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You wait until Paris finishes touching up her lipsticks and leaves.

Then you fist that dick.

You stroke your new girl-cock with such passion. You flog up and down it. You pound your girl-dick with a frantic pace. Your forearm burns from the intensity that you pump your fist up and down your throbbing girth.

The pleasure is incredible. So different from rubbing at your pussy. The spongy crown, soaking your hand in the precum leaking out of it, aches every time your brush it. You look forward to sliding back up your massive cock just to caress it again.

Your left hand darts past your cock. You rub at your pussy lips. That feels incredible. You whimper, toes curling in your heels. You thrust a pair of fingers into your cunt. You sink deep into your juicy flesh.

You masturbate your new cock and your pussy.

“Oh, my god,” you moan, your legs trembling. You quiver there, building your orgasm faster and faster. “Yes, yes, yes!”

You erupt.

Your futa-cock fires jizz. You feel the cum pulsing up your shaft. It splatters the back of the stall door. Your pussy convulses around your fingers, soaking them in your sweet juices. You gasp and moan at the familiar bliss and the new rapture.

The two sensations surged through you. Two different ecstasies. You gasp and quiver as they dance in your mind. Your right hand keeps stroking your girl-dick as you spurt over and over. You paint so much jizz on the door.

Stars dance before your eyes. Your pussy spasms around your fingers. You sway and groan, panting from the bliss. Your tits rise and fall. Your pussy orgasm hits that wonderful peak and then dies, leaving you trembling. Watery cum dribbles over the back of your hand.

“Oh, wow,” you moan, dizzy from the first orgasm you knew cock gave you. “Oh, wow, that's incredible.

You feel amazing as you pull up your panties, trapping your cock back in them. You smooth down your charcoal skirt, trying to hide the bulge. It's so obvious. You bite your lip. Then you gasp at the sight of your pearly seed dibbling down the stall door.

“Fuck,” you mutter and grab wads of toilet paper.

After cleaning up your mess, you slip up and wash your hands and splash your face. You need to figure out what is going on. You have to go talk to Deandra. You head for the bathroom door. As you reach for it, it opens and Ms. Kato is there.

You squeak in shock.

Your Japanese boss hardens her eyes as she glares at you. “I haven't received my coffee yet.”

“Sorry,” you gasp, stepping to the side to let the shorter, though dominating, woman march past. Your cock twinges. She has a sexy, petite body, but you're too scared to try anything with her.

You dart out and head for the elevator bank. You arrive and hit the button. As you reach it, Cassie steps up beside you. Your blonde friend gives you a penetrating look. “You were in the bathroom for a while.”

“Yeah,” you say, shifting.

“What happened to you?” she whispers. “What did taking that pill do to you? Are you still sick? Feeling better?”

You bit your lip. Then the elevator doors slide open. You pull her in with you and hit the button for the 13th floor where the labs are. You swallow and then you rip up your skirt and shove down your panties, letting your cock thrust out.

“Oh, my god!” Cassie gasps, her blue eyes going wide. “That's what it did to you.”

“Yeah,” you pant. “Why I had to go in there and... you know, take care of things.”

Cassie's cheeks go pink. “Oh, got you.”

As the doors slide close, you yank up your panties and shove down your shorts. The elevator lurches down and you swallow. You're suddenly so aware of how close you're standing to Cassie. Your dick, tucked into your panties, twitches. Your friend is so sexy in her outfit. Your cock is swelling again. Despite just masturbating in the bathroom, you find yourself getting aroused again.

Your dick grows uncomfortable in your panties.

The elevator descends three floors. You start adjusting it, moving it around in your panties when it catches on the fabric. You frown, struggling with your shaft when the elevator slows. Your eyes widen as the door dings. You dive behind Cassie to hide the large bulge tenting the front of your skirt.

The doors swish open.

“Fuck,” you mutter as the redhead steps into the elevator. You think she's called Miranda. She smiles at you as Cassie steps back to give her room, pressing her ass into your crotch.

Your friend freezes, clearly feeling your erection thrusting out before you. You groan at how nice your friend's ass feels rubbing against your cock. Her hips shift as the elevator lurches down again.

You groan as the tip of your dick drinks in the feel of your friend's ass, the warmth of her flesh bleeding through her clothing and yours. Your girl-cock twitches, aches. Your hips move almost on there on.

Cassie looks behind you, eyes wide as you dry-hump against her ass.

“Sorry,” you mutter.

“Futas,” she groans.

“What's that?” Miranda asks.

“Just this project we're working on,” Cassie says as it feels so good to rub your dick into her rump. The swell of her ass feels amazing. Your dick loves the satin caress, the pleasure shooting down to your hot snatch.

The elevator stops a good two dozen floors down. You don't care where. You're just glad that Miranda is stepping off, saying bye over her shoulder. Your dick is on fire, your pussy molten once again.

“Cassie!” you whimper as the elevator doors slide close.

You have to fuck your friend. Your dick's so hard, and she feels good. As the elevator lurches down, you just want to rip up your skirt, tear down her pants, and plow into her. You can't think of anything else but her pussy wrapped about your cock.

Just do it, you think. Just fuck her.

Maybe you should ask her, another voice whispers.

You're almost to the 13th floor, and you can just wait a little longer for Deandra to inspect it.

What do you do?

Do you fuck Cassie in the elevator hard?

Do you tell Cassie you want to fuck her right now?

Do you hold off fucking Cassie and continue going down to see Deandra?

Author Note: These links are to give context for the poll!

Do you let Ms. Kato spank you?

Do you keep waiting for Paris to leave then finish masturbating?

Do you endure your rival’stirade and be a good employee?

Do you defy Ms. Kato and endure your punishment? 


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