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Chapter Twenty-One

We found a Life Draining Room,” reported Tisa, one a ghost, not long after the fight. “Nasty one. Long and big. The key to turn it off was high in the ceiling. It's deactivated and safe now.”

They soon passed through that room. It was as she described, but it was safe. They found more hallways beyond. It was a tight maze, but the ghosts led them through. Siwang worried about Vern, but he had Madartoll and Szarny watching over them.

“Lemure!” Ashiliozia shouted, pointing ahead to an intersection. “She peeked around the corner and darted away.”

“It's an ambush,” said Halia. “She's trying to bait us. Let's go slow.”

Elf nodded. she took two steps and froze. Softly, she said as she pointed at a section of the wall, “Hidden door.”

The section of wall slammed down into the floor and a scythe flashed out. The elf threw herself down with lightning reflexes. the deathly blade nearly took her head off. She crashed on her back and rolled to the side.

“For Lord Leo!” Halia cried and threw herself forward, crackling blade held high.

A man armored in bones appeared. He swung his scythe trailing wisps of black. He had imbued with Death. Siwang could make a similar weapon. Each element had a weapon a builder could make, he just didn't like using them. Leo sometimes carried his lightning spear, but Siwang wasn't a fighter.

Halia caught the blade with her sword, lightning flashing.

“What?” gasped the builder, his eyes peering out of the skull helmet. It was a macabre armor.

“King Make,” said Siwang. “We don't have to do this.”

Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!” Make growled.

Ashiliozia gasped, her face paling as he stole the energy from her with Leach Life. It would kill her.

Hammer concusses, let the might of Lord Ishkur deafen!” Siwang shouted.

The thunderous blow slammed into the builder and knocked him off-balanced. Halia swung with her sword. Siwang felt something stir at the back of his neck. Did he hear the sounds of hoofs clopping. He threw a look behind it.

It was just an empty corridor.

Focus. Ashiliozia is dying!

That thought railed through Siwang. He focused on Maké. Halia swung her sword, the crackling blade catching on the builder's scythe. He knew deadly magic. Siwang had to take him out now. He had to be careful not to hurt Halia.

He glanced back to see Sarga cut in half by the scythe, his fenghuang vanishing in a burst of motes. Then he felt Feher die. Wasn't she behind him? He looked back there to see nothing in the hallway but Szepi battling with the lemure. The monster girl sang, but the lemure jumped on her, dropping them to the ground.

They rolled about.

Siwang had to focus on Maké. He was holding back Akiz and Halia. His scythe whirled with deathly energy. Ashiliozia gasped, Kassie kneeling by the elf and holding her hand. Siwang couldn't let her die.

Frozen Fall was the right spell.

From above it falls, let—”

A blow struck Siwang from behind. He staggered, the armor he wore ringing. He staggered and spurn around to see there was something behind him. A black-skinned monster girl with white hair. Goat horns curled out of the snowy hair. She had head-butted him with those. She stood on cloven hoofs, her dainty legs narrowing at the calves. She snarled, fangs flashing in her mouth. She rammed into his chest.

Metal crumpled. He collapsed on the ground beside the dying Ashiliozia

“A sigin!” Kassie shouted. “Seg Ki-Se!”

A block of ice appeared above the sigin's head and crashed down on the monster girl. It struck her horns, shattering and staggering her. Frozen Fall, the very spell that Siwang had wanted to strike Maké with. The sigin staggered, her horns deflecting much of the damage. She snarled and threw herself at him, hissing like a vampire.

Howl and rage, let the winds of Lord Anu gust!” roared Siwang.

Hard Gust slammed a powerful wind into the sigin, catching the monster girl and hurtled her back down the hallway. She landed on the black stones. She rolled and gained her feet. Her body wavered and she vanished.

“Did she teleport?” gasped Siwang.

“Turned invisible!” Kassie gasped.

Fire explodes, let the rage of Lord Gibil erupt!”

Fireburst filled the hallway where the sigin had vanished. A woman screamed in the midst of the fire, her outline appearing writhing in flames. Motes burst through the fire as it vanished, her body appearing as it dissolved away, sent back to the void.

“Kao!” Maké cried.

Siwang scrambled to his feet to find him fighting Halia and Akiz still. Szivarvany was behind the builder. She leaped at him as Akiz swung. The builder caught the blow on his arm with his armor's vambrace. The blow rang. The builder grunted.

He's using Endure Pain, Siwang thought. He won't really feel the damage.

He spun his scythe and slashed through Szivarvany, killing the fenghuang.

Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!” Maké roared.

The spell hit Siwang. He gasped as he felt his life draining from him. He staggered to the side, his life force feeding the dungeon builder. He collapsed to his knees, growing dizzy. He had to gain the strength to stand.

