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Chapter Twenty-Three

The next morning, I sat with King Thanitis. I still had my outposts to finish, but he wanted to talk to me about how my dungeon would intersect his palace. I had Hagane, Ms. Trueno, and Hagza with me as we met in a small meeting room I created beneath his palace.

“The palace is in a sorry state,” he said. “Your exits ripped apart sections of the wall. The grounds. The spire that Tuerien made has left a massive hole in the roof.”

Dungeons restored the natural world to the state it was, but man-made buildings were not magically fixed when a dungeon retreated. I had to thrust my own tower up in the spire just to destroy Tuerien's. I erased everything he left beneath the city so no one could use the remnants of his dungeon that were left behind after I hunted out all his mana veins.

“I was hoping to set up a room that would transition into the palace,” I said. “I don't think it would be wise to have your entire palace as part of my dungeon.”

“The surviving palace servants would gladly swear to you,” said King Thanitis. “As have all my surviving advisers.”

Knight-General Arthemar nodded as he sat beside the youthful king. Thanitis no longer looked crushed by the weight of the disaster. His people had survived. The city was safe. He looked almost as young as me with that burden lifted.

“And my wife, of course,” said King Thanitis. “My betrothed survived this disaster.”

I didn't realize he has a betrothed.

“You should keep the tower,” said Ms. Trueno. “A symbol of Emperor Leo's power in Myreman. It can serve as the barracks. Then put a guard room from there to link with the palace. After all, the damage is done.”

“Indeed,” Hagane said. “That is wise. And we can request the dwarves help in rebuilding it. I am sure Akazag will be of help.”

“He's a miner,” I said. Akazag was the foreman of the ten dwarven miners I had recruited to tunnel into Tuerien's dungeon and kill him.

“He's a dwarf,” Hagza said. “He knows these things. Plus, he can negotiate with my people in your name. He'd be happy to. He served you for a reason, Lord Leo.”

“Okay,” I said. “Your soldier barracks... I want to make them fully into my dungeon. The compound. All of it. The army is sworn to me, so they might as well live in the dungeon so they can be moved around as needed.”

“We shall have to convince their families to swear, too,” Hagane said. “And the support staff. It takes cooks, laundresses, armorers, leather works, physicians, and maids. They will also have to swear.”

“I doubt that will take much effort.” He leaned back. “With so many widows and women who's intended are dead, there is a surplus of cooks, maids, laundresses. I fear we'll have to repeal the old laws on polygamy, too. Men will have to take two or three wives for a generation or so.”

“Why?” I asked. “Not that I'm against polygamy.”

“I'd say you're a big supporter of it,” Hagza said and laughed earthly.

“Indeed,” Hagane said. “But this is a medieval society without the social safety nets of our world. Women who do not have husbands find themselves at the mercy of starvation, often turning to prostitution for survival. After all, pregnancy is taxing and children must be cared for. With the mortality rate of children, a woman has to spend her best fertile years having and raising children. Having a husband who can work outside the home and bringing in more resources is a great comfort. There is no baby formula. No daycare services. No medicine.”

“Different world,” I muted. “It's your kingdom. If you need to do that, that's fine. I'll make the tower and finally give Daleitha and the devas their place to live. Is there anything else?”

“I hope I have not overstepped my bounds, but I have sent overtures to the elven kingdom of Kalianiathrastia and the dwarven mountain realm of Kargan, who border Myreman to the south.” The king fixed me with straight back.

“That's good.” I leaned back, wondering how Fara was doing. Varimilianiatha wasan elven kingdom even father south on the other side of Kargan, as I recalled. So I asked her. “Fara, how is it going?”

My Lord, I am a day away from the Library,” Far answered. “Your zombie horse is proving a capable and swift steed. Things are progressing smoothly.”

Glad to hear that,” I said.

“I think we should tour the city and inspect the damage,” said King Thanitis. “As well as to let the people see you.”

Hagane shot me a glance. “That is a risk.”

I have a solution.” I focused on it and used Illusory Doppelganger, a spell that Fuegin had used on his last visit to my dungeon to keep himself from physically coming near me. It let me make an illusion I could control of myself while my body was wrapped up in an invisibility spell. “Mirror and reflect, let the brilliance of Lady Sherida copy.”

To the others, it looked like a stood.

“There,” I said. “Hagane, Ms. Trueno, watch over my body.”

“Of course,” Hagane said. She reached out and poked my invisible cheek.

I felt that distantly.

“King Thanitis,” I said, nodding to him.

“That is an impressive spell,” said the king as he and his general rose. They marched toward the exit that led into the basement of the palace.

“Ultimate Magic,” I said. There were some impressive things I could do with the top tier of magic.

I puppeteered my illusion. I felt like I was in a real body. It had substance. I could touch the wall, move objects, shake hands. I wouldn't be able to cast spells through it. I wasn't truly here. I used to play D&D. I didn't have Line of Effect to this form.

Just like I couldn't use spells through a scrying disk.

Also, I doubt it could take much damage before it was gone. Still, it was a useful way to move about without putting myself unduly at risk. My body was safe and sound.

We moved through the palace, women bustling around. They bowed. Many of them still had etches of grief. Widows. Lots of widows. Hardly a man to be seen. But they all dropped to their knees and shook my hand.

