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TimeGhost Army,

We promised all of you a full length special video of Cats on Vacuum cleaners if we hit our 1,000 member recruitment drive. As you all delivered your part and then one time over, it is now time for us to deliver our end of the bargain.

There's just one issue: we need more cats.

We're kindly asking all of you with cats to record them (preferably on or nearby a vacuum cleaner) and to email the video to community@timeghost.tv

We kindly ask those of you who wish to join our cat mobilization effort to use the file transfer service https://wetransfer.com/

Please send over your cats by Tuesday and include "CATS" in your subject line.

Thank you for joining us on this very serious TimeGhost business.

Ian over and out.


We wouldn't want to frighten or distress any of your lovely cats, so you do not need to turn the vacuum cleaner on. The folks over in the TimeGhost post production department will work their movie magic to make it seem like it is.




Cats, the eternal contradiction. So soft yet so pointy...


I don't have a cat, but congratulations on all of your well deserved new subscriptions!