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There is something important to note about these videos. They are not a sub-series of our channel, or a sub-topic of the war in general. The war against humanity we are covering is the very essance of the Second World War. The military strategy, economy, and geopolitcs, are crucial to having a holistic understanding of the conflict and the suffering which it brough, but it is exactly what is discussed in this series that is at the soul of this war.

Thank you all for supporting this project and making it possible. Despite the crucial importance of the subject, these videos regularly perform poorly in the YouTube algorithm and generate no funds in of themselves. It is only because of the TimeGhost Army that we can give this the very serious attention it deserves. 


Denazify the World. Resist Now. - WAH 055 - March 1943, Pt. 2

The Nazis and the Soviets discover each other's atrocities, while resistance is on the rise, and a half dormant conspiracy against Hitler comes back to life to take his life. Join us on Patreon: https://bit.ly/WAH_055_DE Or join the TimeGhost Army directly at: https://timeghost.tv/signup/ Check out our TimeGhost History YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/timeghost Between 2 Wars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrG5J-K5AYAU1R-HeWSfY2D1jy_sEssNG Follow WW2 Day by Day on Instagram: @ww2_day_by_day Follow TimeGhost History on Instagram: @timeghosthistory Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhostHistory/ Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson Director: Astrid Deinhard Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński Community Management: Ian Sowden Written by: Spartacus Olsson, Joram Appel Research by: Joram Appel Map animations by: Daniel Weiss Map research by: Sietse Kenter Edited by: Karolina Dołęga Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman Sound design by: Marek Kamiński Colorizations by: Mikołaj Uchman Daniel Weiss Norman Stewart - https://oldtimesincolor.blogspot.com/ Julius Jääskeläinen - https://www.facebook.com/JJcolorization/ Cassowary Colorizations Source literature list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters - https://www.screenocean.com Image sources: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Bundesarchiv National Archives NARA Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe YAD VASHEM 3887/1 V, 2818/24, 213/5, 262/B124, 4924/9, 549429, 92BO7, 91GO6, 213/42, 91FO4, FA266 A46 Picture of Romani prisoner of Auschwitz courtesy of www.auschwitz.org Imperial War Museums: HU106211, HU106205 Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound: Break Free - Fabien Tell Dark Beginning - Johan Hynynen Deviation In Time - Johannes Bornlof Document This 1 - Peter Sandberg Guilty Shadows 4 - Andreas Jamsheree Last Point of Safe Return - Fabien Tell London - Howard Harper-Barnes Moving to Disturbia - Experia Never Forget - Fabien Tell Ominous - Philip Ayers Other Sides of Glory - Fabien Tell Please Hear Me Out - Philip Ayers Potential Redemption - Max Anson Recordor - Joseph Alesci Rememberance - Fabien Tell Split Decision - Rannar Sillard Rainy Landscapes - Farrell Wooten Weapon of Choice - Fabien Tell A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



Thanks Sparty and TG team! But @0:35: "United Nations bombing" should be "allied bombing" or something along that line? Also a "UN allies" reference @2:02... Should be "US allies"?

Piping Plover

If it had been up to me (probably not ideal TBH), I would not have made the choice to separate the battles and troop movements from the war against humanity. This makes it appear to be separate conflicts with one series being ideological. Fascists/Nazi sympathizers can watch the "regular" episodes and not be confronted with the horror (to them, propaganda) that would make them question their ideology. However, I'm also part of the problem. The WAH series makes me cry and feel horrible every time I watch a new video. I can't handle it, so I often miss out on them.


Actually no. The official title of what we call “the Allies” colloquially was The United Nations Alliance - FDR and Churchill almost always referred to it as “the United Nations” and almost never as “the Allies.” Moreover it was this alliance, based on the nations that in January 1942 pledged to uphold the principles of the Atlantic Charter while fighting the Axis, as the war was winding down, went on to lay the foundation of the peacetime version of the United Nations, the UN as we know it.


The Allies *were* the United Nations - the name comes from the 1942 "Declaration by United Nations" that formalized the treaty between the USA, UK, USSR, China, and their other allies. This treaty was then expanded after the war into the UN as we know it today, with the 1945 UN Charter that redefined their structure & mission into a peacekeeping organization.


@TimeGhost Thanks for the reply, and I partially stand corrected, but I still think that referring to United Nations during WW2 without your explanation is unnecessarily confusing to many amateur historians. To them, including me, the narrative is that (the) UN was founded after, and as a main consequence of, WW2. Of course, that is totally agnostic to my massive respect and gratitude for the content you guys create!