“Thank you, Lord Leo!”

“My savior.”

“My daughter lives!”

“Thank you for avenging my husband.”

Some burned with anger others shone with joy. I nodded, wishing I could do more. The weight fell back on King Thanitis. The guilt. He had stripped the city of its defense, including Agubnamus. We left the palace when I felt a curious sensation around my cock.

One of my women was sucking on my dick.

It was a distant feeling. I hardly noticed it as we moved out into the city, heading toward the river. I had destroyed a bridge that would have to be rebuilt, and I couldn't use my dungeon to do it. The dwarves would have a lot of work before them.

I just smiled, my cock hard. The phantom sensation of having my dick sucked suffused my body with a pleasant warmth that became a burning fire for a moment when I came. I bet it was Hagza who did that. Hagane and Ms. Trueno probably wouldn't molest my body.


Garnet, Crystal, Nina, Alizee, or Morana would definitely do it. Maybe Terra.

Then came the sensation of a pussy around my cock. I just enjoyed the distant sensation as we continued the tour. We inspected the temple where I found my priestess directing things. She wanted to have the inner sanctum connect to the dungeon.

She also made her priest swear to me. I doubt that would make the Lord of Water happy.

“I will make arrangements for the swearing of the families and servants of the soldiers,” said King Thanitis at the end of the tour. It was approaching later afternoon. I had plenty of work ahead of me.

“Good,” I said and dismissed the spell.

I was back in my body, my robes open, my cock soaked in pussy cream. I had a number of orgasms. They all looked happy. Hagza, Hagane, and Ms. Trueno clearly had all enjoyed a ride on my dick.

“Have fun?” I asked.

“What did you feel?” Hagane asked.

“I did,” Hagza said.

“There has to be a price to pay to make us guard you,” Ms. Trueno said.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Let's get back to the dungeon. I have work to do on the outposts.”

A quarter hour of the way, I was back in my Vault with Hagane. She had asked me for questions on my experiences. I explained them to her. She nodded. I had a feeling she was passing this on to Fara as part of the elf's research into dungeon builders.

Hagane was perusing a book as I stared at the map to place my outposts. I wanted to start working my dungeon south toward the farthest shrine from my dungeon, the one opposite the Thunder Shrine I found beneath my feet.

So I sent a tunnel branching off from Tuerien's dungeon. It would pass through the nations of Kargan, Kyonis, and Milianire. The last was a halfling country that bordered the eastern side of Varimilianiatha where Fara was. South of Milianire was wilderness and where the center point of all the shrines lay.

The center of the world, maybe.

A page turned.

“What are you reading?” I asked.

“A copy of Fauraliiithiliana's journal,” she answered. “She left it behind just in case...”

My stomach quivered for a moment. No, no, nothing would happen to her. She was safe and sound. She was in the kingdom most protected from dungeon builders. It was her own home. She knew it well. Things would be fine.

I looked back to the map and studied my destination. The central point of for all the shrines was in an area known as the Wild Lands of Norgost. It was a large region that stretched across half the continent. It was dotted with smaller nations. Little city-states that didn't control my territory.

It was like the center of the continent, maybe of the world, was where dungeon builders had shown up the most, causing the most devastation.

My dungeon would continue on south through the Wild Lands of Norgost, passing between the territory of the Kingdom of Nalamire to the west that stretched down the coast, and the City-State of Voashire. Near the borders of the City-State of Alaniras, I would cross the Shotan River and enter another uninhabited part of the map called the Blasted Fields.

I had no idea why it was named that. Had some massive battle with a builder happened there? It was completely uninhabited. No city-states on there. Nothing.

Who knew how accurate the map could be. Communication with the world was slow. How many cartographers were out there mapping things with the chaos of dungeon builders. I didn't know, but Fara was convinced that it was accurate.

Maybe elven wizards had magic to make it.

After passing the central point, I would keep driving my dungeon south. It would pass beneath the Great Spinel Mountains and the dwarven kingdom of Apinelakaz to reach the human kingdom of Goranizam. It was a large nation that lay on the southern coast. It was there that the farthest shrine from my dungeon would be found.

Fara guessed it would be the Lightning Shrine, the opposite of the Thunder Shrine. That was a very interesting idea. She believed each shrine would have its opposite at the opposite point on the circle. It was almost as if the shrines made a giant magic circle on the land.

All in all, it was more than twice as long as my tunnel to the water shrine. I'd also have to branch off along the way, reach farther east for those shrines while I worked my dungeon down from the Water Shrine on the west side. Siwang was helping by striking due east, going for the next shrine in the circle after Light.

It was a lot of territory to cover.

I had to add some outposts along. I created the tall tower to be my embassy in Myrecilla. It was almost like I was making my own capital, not that I was going to live under there or anything. Like Astovin. That was my home in this world. The place that had first welcomed me.

So I moved Daleitha and the devas into their new home. The devas were all beautiful women and so was Daleitha. Women of light. They would fit in well. They could come and go from the spire so long as they keep those who weren't sworn to me out.

Next, I made the barracks. I created them above ground using some architectural plans I'd snagged from the palace. I replaced the buildings with quarters for the troops. The unmarried men would live in open dorms while the married ones would have small apartments. I added kitchens, laundry rooms, and store rooms. They were all connected via underground tunnels so the soldiers could come or go that way. I would leave it to the actual army to figure out who had to sleep where.

