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Hey all!

Yesterday, we got an email from a ABC-News reporter inviting us for a live-interview in the context of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Today, Indy and Spartacus joined their news anchor at 11:00 (New York time) via a Skype connection. We wanted to share the interview here with you all. In fact - you all are mentioned in it as well!

If you wish to share it with others, please use this link: https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/days-significance-world-history-63532304





Indy and Spartacus on ABC News D-Day Coverage

For the 75th anniversary of D-Day, ABC News reached out to us to get our view on WW2 in general and D-0Day specifically.



GREAT INTERVIEW! Way to go Indy, Spartacus and the entire Time Ghost Crew. This should help increase viewers, and make more donations available to do more great stuff.


I was disappointed that Putin was not invited to the D-Day celebrations. I think this is a major mistake, as Stalin was begging the Brits and USA for a 2nd front for years. I know that the Russian political situation in the USA probably caused this to happen. But, I think the allies should have invited Putin. Plus, the US President should attend the future Stalingrad (now Vulgograd) ceremonies. Russia was and still is an ally of the USA. Not an enemy, so is China. People should remember this and start reconciliation efforts today. To bring us back together. Otherwise, we may have another disaster again, like WW2 or worse.


One last seperate point. People need to remember the failed 1942 invasion of Europe: Operation Jubilee, or as it is known: the Dieppe Raid. Where many soldiers died on the French Coast at Deepe, France. It involved 5,000 Canadians, 1,000 British troops, and 50 United States Army Rangers. Only the USA Rangers achieved their objectives. All the others failed with massive numbers of deaths. 3,623 of the 6,086 men who made it ashore were killed, wounded, or captured. The operation was somewhat intended to take the Germans focas off of Africa and operation Torch. D-Day was our second try, and it could have ended the exact same way.


Great stuff, let's hope that this will bring in more people. And thanks for the shout out Sparty :)


I agree with you that we should remember the second world war together with the Russians (and thus invite Putin). But today was about remembering D-Day, not WW2 as a whole. Only the countries who participated or fought in the operation were invited. Hence Italy and Japan weren't invited but the German chancellor Merkel was. I don't think it's realistic for the world leaders to attend every anniversary of a major battle. Inviting the countries that participated in it is sufficient in my opinion.


Bill obviously WW2 in real time will get to this in a couple of years. Also I don't think it's fair to call it a complete failure. There's evidence to suggest it was designed to fail in order to act as a cover for the recovery of Enigma machines from the Nazis garrisoned near Dieppe for the use at Bletchley


More accurate to say that the no. 4 Commandos, supported by Rangers, achieved their objective. The Rangers were actually just attached to no. 4 Commando to gain raiding experience.


Great job, Gents!


Awesome! That's great PR!


Yep, bravo guys.


The champions of context.


Strong work guys!


I'm just now getting to watch this....Indy & Spartacus: I'm so proud to be a small part of this venture. What you both are forging together will last on video for a long, long time and will impact many people as they stumble, search and seek this information out. Celebrate the coverage, gents!