@TG, @Brett, thanks for your reactions, but I still disagree. I'm sure the idea of the United Nations organization originated from the "Western allies" fighting Nazi Germany and Japan, but formally, the UN was created in 1945. I think that to most people, a reference to "United Nations" implies the organization founded in 1945, and not to the "coalition of the willing" during WW2. And in all honesty, I've never heard before "United Nations" as a reference to the Western allies during ww2. (Though that might just be local folklore.) Hence my reaction.


@TimeGhost, Collaborator Willem Henneicke is spelled a bit differently compared to how you write and pronounce it in the video, as is the Henneicke Column. The way it is written and especially pronounced in the video now more closely resembles the Heineken brand and family name, and may be misleading in this sense. Edit: I forgot to say, but _must_ include my huge compliments to you all for making this important and great content. I could not say that enough, and this comment should have the aforementioned feedback, but only accompanied by my huge respect for your work.


While we understand that it’s challenging, it is the correct way to refer to the alliance. Spartacus makes a point of almost always using the correct title specifically because it is the correct title. There’s also not any nuance to be found here. Not only was this the way the leaders of the alliance referred to it, it was the formal name of the alliance (as you can see here from the declaration they signed in January 42: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22Declaration_by_the_United_Nations%22_-_NARA_-_514106.jpg


It is also very much the origins of the post war UN. We will cover that in 1945, but already now you can read the summary on the Wikipedia article about the 42 declaration of United Nations. If you feel you can’t trust Wikipedia, follow the references at the bottom of the page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_by_United_Nations


It would have made the weekly episodes impossibly long, and created a learning problem to some degree. There are many lessons to be learnt from the geopolitics and military war, and not all of them relate to the atrocities committed during the war. The atrocities are however so dominant that they tend to dwarf the other events in perception, and as you note even alienate some viewers. While we don’t think anyone should look away, we do appreciate that diving deep into the details of these horrors is not an easy thing. We always make sure that we do not let the main events of WaH go unmentioned in the weekly episodes. Last but not least, they remain parts of the same series, you could view it as chapters if you like. Starting in two weeks we will also go to weekly releases of WaH (that’s how much there is to cover as resistance increases).


Thank you for this WAH video as usual. With the conspiracy against Hitler starting to intensify with recent events, now it seems to be a good time to start watching the 2008 movie "Valkyrie". Never forget.

Kris Volk

As always I just want to say thank you for covering this important issue. We cant change what we don't know about...Never Forget!


14:46 Minor error with those flags, you have the Russian flag on Slovakia.


Interestingly, Claus von Staufenburg’s wound that would take him off of frontline duty and put him In a position to be near Hitler will happen during the next weekly episode.


Wim Heinecke was assassinated in 1944 and many others of his column were executed in 1947.


Also, his name was not Heinecke. See my previous comment on this post.


@TimeGhost Thanks for the elaboration and references! And I stand corrected :-). Keep up the great work!


. . . assumig the torpedoes were fixed before 1941 . . .If the US had solved the problems with the Mark 14 torpedo, would the Phillipine Island battle in 1942 been greatly affected?


Yes, this crap can't be untangled from the war itself. I think history will agree this companion series is essential. I see your work living on for a generation [also] in educational settings in the future, team.


Ahoy there, Robert, Drach is in the US on his voyage of discovery.. No drydock facilities in TG's Berlin HQ! PS: No, I doubt it. Not nearly enough subs to make a difference & the war was lost on the ground. I've lived in Manila for 10yrs & the consensus there is they were rooted anyway.


Piping, it sounds like you're making painful discoveries, well done. If it's any consolation, after 40yrs studying this weird system, the horrors were nuanced but typical humans did it. I often wonder if we could find 20,000 Australians to run camps. My conclusion is, we could. So we must learn, even if it sux to find out humanity is often 'not nice'.


You do make a valid point for 95% of English speaking people. 'WW2 first, then UN takes over international affairs' is the commonly 'known' narrative. It's unquestioned really and *has* [mistakenly] become the common 'real' history by now. At least at TG they do teach that the UN had its roots back in the early 'Big 3' talks & agreements, but I see your problem. My wish is that the Dominions didn't get lumped in as 'British' so often. We were a Commonwealth team of many equal nations fighting & building everywhere, eg Australia, Canada, NZ, South Africa & India [yes, I know, but India was on its way & had its own Army.]


Thanks for your input. The reason I ask is that my cousin (deceased) was on Corregidor and endured 2 1/2 years in Japanese POW camps. He felt (when he would talk about it at all) that the US could have done much more for the men left behind. I suppose that is a larger question. His memoirs make a fascinating, if difficult, bit of reading.