Further, I moved several of the fields where food was grown beneath the city and put the storehouse for the food right beneath the barracks. The farmers growing the crops blessed with my magic would help to feed the devastated city.

So why make it more difficult by having to transport the grain myself through the dungeon when it could be right there on hand. The farmers had all their plow horses to draw carts around already. The people there needed food.

So I turned back to my outposts now that the city was sorted.

Outpost Delta and Epsilon I erected on the way south toward Myrecilla. Outpost Zeta would lie south of the city. I was surprised that Zeta was the letter I the Greek alphabet after Epsilon. What was the Z doing at the start?

Anyways, I built Outpost Tuerien in the heart of where his dungeon lay. It thrust out into the Shorvith Hills. The hills ran south to the eastern edge of the Kalianiathrastia Border.

Then starts adding outposts on the tunnels south. Outpost Delta and Epsilon on the way to Myrecilla. With Outpost Zeta beyond the city. Can't believe that Zeta is after Epsilon. Next is Outpost Tuerien since it's thrusting out of the ruins of his dungeon in the southern Shorvith Hills. Those hills were the same ones that Siwang's dungeon lay beneath only in the northern reaches not the south.

The hills ran south to the edge of the Kalianiathrastia border and so did my dungeon. I planted Outpost Eta, Outpost Theta, and Outpost Iota. Wow, Greek sure had some weird letters. Z, E, Th, I. How did they change into ours and shift letters around so much?

After Outpost Iota, I had hit the Greater Carianith Mountains and the southern border of Myreman. I would be adding my outposts in “hostile” territory from here on out. The Greater Carianith Mountains were a taller range from the Low Carianith Mountains my dungeon lay under. The two ranges met to the east.

As I passed my dungeon beneath the Greater Carianith Mountains, I established Outpost Kargan named after the dwarven kingdom who owned the territory. Since beyond was the Kingdom of Kyonis, a human land, I decided to name those outposts to make it easier to remember them. So Outpost Kyonis Alpha and Kyonis Beta were next. They thrust out of the filled. That would draw attention.

Oh, well.

Next came the nation of Milianire. So I made OutpostsMilianire Alpha, Milianire Beta, and Milianire Gamma. The last one was just on the other side of a river called the Green Waters and directly east of Great Library. If I had to rescue Fara, I would thrust a spur of my dungeon west from there.

It was also about as far south as I could go with the power I had. I still had to populate those towers with monster girls. It was a total of thirteen outposts I had to man. Damn. I stretched my back, sore from sitting here.

Hagane had watched me the entire time. I ribbed my forehead and shook off the fatigue of doing that much work on the dungeon. I stretched my back and wondered what monster girls should I use. I didn't have a lot of unused Level 1 monster girls any longer.

I hadn't used fire sprites or treants.

That left eleven. I paced in my dungeon as Hagane watched me.

I glanced at Hagane. “Do you think I could pull the level 1 monster girls already patrolling the dungeon to man the outposts?”

“There are hardly any threats to the dungeon these days,” she said. “The ones that are, well... The Level 1 monster girls are not that effective.”

The saints tore through them like nothing.

“And for any adventurers that due try to conquer you, they have to deal with Level 2 and Level 3 monster girls you have in the dungeon. Plus the traps, your many companions, and even your own band of adventurers living in the heart of your dungeon.” Hagane closed the copy of the journal. “I don't see why you could not re-allocate them to the outpost project.”

“Yeah,” I said. “No my wildhounds.” I liked to use them as scouts. “And not the hellhounds, rock elementals, or goblins.” They guarded the gates of Astovin. “And the harpies guarding the skies. Plus, the level 1's stationed at the embassies.”

“All very wise,” she said.

“Well, let's start with the treants,” I said. I hadn't summoned them. All but one of Sulanga's companions had joined my side. Only his treant hadn't. That was his step-mother. She had loved him, unlike the others. So I sank into the interface.

Treants were strange monster girls. They had the same sort of wood-brown skin of a dryad but they had small branches growing from their heads adorned in leaves. They also had thick roots for feet. Large breasts with fat nipples. Did they lactate like dryads? Probably not. I concentrated, a name floating out of the Void.

A word to be spoken.

“Vrakash, appear!” I cried.

She spun out of the darkness. I released the Void Crystal, my back so sore. She smiled at me with such love. “Oh, Lord Leo, thank you for creating me! I shall be the shade that keeps you safe from harm!”

“That's great,” I said. “I really need a blowjob. I need a refresher after all the dungeon building.”

“Of course!” She smiled brightly as she moved toward me. Her branches rustled. She dropped to her knees before me. The branches grew up to the height of my chest with her kneeling. They looked so delicate with cute leaves on them. “Allow me, Lord Leo!”

The treant grabbed my cock with her wooden hand. She was soft, though, like Mrs. Maia. Her lips kissed the tip of my dick. Her tongue flicked out and stroked through the slit. I groaned at the heat rippling through me.

Then she swallowed my cock. I sighed in relief at her mouth working down my shaft. That was what I needed. A break after all that dungeon building. My treant suckled on me. She had such a nice mouth. It was just a perfect rush to have her mouth around me.

Just wondrous.

