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Hello to all you incredible members of the TimeGhost Army. After years of requests from all of you, tomorrow we will be launching the debut episode of the TimeGhost Podcast.

All of you here in the TimeGhost Army will be able to tune into the show live as it's being recorded and send in your questions for Indy and Sparty to answer. The final edited show will go out live to the rest of YouTube and Podcasting platforms later in the week, likely on Sundays. 

The livestream will be posted to you here directly on Patreon and to TimeGhost Army members on TimeGhost.tv at 8PM CEST (German Time) on Wednesday, 13.04.2022.  See you all then! 




great news! The latest into context episode was incredible and got a few family members interested in timeghost content. The more the better!

Tanya Dixie

Happiness! It’s just how do we know what ties you are wearing?


This is exactly what we hope the Podcast can help do. We've heard from a lot of you that you'd like to share our content with friends and family, but that they just aren't big into YouTube. Podcasts have a large, and sometimes separate audience to YouTube, and we want to be able to reach that audience segment too.


I'll likely be too busy with work to follow along but hope you have a great time, and I am looking forward to the end result! As for my question, it's quite simple: Will there be another tie auction? After mine got lost in the mail I'm dying to get my hands on another one!


I probably will not be able to attend tomorrow - will it be a regular thing, that it will be live for patreons?


Indeed it will, the show will be recorded weekly live here on Patreon, and then go out publicly later in the week.

Tanya Dixie

Oh no Gianni what terrible luck, I am sure they will make a plan for you


Just when I finish work. Not bad. Will I be able to download or cast the episode?


Well I wanted this question to be answered in Out of the fox holes, but the podcast will suffice. " What was the German high command's reaction to the loss of ship Bismarck?" Excited about the Podcast.


Timeghost. The gift that keeps on giving.


Could someone remind me how to get timeghost.tv account as a patron? I remember that instructions were sent but I can't find them anymore


Super excited! 😱🎉😁


If you head over to 'Login' and click 'forgot password' you can enter in the same email you used to sign up to Patreon and get a password reset sent, then you should have synced access!