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In this extremely eventful week, both Japan and Germany declare war on the United States following a surprise attack at the US fleet at Pearl Harbor and dozens of other targets in South-East Asia and the Pacific. In the Soviet Union, a stunningly successful counteroffensive has retaken over 400 towns, villages, and cities, and the Germans are pushed back by the Soviets until their artillery is no longer in range of Moscow. In North Africa fighting continues for the vital supply point Tobruk with an Allied victory.

The war has truly become a global one, with nearly every continent and major power involved. 

NOTE: An error snuck through our controls regarding the Japanese casualties at Wake, we are working with YouTube to have it fixed before the video goes public. We apologize for this inconvenience.


Hitler Declares War on the USA and the Jews - WW2 - 120 - December 12, 1941

The Japanese launch attacks all over Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and launch a preemptive surprise attack on the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. The war is suddenly much larger. In the USSR, the Germans find themselves now heavily on the defensive after the failure to take Moscow, while in North Africa, Erwin Rommel decides he must withdraw out of Cyrenaica to await reinforcements. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Or join The TimeGhost Army directly at: https://timeghost.tv Check out our TimeGhost History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/timeghost?sub_confirmation=1 Follow WW2 day by day on Instagram @ww2_day_by_day -https://www.instagram.com/ww2_day_by_day/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhostHistory/ Between 2 Wars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrG5J-K5AYAU1R-HeWSfY2D1jy_sEssNG Source list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources Written and Hosted by: Indy Neidell Director: Astrid Deinhard Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Bodo Rittenauer Creative Producer: Maria Kyhle Post-Production Director: Wieke Kapteijns Research by: Indy Neidell Edited by: Miki Cackowski Sound design: Marek Kamiński Map animations: Eastory (https://www.youtube.com/c/eastory) Colorizations by: Daniel Weiss Adrien Fillon - https://www.instagram.com/adrien.colorisation Mikołaj Uchman Carlos Ortega Pereira, BlauColorizations, https://www.instagram.com/blaucolorizations/ Klimbim https://www.flickr.com/photos/22155693@N04/ Julius Jääskeläinen - https://www.facebook.com/JJcolorization/ Jaris Almazani (Artistic Man), https://instagram.com/artistic.man?igshid=k4l2ushhbwk5 Sources: IWM HU 56120, K 1385, HU 675, TR153, HU 81216, WPN 298 NARA Bundesarchiv Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe Picture of a victim of starvation during the siege of Leningrad, courtesy of George Shuklin Picture of Alfred Godwin-Austen, courtesy of Berserker276 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sir-Alfred-Reade-Godwin-Austen.jpg Picture of Harold Cole, courtesy of Cumbria County Archives Soundtracks from the Epidemic Sound: Phoenix Tail - At the Front Johannes Bornlof - Deviation In Time Johan Hynynen - Dark Beginning Rannar Sillard - March Of The Brave 4 Jo Wandrini - To War! Reynard Seidel - Deflection Wendel Scherer - Defeated Johannes Bornlof - Death And Glory 3 Johannes Bornlof - The Inspector 4 Hakan Eriksson - Epic Adventure Theme 3 Skrya - First Responders Bonnie Grace - Imperious Archive by Screenocean/Reuters https://www.screenocean.com. A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



Pearl Harbour stuff is great!


I had no idea that the still often used phrase ,,Nacht- und Nebelaktion" originated in such circumstances. Great episode as usual!


Great work. In short, rock-and-roll. Question: What about the invasion of Guam? It was taken over by the Japanese by the end of this week, though it's only mentioned as bombed, as far as I could catch it. A bunch of other Japanese invasions are mentioned, this one is somewhat conspicuously absent. The reason I'm asking - apart from a family connection thru ex-in-laws who ended up there following the US military postwar - is that it makes for a great piece of trivia. As I learned from the Great War series, Guam was where the first US armed engagement in WW1 took place, and it was among the first in WW2 too, only a few hours after Pearl. Keep it up & thank you, thank you, thank you.


I hope you guys do a pearl harbour like special on the battle of midway, the first day of StalinGrad and D-day. Also as an Australian I’d love an in depth look at the start of the battle in PNG.


Just a heads up. Whenever I try to save to watch later directly from the Patreon page, which it used to, but now it never saves. I have to go to YouTube and save it from there.

Roland Cooke

Harold Cole's story is crazy, it might be worth an episode of its own. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Cole


We've reached the turning point of the war. December 1941. This is when the outcome was decided. Not El Alamein, not Stalingrad, not Midway. December 1941. At the beginning of this year, the Axis was "only" at war with China, and the British Commonwealth, one of the three most powerful entities on the planet. Now, at the end of 1941, they are at war with the other two as well. The Axis defeat is inevitable due to their poor decision making. The Allied powers now command the vast majority of global population and industry. The only thing left to decide is how many, and which, millions will have to die before it ends.


Question: why did Britton declare war on Finland? Finland's battles with the Soviet Union were mostly over by then.


You mentioned that Canadian units where station in Hong Kong when it was attacked, do you have any plans to mention Sgt Gander, the Newfoundland dog mascot of the Royal Rifles of Canada and how he saved some wounded soldiers? (a source: https://cdnhistorybits.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/gander-the-dog-a-canadian-war-hero/ )


When you get to the fall of Singapore can you please cover the political spat between John Curtin and Churchill over the deployment of the 2nd AIF to the Far East/Pacific and when late 1942 happens please do the battles of Milne Bay and Kokoda the justice they deserve


Enjoyed the five hour Pearl Harbor special. One note. Indy mentioned the officer aboard the West Virginia gathering a mess man. That mess man was Dorie Miller, a Black sailor. He was awarded the Navy Cross by Admiral Nimitz.


Diplomatic pressure from the Soviets as Finland was still a co-belligerent with the Axis and a key part of maintaining the siege of Leningrad. *Spoilers*, but the Fins end up getting a peace deal much better than the smaller nations officially in the Axis.


Midway and D-day are better, but these stretch out over more hours so that might be a bit long. Stalingrad really stretches over a pretty long campaign, with the Germans exhausted from heavy fighting before they even enter the city. I'm sure we'll see plenty of detailed coverage in the weekly episodes. Stalingrad and Fall Blau in general would be excellent topics for special episodes, though, just not so much the real-time hour by hour format IMO.


Brilliant work from you all!