She slid her lips farther down my cock until I reached the back of her throat. She drew back, her branches rustling like a light breeze wafted through the room. It was such a soothing sensation to have wrapped around my cock.

I smiled from ear to ear at her suckling at me. She had such a wonderful mouth. I knew she would make me cum so hard. I couldn't wait to dump all my cum down her throat. Just to flood her mouth with all my jizz.

She worked her mouth up and down my cock. She suckled on me with such passion. It was a delight to have her do that. The rustling of the branches was soothing. I closed my eyes and imagined I was in a grove. Beneath a broad oak tree.

A loving one that suckled my dick.

“Damn, Vrakash, that's good. That's really good.”

She moaned around my dick. I loved that so much. It was a treat to have her feasting on me. I shouldn't leave Hagane out, though. I gripped the Void Crystal and found the spot again. Another name floated through my mind.

“Patta, appear and devour my beloved Hagane's pussy,” I said.

As the next treant swirled out of the darkness, Hagane said, “Beloved?”

“Aren't you?”I asked, savoring Vrakash's mouth working up and down my cock.

“I suppose I am,” she said, spreading her chrome legs apart as Patta came into existence. The new treant smiled, looking so happy. “Mmm, you can come and feast on me right here, Patta.”

“Ooh, I'm so happy to eat you out, Lady Hagane,” said the treant. She darted over, her branches rustling. “Just so thrilled!”

She dropped to her feet and knelt there. I glanced at Patta as she slid her face between Hagane's thighs. The treant had a nice ass, her tight pussy framed between her thighs. She had a smooth vulva that dripped with her juices.

What a delicious sight.

I savored the sight of Patta's wiggling hips. Her rump was just such a delicious thing. Her branches rubbed against Hagane's chrome belly. My animated statue smiled and closed her eyes. She enjoyed what the treant did to her metallic pussy.

A Life monster girl loving a Metal one. How delicious.

I savored that hot mouth of Vrakash working up and down my cock. She nursed on me with such passion, her tongue dancing around my cock. I loved every second of this. It was just an incredible moment to have her nursing on me.

She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock faster and faster. She nursed on me. My nuts twitched as I loved what she did to me. Her suction was just incredible. A powerful moment for me to enjoy.

I groaned at the powerful suction. She felt incredible around me. Just so amazing. My nuts twitched as I loved what she did to me. I smiled from ear to ear at the warmth of her mouth on my dick. She suckled on me with passions.

“Damn, that's good,” I groaned. “That's really, really good.”

She moaned around my dick, her eyes shining up at me. They were green as her leaves. I could just lose myself in Vrakash's eyes as she blew me. She suckled hard on me. She worked her mouth up and down my dick.

The pressure at the tip grew and grew. I groaned, a big smile spreading on my lips. That was just such a great delight. Hagane whimpered as she enjoyed having her cunt devoured by the treant. Patta wiggled her rump as she feasted.

I needed some treant pussy.

“Damn, that's good, Vrakash,” I groaned.

“My, my, so skilled,” purred Hagane. “Yes, yes, you didn't have to watch Nina Naughty's porn to learn how to eat pussy, did you?”

“No, no,” whimpered the naughty Patta. “What's porn?”

“Do not worry about that,” moaned Hagane. Her eyes flicked to me. “You will enjoy acts just as depraved and delicious.”

“Oh, yay, Lady Hagane! You taste so good, too! Mmm!” The treant wiggled her hips more as she feasted on my animated statue.

I smiled from ear to ear, loving what Vrakash did to me. I hurtled toward my climax. My dick twitched and throbbed. I was so close to bursting. I would have a big climax. That would be so damned good.

“Shit!” I groaned as the pressure in my nuts hit the bursting point. “Vrakash!”

I erupted.

I flooded my treant's mouth with my jizz. The pleasures slammed through me. I groaned with each blast. It was an incredible rush to have all this joy shooting out of me. My head threw back as the ecstasy crashed through my mind. My dick twitched and throbbed as she suckled on me. She nursed with all her might on my dick.

“That's it,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's it. You're doing so good!”

She moaned around my dick as I dumped more and more of my cum into her mouth. I basted her with all that I had, the pleasure slamming through me. It was a rush. An incredible thrill to fill her mouth up with all my spunk.

She gulped it down, too. She swallowed every drop. I shuddered as Hagane purred her enjoyment. Vrakash swallowed every drop. She swallowed it all. I gripped the Void Crystal, wanting to summon a treant to fuck.

“Jadi, appear!” I groaned, the next name appearing in my mind.

She appeared in a rustle of branches as I hit the peak of my orgasm. “Lord Leo! Ooh, thanks for creating me! I shall sprout so big and beautiful! Where my shade falls, so does your dominion!”

“Nice,” I panted, my heart pounding. “I want you to eat out Vrakash's pussy while I fuck your cunt!”

“Ooh, ooh, I like that plan,” she said as Vrakash popped her mouth off my dick. “Dear treant, let me love you!”

“Of course, dear treant,” answered Vrakash.

Vrakash stretched out on her back so her fellow treant could kneel down and enjoy that pussy. I loved monster girls indulging in lesbian delights. It was so hot to watch. I admired Jadi kneeling down between Vrakash's thighs, branches rustling. Jadi buried her face into her fellow treant's snatch.

