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Dear TimeGhost Army,

For the second time this week, we are reaching out for your involvement as a community!

Like our call to action for your cats, this is part of a wider effort to make the whole TimeGhost Army a more tight-nit place.

We're looking for volunteers to help constructively build upon, moderate, and encourage conversations in the comment sections across TimeGhost Channels.

In essence this is a community ambassador and moderator position.

We feel like many online communities, this is best done by members of the community itself.

So we're opening up a rolling application form for those of you that would like to be a part of managing this amazing army.

Generally we would ask for about 5 hours a week of your time, so this position is best fit for those of you who already spend that much time digging into historical discussion online.

Feel free to apply here: https://forms.gle/78AEu2C7TMxAnVJz6

*Important* - We expect to continuously expand the Signals Unit, and so might contact you back much further down the road as we grow the team. Applications are constantly open, and constantly being reviewed.

Thank you for being a part of the TimeGhost Army!




Sure, I'd be honored


Submitted! Thank you for the opportunity to give back 🤘


I submitted about five days ago but haven't heard back yet.


Hey David, thanks for wanting to take part! We haven't made any decisions yet, so just stay tuned in the meantime.