical concept of how the flow of time does work not linear. I understand the concept a bit but it's a bit more harder to explain for me not being a science person.....because time isn't linear though the red room was able to be different rooms for different people...it invited them in at different feeding points.....being the stomach of the house and all. Poppy herself wasn't really evil....just insane. I'm not even sure the house itself was evil. There were people who remained good when they passed on. I think the house was just an entity that needed to feed....nothing more nothing less. It just learned the best ways to be able to feed.


The version of the mom that Hugh talked to outside the house was a mental projection -- his personal method of coping. And my understanding of the little girl was that none of the other siblings ever saw her (and everyone assumed she was a ghost) because she stayed hidden near the woods, as she was forbidden by her parents to go anywhere near the house. She was always a real, living breathing little girl, up until the moment where she happened along at the time Liv decided to "wake up" her children with rat poison. I think they chose to allow us to believe that she was a ghost so that the poisoning scene would be that much more horrific, as we realized that Liv's madness killed a child for real.


I can't even express how much I enjoy the themes and parallels of this show. It is so much more than just a great horror tv show. It has so many levels and is so fun to discuss. I have yet to find the end of the conversation on what this show means. The mix of supernatural and real world applications. There's the children representing the 5 stages of grief. The fact that ghosts are our regrets, thoughts, and wishes because they can haunt us. That no one is truly gone as long as they aren't forgotten. They're in our lives and impact our lives just by thinking of them. Its all confetti. A big theme I took away from the show is just perspective. To some the house was a horror and could consume you and to others it was a haven where you could be with your loved ones forever. I feel like the red room is a metaphor for life. Its what we need it to be and if we let it it will consume us. The house was able to take people who felt desperate and alone with just a little nudge. Check in on the ones you love especially during the holidays. Just like with Nellie any one of the siblings being there in that moment could have made a difference. On a technical stand point the actors (especially the kids) are incredible. Episode 6 with the long takes was just awe inducing.

Nikki Sonrisa

the Liv that Hugh was interacting with in the house was definitely the real Liv. I can understand why you may not think so considering her behavior and mannerisms, however, you have to remember that she had spent so many years alone in that house without her family so she was lonely and the prospect of getting her true love back was likely very appealing to her. also you have to remember that her last memories from life were that Hugh had taken her children from her so she was also still harboring some resentment from that. Re: Abigail, I think you are partially correct. I think that Luke was interacting with both versions of Abigail - the living and ghost versions of her the entire time. whenever we see her in the blue dress, I think that is the ghost version and I believe Luke has interacted with that version at least once on screen. remember that time is not linear in the house so although Liv doesn't kill Abigail until the last night, her ghost exists at all times so Luke met ghost Abigail probably the first night they moved into the house.


I believe that Abigail was alive the whole time that we saw her, up until we saw her die. The show left it up in the air on purpose so we wouldn't know for sure. That made her choking on the poison that much more shocking. Some people said that it was possible that it was the ghost when she was wearing the blue dress. But I think that was part of the trick too. Because it's possible that she wore the same clothes often because Luke mentioned that he wanted to get more clothes for her because her clothes looked old. So, she probably didn't have many different kinds of clothes or options to choose from either.

Jennifer Logan

The Liv at the end in the house was the real one. She got so confused and messed up that she still thinks she needs to "wake" the kids. She was also the one in the room when Luke was dying. During that scene, Nell continues to say "don't" and "go" the same words she said to Luke whenever he saw her after she died; at night when he woke up with the neck pain, she said go, when she was the bent neck lady at her grave, she said don't. Liv was always trying to get them to come back. I honestly think it was really her when Nell died too. She thinks she is saving them. She still has that same mentality from right before she died. She thinks she is waking them up, that they are in a horrible dream. I never thought of the Abigail we saw earlier before she died, the ghost version of her, but I can see it. That is very possible, but I believe Luke had to have seen the real version of her at some point too. I have watched a lot of these reaction videos and pick up new thought and theories all the time. I have started to think that Liv always suffered really bad migraines because of the way she died. She cracked her head open when she jumped, so I just believe she was feeling that while she was alive.