Vrakash gasped in delight. Her face twisted with pleasure as she enjoyed the sapphicpassion of Jadi. I watched Jadi wiggling her hips, her ass so enticing, but her pussy was even more so. I dropped to my knees behind her and nuzzled my dick into Jadi's smooth vulva. I rubbed up and down her slit, parting her folds and finding the pink warmth of her snatch.

I thrust into her.

“Lord Leo,” moaned the treant. Her pussy engulfed my cock. “Oh, that's nice!”

“I bet,” moaned Vrakash as she enjoyed her fellow treant's licking.

I smiled and gripped Jadi's hips. I drew back, the treant's hot cunt clutching down on me. She held me tight as I thrust back into her snatch. I buried to the hilt in her twat, loving this moment. It was just a delight to bury into her and feel that hot cunt around my dick.

My nuts slapped into her shaved twat. Right into her clit. She moaned into Vrakash's pussy. Jadi devoured her fellow treant's cunt, her branches rustling over Vrakash's belly. The treant being devoured squirmed, her boobs jiggling as she moaned out her delight.

Souleen watched from her perch, a happy smile on her lips.

“Oh, my, yes,” whimpered Hagane as she had her cunt devoured by Patta. “Just like that. Oh, yes, that's it. Oh, my, yes!”

Hagane shuddered through her orgasm, her chrome body reflecting everything in the room. It all played off her shiny body. She quivered through her pleasure, her head tossing. The fine wires of her hair rustled as she quivered through her pleasure.

I grinned at her as I pumped away at that tight pussy squeezing around my dick. I plowed into my treant as she feasted on Vrakash's pussy. Jadi devoured her, making Vrakash shudder on the ground. Her green eyes met mine again.

They sparkled with such delight.

“Damn,” I groaned, burying into Jadi's pussy. I fucked her with passion. I loved it so much.

“Mmm, now you have to enjoy what I can do to you, Patta,” cooed Hagane. She wasn't out of breath after her big orgasm.

After all, she didn't breathe.

The naughty treant lifted her head from between my animated statue's thighs, branches rustling. “Oh, my, I am so eager to find our, Lady Hagane.”

I thrust away at Jadi's pussy as Hagane grinned. She did get her most emotional during sex. She held up her hand, two fingers thrusting upward. They vibrated. Patta's leaves quivered as she stretched out on her back. Hagane sank down beneath her thighs like a sexy, metallic T-1000.

A sexy fembot from the future to make people cum.

Hagane jammed her vibrating fingers into Patta's pussy. The treant gasped. Her back arched. I grinned at my monster girl as Hagane worked her magic. I thrust away at Jadi's pussy as she feasted on Vrakash. What a delicious moment.

I pumped away hard and fast at Jadi's pussy. Her cunt gripped me, massaging me. She moaned into her fellow treant's snatch. Vrakash shuddered on her back, her face twisting. Her branches rubbed on the stone floor as she enjoyed the hottongue lashing.

“Oh, dear treant,” whimpered Vrakash. “Oh, that's so good!”

“You taste so good,” Jadi moaned, her pussy clamping down on me. I could smell the sweetness of their cunts. Almost like maple syrup. “Ooh, just so yummy!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” whimpered Vrakash. “That's so good. That's my little berry. Lick it! Oh, that feels so good!”

“Your little berry is so delicious,” whimpered Jadi, her pussy clamping down on me.

I groaned, thrusting away at Jadi's pussy. I buried into her cunt again and again, my nuts slapping into Jadi's berry. I loved smacking her clit with my balls. I pounded her hard, the treant moaning into Vrakash pussy.

I fucked her hard and fast. I pounded her hard and fast, churning up her pussy. She gripped me with that hot twat. I groaned as I buried into her again and again. She wiggled her hips, squeezing her cunt down on my dick.

“Oh, that's so good,” she groaned, her pussy holding tight to me. I loved it. I loved fucking her with all that I had. I pounded her good and hard, her snatch squeezing down on me. She wiggled her hips from side to side. She stirred that delicious cunt around me. “Yes!”

I loved it. I savored burying into Jadiagain and again. I fucked her with force. I thrust deep and hard into her pussy. She whimpered as she wiggled her hips from side to side. She stirred her cunt around my cock. She massaged me with that hot snatch as she feasted on her fellow treant's twat.

It was a beautiful moment.

I fucked Jadi hard and fast. I plowed deep into her snatch. She moaned into her fellow treant's snatch. Vrakash quivered as Jadi ate her. The naughty treant clamped her snatch down on me as I fucked her with force. I slammed to the hilt in her twat.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's so fucking good. That's just amazing! Yes!”

“It is, Lord Leo,” whimpered Jadi into her fellow treant's pussy.

“Oh, dear treant!” gasped Vrakash. “Keep loving my little berry. I... I... yes!”

Vrakash bucked on the ground, her boobs bouncing and heaving. She drowned her fellow treant's in pussy cream. Jadi whimpered, her branches rustling, too. I buried into her cunt, her tight twat driving me wild. Her sweet cream coated my dick.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” gasped Jadi as I buried into her. “That's so good. Yes!”

I thrust into her and erupted.

My cum pumped into her pussy. I filled her up. I flooded her with all that I had. The pleasure rushed through me. Stars flashed across my vision. They were just so amazing. I groaned as I filled her up with all that spunk.

