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Hello TimeGhost Army!

We will once again be going live at 20.00h CEST, or about 40 minutes after you get this post, to film another exciting installment of the TimeGhost Podcast! 

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/xHZbRCdR0Tw

- Ian


TimeGhost Podcast EP 002



At some point I'd like to get the team's take on whether a plain-clothes Ukrainian civilian who posts an enemy tank position on Twitter is a "partisan" or a "spy". I have my own opinion but I'm trying to predict how the Russians are going to spin this.


Thanks for the shoutout Ian! Super fun to find another RuneScape fan on the team =) Keep up the awesome work all of you - I think the podcast in particular is great for delving into the more niche or other non-WWII topics that you have a lot interesting to share but wouldn’t otherwise get to put out to a bigger audience.