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Dear TimeGhost Army,

As many of you probably have noticed, the reward tier system doesn’t reflect what we’re currently working on. The World War Two and the Between Two Wars series take up most of our work capacity, and will continue to do so as we grow the channels. In this regard, rewards such as the ‘Set the TimeGhost Clock’ don’t make much sense in the current climate. We simply are not able to put in the effort needed to start yet another documentary series on another topic. Instead, we want to focus on improving the current projects and on making more content within the existing formats.

However, we do feel that you all deserve rewards that we can actually deliver on. Hence we redesigned the Reward Tier System in accordance with current state of production. The new reward tiers are live now and visible on the Patreon website – together with a new Patreon description about our work and goals. The lower tiers focus more on exclusive content and early access – expect more articles and private Q&A sessions, while the higher tiers revolve around a closer connection with the TimeGhost creators and crew and the opportunity to be a part of the feedback workflow in our production cycle.

We sincerely hope that we meet everyone’s expectations and that each and everyone feels is worth the pledge, besides supporting us to create our documentary series of course. You all are the backbone of our production, and we value your membership in ways that cannot be described with words.

With the kindest of regards,

Indy, Spartacus, Astrid, Joram & Wieke



Same problem here.


Same issue


add me to the list


Same here, I’ve signed up with Patreon before setting up on TimeGhost tv


We've had this problem before – our Patreon doesn't automatically transfer user data to our website. Our tech guy is taking a look at it and says he'll be able to fix it this week.


Just a heads up, I think there's a typo in the $9 tier on the last reward "Invitations to ‘Patron only’ DINERS or meetings during future roadtrips" Did you mean dinners? Either way, thanks for the update!


Hey, I mentioned the Patreon problem on the timeghost.tv forum a couple of weeks back. I had no idea it was a known issue and didn't get anyone replying to let me know they were already looking at it. Was it wrong to mention it on the forum? Is the forum not monitored?


why is there no $1 tier or why not get rid of the time ghost private rank and combine it with WW2 private, its ​a .10 cent difference. XD


This definitely a long shot, but it would be ideal if Time Ghost was an educational US tax deductible charitable foundation dedicated to education about history. This would make my contribution tax deductible. This is how zoos in the US are tax deductible.


By the way the content is great! Keep it coming! I am still waiting for my Foch socks!


The Foch socks are a Great War product, we have nothing to do with them so best thing to do is contact The Great War directly.


No problem, I just wanted to know what was happening and now I do.


Hi Grant, we haven’t worked out a good way for rewards at a $ 1 tier. The 2.90 tier was created when we were designing revenue shares for our WW2 partners - it turned out to not work the way we thought it would snd now we have a new system in the works, so they may very well merge - we shall see.


Are you going to have time to create more Dicktionary entries? My husband and I love those.