I erupted into her again and again. I loved the heat bursting out of me. The pleasure was incredible. Just a wondrous rush. The heat swept through me. I groaned as I pumped more and more of my cum into her pussy.

I filled her to the brim with all my jizz.

She rippled around me. She suckled at me with all that hot cunt. I groaned with each spurt of my cum into her snatch. Jadi whimpered and Vrakash moaned. Patta squealed out as she was fingered by Hagane.

“Oh, Lady Hagane, those buzzing fingers!” gasped Patta.

“Mmm, you are going to cum,” purred Hagane as she licked at the treant's pussy while fingering her.

Jadi's snatch milked me. I groaned as I spurted the last of my cum into her pussy. She whimpered, licking at Vrakash's. I pulled my cock out of her cunt and stood. I had three more treants to make. I felt good. I could get back to work.

As Patta squealed out in orgasmic delight on Hagane's fingers, I gripped the Void Crystal and found three more names. “Supaaree, Chhaal, and Shaakha, appear!”

My Lord,” King Thanitis sent.

Guess I had other work to do.

Chapter Twenty-Four

King Thanitis stood in his full regalia, his ermine trimmed cloak hot for the day. He wore his crown on his brow as he stood on a platform in the new barracks. Lord Leo had replaced all the buildings here in an eye blink. There had to be work around them, the original courtyard stones were disrupted, but that could be done by laborers. The far gates were manned by the soldiers. This compound was forbidden to any who hadn't sworn to Lord Leo.

Well, those who were about to swear were allowed in.

Lord Leo stood beside the king in his gray robes. The young man had no outward trappings of power, but he radiated it. Behind him stood three of the devas with Daleitha at his side. Other monster girls lay in wait in the barracks in case something happened.

The families and those who would work here in the barracks all knelt now. They were mostly women and children. It was a simple thing to sell your soul to a dungeon builder. To swear to Lord Leo and earn the protection of his dungeon.

It was still strange to the young king. He had new quarters in Leo's dungeon. His private audience halls and council rooms were in it, too. Many of those kneeling would be palace servants, too. His betrothed knelt at the lead, Lady Aliana. She had been out of the city when the disaster struck. But she was here now and keeling, her black hair draped in a net of silver, her green eyes firm.

“We pledge our lives and service to Leo the True, Emperor of the Dungeons,” all the people said at once. Their words rippled through them. Leo shuddered as he accepted their service.

A vast groan ran through the crowd. Aliana quivered, her bosom jiggling in her dress. She shook her head and smiled with the rest. They were now bound to Lord Leo. King Thanitis motioned her to join them.

Lady Aliana rose. She was nineteen, her cheeks rosy as she approached. She glanced at Lord Leo and smiled, curtsying. “My Lord, you have honored my betrothed and done his nation a great service.”

“Only doing what is right,” Lord Leo said, taking her hand and kissing her knuckle. It was a strange gesture. “The strong should protect the weak. It's their obligation. They don't exist for us to crush beneath our boot so we can stand even higher.”

“A philosopher and a savior,” she said, her voice a tad breathy.

Leo smiled and nodded.

The infatuation touching his betrothed sparked a moment of concern, but Lord Leo had a vast harem and he turned from her to look at the king as if to say, “Don't worry, I won't poach.” Lord Leo wasn't that sort of man.

After the soldiers joined the family, King Thanitis stepped up to make a speech.

“With the aid of Emperor Leo,” King Thanitis proclaimed, his betrothed at his side, “we shall rebuild our great city! The vast fields that produce a bounty in his dungeon are now beneath our feet. You are soldiers, yes, but you for now, you will help to build and sustain our people. The grain will be distributed through the city. None shall starve!”

Cheers went up as the soldiers waved their arms in the air, surrounded by their families. Many of the soldiers had two or three women with them. Widows who had signed up to marry a soldier for the promise of safety and security for her and her children. Perhaps they were the wives of brothers or cousins to the men. Women they wanted to look after.

King Thanitis then threw his arms wide, “I want riders to take this proclamation far and wide. Lord Leo is a friend to this world! I want it sent to the elves of Kalianiathrastia to the west and the dwarves of Kargan to the south. Even to the halfling King of Anoshorie!” That lay to the east. Leo already ruled the city of Sharithin in that nation's bounds. “We shall send word to Great Kharabarnath, the capital of the dwarves of Azkomizikam. We shall go to Kyonis and even to the dwarves Garminagaz. To the city-state of Nayton and Anshire. To Chabonnea. Even to Saroini. We shall spread word of Lord Leo's mercy and generosity!”

The people cheered.

Leo's cheeks reddened but he smiled. He looked out at these men and waved to them with his beautiful devas around him. King Thanitis was forever grateful that Lord Leo had spared his life. The king's foolish attack had not doomed his people.

Just nearly had.

He had so much work to do. The city needed so much, but they would get it done.

*  \ * /  *

If was after dinner when I returned to the Vault. I felt so good after the cheers. The support. The people of Myrecilla loved me. I was their savior. I wanted to save more than them. I wanted to save this entire world.

So I wanted to staff my outposts. I had to fill Outpost Epsilon next. I had gained fire sprites after killing Sulanga but they weren't from one of his companions that had refused to serve him. Like how I gained my oozes from Jindag. At some point, Sulanga had killed a builder with the fire glyph whose fire sprite companion had refused to serve that asshat.

