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Dear TimeGhost Army,

We're sorry to announce that we're facing another delay with the early access release of a WW2 episode (203).

We try to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible. We're usually pretty good at that, but the sheer amount of maps we've had to make recently has put a big strain on our post-production team.

We're planning to get this one out to you sometime tomorrow, and we should be on the other side of the craziness soon. We'll be back to our regular upload times before you know it!

Thank you all for patience and for your continued membership of the Army.

- TimeGhost Team



It's all good! You guys do such an amazing job! Waiting a day or 2 isn't gonna harm anyone.


Your work is awesome. Totally worth the wait!


Do not worry. I watch the episodes on Saturday anyway, and it's worth the wait.


Thanks for the update, and don't worry. I think all of us here don't care about the delay. All of you do great work. Keep it up!


The wait is worth it!


Love the maps. The Eastern Front would not be as interesting without the maps. With more action each week in the far flung theaters of the war there is more to cover. Keep up the great work.


No problem guys, thank you for the update though. I am very much looking forward to the start of Operation Huskey a lot so I have been checking in every few hours to see if the new episode was posted yet. As I was telling you guys in the comments in a few past episodes both of my Grandfathers fought in Sicily during Operation Huskey on opposite sides of the war. My Dad's Dad fought for Italy and was from Sicily and my Mom's Dad fought for the US in the Big Red One, 1st US infantry Division. My Dad's uncles also fought for Italy during WW2 but were both captured in Africa one by the British and the other by the US. My Grandfather gets captured by US troops in Sicily during Operation Huskey. The good treatment that my Grandfather got from US troops while a prisoner was just another reason that convinced him to move to the US after the war was over. He said he was never fed as well as he was until he became a prisoner under the US (both of his brothers said the same thing, the one captured by the British was sent to a US POW prison). Both of his brothers couldn't get a green card to move to the US after the war though so one got permission to move to Canada and the other to the Netherlands after the war so they moved there. Their 2 sisters stayed in Sicily. Southern Italy and especially Sicily was not a good place to live for a long time. Sicily is still one of the poorest regions of Western Europe. And the Mod in Sicily after the fall of Mussolini got right back to full strength and was a huge pain to the everyday person living in Sicily. That was the one thing my Grandfather and his siblings always brought up about Mussolini anytime a conversation about him would be started, was that he was the only Italian leader who actually fought against the mob (and won) until very recent Italian leaders. But as much as I am looking forward to this episode (and every episode) I would still rather you guys always take your time and get everything right rather then rush things out to meet the Patreon time goals. Most of us support you guys on Patreon because of the great work you do. Not for the little benefits we get as Patreon members of early access to the episodes.


Thanks for letting us know. We like high quality work & are willing to wait for it.


Don't sweat it, guys. Plz say hi to the whole team for me.


No sweat ! Keep calm and Carry on !


I really don't need the early access to the videos and I am happy to watch your amazing work on the day of release. Take your time to make those amazing maps and don't worry about it. If you really want to have something special for the TimeGhost army, maybe you can release a version without the "A word from our sponsor" segment which is quite breaking the flow of the episode in my opinion. Only if this is not to much work for you, obviously.


Your material is fantastic. Firstly of very merit and information. I imagine how much works it requires. So-for me-no problem to wait a while and to receive a good next sequence. All the best!!!!