So now I had fire sprites as a level 1 monster girls.

I found them in the interface and smiled. They were made completely of fire like how Maya was made entirely of water. The fire sprites had slender figures with graceful bodies. Red-orange flames made up their bodies while yellow their hair. A playful smile danced on the sprite's lips while her eyes glowed like coals.

“Balleri and Jugari, appear,” I commanded.

The two fire sprites spun out of the darkness. Two of them danced, their bodies rippling as the fire burned up from their feet and through their body. Their hair defied gravity like several other fire monster girls. They laughed and danced together, spinning around each other.

“Oh, damn,” I said as the two fire sprites came together and started grinding their fiery forms on each other. They giggled and stared at me, their eyes burning with desire. Maybe literally. “You two are hot.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Balleri and Jugari purred together.

The fellow fire sprites melted together in a passionate kiss that had my dick hard. I opened my gray robes and let them fall to the ground as they humped their pussies on the other's burning thigh. They moaned as they shared their fiery passion.

“Damn,” I muttered, needing to enjoy something. Some fire sprite ass. I grabbed the Void Crystal, Souleen dancing atop it. A new name rose in my mind. “Fantasmi, appear! I have to fuck your asshole!”

The third fire sprite spun out of the darkness and giggled. She glanced at her fellow fire sprites grinding together. Fantasmi turned to me, her eyes burning. She swayed toward me. I stepped back from the plinth holding the Void Crystal, nearly hypnotized by the way she moved.

She spun around and bent over. She thrust her burning rump at me. She had a shapely ass made of fire. She plunged it right for my dick. I groaned as she impaled her blazing asshole down my cock. The heat engulfed me.

Her flames blazed around me, forming a velvety sheath. It was an incredible experience. I was in fire that had substance. It wasn't just glowing vapor, but something wondrous. I gripped her hips, tongues burning around my fingers. Her hair danced as she swiveled her hips, dancing her asshole around my dick.

“Fuck, Fantasmi,” I groaned.

“Mmm, isn't that what I'm doing to you, my Lord,” cooed Fantasmi. “My, my, look at them. Aren't they delicious? Just burning so bright.”

“God, yes,” I groaned, watching Jugari and Balleri grinding their cunts on each other's thighs as they danced together. “They are so hot.”

The two dancing fire sprites burned together. They kissed, sharing their fiery passion. I loved it as Fantasmi slid her blazing asshole up my cock. The tight grip of her flames massaged me. I groaned at the heat rushing through me. That was just incredible.

She slammed her asshole back down my cock. Her burning butt-cheeks slapped into my belly, the fire of her body rippling. I groaned as she wiggled her hips, churning her asshole around my cock. It felt so damned good.

She knew what she was doing. She drove me wild with that hot asshole of hers. That burning backdoor massaged my dick as I watched her fellow fire sprites dancing. Balleri and Jugari were pressed so tight, it was hard to say where one began and the other end.

Just lost to their burning passion.

Fantasmi worked her asshole up and down my cock. She moaned as she did that. “Lord Leo! That big dick! Oh, you're making my fires burn hotter!”

“That's right,” I groaned. “Damn!”

She gripped me with her asshole, massaging me and bringing me closer and closer to that bursting point. I would have a huge climax and flood her asshole with all my spunk. Would she just burn up my jizz? Would it make her flames sizzle?

I had to find out.

I gripped her hips and rammed my dick into her. She gasped, the flames blazing through her body. They danced and swirled in her, the hues mixing and writhing in such a passionate tableau. I grunted, hammering her hard and fast.

She gasped and moaned as I fucked her. She tossed her head, the yellow flames of her hair dancing. I gripped her body, loving the feel of her flames swirling beneath my hands. She felt so ephemeral like she could just blow away.

I loved it.

I fucked my fire sprite hard and fast. I churned up her asshole. She clamped her bowels down on my dick. She moaned, rocking back into my thrusts. Her burning body rippled. Her moans sang out through the room.

“Yes, yes, fuck my tight asshole, Lord Leo!” she gasped. “Enjoy my burning hole, my Lord!”

“Fucking enjoying it!” I groaned.

The two dancing fire sprites clutched each other's asses. They ground together, whimpering. Their fire burned hot. They shuddered as they climaxed. The fellow fire sprites shared their passion. I loved it as I fucked Fantasmi's asshole hard and fast.

The pressure swelled in my balls as I watched Jugari and Balleri cumming together. The two fire sprites blazed so hot as I buried into Fantasmi's pussy. I plowed to the hilt in her. She groaned, her head tossing.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, Lord Leo!”

Her asshole spasmed around my dick. Her fiery anal sheath rippled around me. I groaned as she suckled on me. It was such a wild treat to feel her spasming around me. The heat rushed through me as she suckled at me. Her flames burned so bright.

So hot.

I plowed into her blazing asshole and grunted. I erupted.

“Flood me with your fuel!” she moaned, her hair blazing white-hot. The flames spilled off her body, the air dancing above her. A mirage shimmered as the fire sprite milked my dick. “Oh, Lord Leo!”

I grunted, dumping more and more of my cum into her bowels. It was just a wild to experience the inferno before me. I would be roasting if she wasn't my monster girl. I reveled in the heat sweeping over me as the ecstasy shot through me.

I filled her asshole with the last of my cum. She purred in delight and slid her asshole off my cock. It was a nice delight to have this heat rushing through me. I sucked in a deep breath, the heat rippling through me.

What a nice delight.

I ripped my cock out of her asshole as she moaned, “My Lord.”

Jugari and Balleri spun apart and swayed toward the door. I loved how they moved. I had to summon more of them. I gripped the Void Crystal and found three new names. I smiled as I focused on them.

“Hermosa, Joveni, and Verana, appear!” I commanded. “Dance for me!”

Three new fire sprites appeared, filling the room with the light from their dancing flames. It sparkled through the room. I loved the sight as I smiled, nodding in satisfaction. I let go of the Void Crystal, savoring the way the heat sparkled through the room.

I had to eat one's pussy. And I wanted one to suck my dick clean. Did it even need to be sucked clean? Probably not. I wasn't sure they had pussy juices, let alone other fluids. I stared at them dancing, Fantasmi joining the others.

I sank to the floor and said, “Joveni, sit on my face. Verana, dance on my dick!”

“My Lord,” both Joveni and Verana moaned as the others swayed together. They were dancing as Joveni and Verana reached me.

The two fire sprites straddled me and lowered their burning pussies to me. I had a good look at Joveni's. The fire formed her little folds and petals, even a clit. The flames burned them, the color rippling from hues of red to orange.

She planted her cunt on my face. I groaned as I flicked my tongue through her folds. I licked at her. Like I thought, there were no juices. She had a smoky musk. It was delicious in its own way. Not as strong as other monster girls' pussies, but still a treat.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned, her burning butt-cheeks clenching and relaxing.

“Oh, yes, let us dance on him, dear Joveni,” purred Verana as she grabbed my dick.

She plunged her hot pussy down my cock. It was a different feel from Fantasmi's asshole. It was hard to describe. A smoother texture to the flames. The fire burned around me almost as if the tongues swirled around my cock and suckled at me before she even started riding me.

I liked it.

I thrust my tongue into Joveni's pussy as Verana worked her cunt up and down my dick. She massaged me with her delicious flames. Her silky fire massaged me was I tongued Joveni's smoky snatch. I flicked around in her, savoring her flavor.

“Oh, my Lord,” Joveni moaned.

“Yes, yes, my Lord,” gasped Verana as she worked her cunt up and down my dick.

The other fire sprites cooed and purred as they danced around us. The light flickered through the room as I tongued Joveni's pussy. I flicked through her blazing folds, touching her silky flames. It was so wild to do this. To eat a burning cunt.

To devour fire.

Another flaming cunt worked up and down my dick. That felt so nice. I loved the feel of her riding me. She worked that delicious snatch up and down me. It was a pure delight to enjoy her doing that to me. I groaned as she plunged her snatch down me.

She rode me as fast as she could. It was an awesome moment to have her working that hot twat up and down me as I feasted on her fellow fire sprite's cunt. I licked at that burning twat as Verana rode me faster and faster.

“Yes,” I groaned. “Oh, yes, yes,” I groaned, the heat swelling in my nuts. “Just like that. Damn, that's so good!”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Joveni whimpered as I found her burning clit.

I suckled on her.

She gasped, squirming on her face. She clenched her blazing butt-cheeks and relaxed them. I loved it. Especially with Verana working her cunt up and down my dick. She rode me with such passion. Her pussy massaged me with all that she had.

It was spectacular to enjoy. Just a wonderful rush to have all that heat building and building in me. I rose toward the bursting point as she pumped that pussy up and down me. My nuts tightening from the fire sprite's hot massage.

“Lord Leo!” sang Hermosa as she danced around us.

“Yes, yes, dance on Lord Leo, dear sprites,” cooed Balleri.

“Mmm, smother him in your fire, Joveni,” purred Jugari.

“I will!” gasped Joveni as I suckled on her clit. “Lord Leo! Yes!”

She burned so how to my face. No gush of smoky juices squirted from her pussy. I licked at her, the flavor not even growing more intense, but she still climaxed. Her flames blazed hot, the air rippling around her as she bucked on me.

“Oh, my, yes!” she gasped.

“Dear Joveni,” gasped Verana as she plunged her cunt down my cock and took me to the hilt.

She joined her fellow fire sprite in cumming on my dick. That was just a wild moment. I loved every last second of this delight sweeping through me. I groaned, my dick erupting into her pussy burning around me.

The flames suckled at my erupting cock as she howled out in delight. I pumped blast after blast of my jizz into her snatch. I filled her to the brim with my spunk. It was an incredible moment. Stars flashed across my vision as I dumped my jizz into her cunt.

I filled her to the brim with all my spunk.

“Oh, my Lord!” Verana gasped as she suckled at me. She worked out my jizz.

“Damn,” I groaned as I pumped the last of my cum into her snatch. I licked at Joveni's smoky twat as I enjoyed having my fire sprites. They would be perfect to occupy Outpost Epsilon.

“Are you coming to be?” Maya asked. “Or playing with fire.”

“Playing with fire.” I yawned. It had been a long day. The other outposts could be stocked in the morning.

Click here for the next part! 


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