Help me,” Siwang cried out to his monster girls.

We're coming, Master!” Tisa, his ghost, cried.

Izi Er-Pad!” Kassie cried.

Fire burst around Maké. The dungeon builder staggered, smoke rising from the cracks in his armor, but Leach Life fed on both him and Ashiliozia, healing any damage the builder took while Endure Pain let him ignore the agony of the burns.

Halia rammed her sword forward, the tip of Stormlight crashed into the skeletal and punched through into the builder's guts. Lightning crackled. Normally, that would stun any enemy, but he had Endure Pain.

The builder headbutted Halia. She stumbled back from the blow, her sword ripping out of the hole left in Maké's torso. Akiz raised his ax and swung. The builder caught it on his scythe. To the right, Smirta's spectral form appeared.

Siwang's ghost thrust her arm into the hole cut in the builder's armor. He gasped. She looked to be reaching up into his chest and grabbing his heart. Siwang struggled to stand. Leach Life was still feeding on him and Ashiliozia, negating the ghost's own ability to drain life.

He screamed, “Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!”

The Death spell did nothing to the ghost. Smirta kept squeezing. Halia roared and thrust her sword through Smirta's body. This time, she caught the builder in the throat. Her blade plunged through to his throat. He gasped, blood spurting. She wrenched her blade free.

He still wasn't dead. The spell was feeding on them.

Ogledalo, another ghost, appeared and thrust her hand into the bleeding wound in his throat. Then Tisa was there, her hand thrusting into the hole in his chest with Smirta's. The three ghosts attacked him. He screamed.

The spell leaching Siwang's life vanished. Power rushed into him.

Maké died.

Siwang panted, feeling so weak. He crawled to Ashiliozia. She convulsed on the ground, her lips pale. Her cheeks ashen. He tried to scoop her up, but he didn't have the strength. Halia caught him as did Smirta. His ghost helped him stand. Tisa took the other side of him, her mournful, translucent face smiling.

“Ashiliozia!” Akiz growled. He picked up the elf with no problem.

“We have to... get her to safety,” Siwang said. It hurt to speak.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!”

The power flowed through me into Vern.

The human warrior groaned as he sat on the edge of the bed that Ashiliozia lay upon. The elf's color had improved greatly. I shook my head and glanced back at Siwang. He still looked shaken by the ordeal.

Blossom and regrow with life, let the vitality of Lord Dumazid heal!” I chanted, sending him Soothing Touch, the Beginner Tier healing spell.

The color returned to his cheeks. “My thanks.”

“Thank you, Lord Leo,” Vern said, kneeling. He took my hand. “Thank you for saving her.”

“You're welcome,” I said, nodding to my retainer. I glanced at Ashiliozia. “How are you feeling.”

“I no longer have death's cold grasp squeezing about my heart,” she said.

“Good, good.” I shook my head. “He didn't even want to talk?”

“No.” Siwang stared down at Ashiliozia. The young man swallowed. “This disaster is all my fault. I should have taken a larger force. I didn't want to intimidate him, but...”

Guilt rippled through me. “I know.” I sighed. “It's like when I confronted Munjan. I had to be the tyrant otherwise I wouldn't have recruited him. I had to show him I strong.” I ran a hand through my hair. “There has to be another way, but what is it? I can't let a rogue builder attack villages and kill humans, elves, dwarves, or halflings for power. Nor can you. It's give them an ultimatum and hope they see sense, or...”

“Exterminate them, Lord Leo,” Akiz said. The dwarf looked eager for it. “The ones that won't work with you are bugs. We gotta crush them.”

I hated how simple that was. It shouldn't so easy to just take a person's life, but he was right. It was better to intimidate them so they would stop and think. Being a builder gave a man a taste of power. A rush that could destroy them. They would need a reality check.

“We'll use larger forces and intimidate them,” I said.“I don't want to use fear, but...”

“Fear is how any government rules,” Munjan said as he walked into the room. “It worked on me.”

“What?” I shot him a look. “Fear?”

“Sure, governments only act through fear. Fear and violence.” Munjan shrugged. “That's what you fear. The violence they'll unleash on you. Cops. Tax agents.” He snorted. “That's why you pay your taxes or don't run a red light. You don't want to get in trouble. You're afraid of what the government will do to you if you do.”

“I don't want to hurt people,” I objected. “I don't need the government to tell me not to attack people. I don't have to be afraid to stop me from doing that.”

“What if one really pissed you off.” Munjan smiled. “Or, like I said, taxes. No one likes paying taxes.”

“I wouldn't know.” Leo muttered. “I've never had a job. I was just a college student before coming here.”

“Well, paying taxes is never pleasant,” Mrs. Maia said. My dryad peeked her head in. “Dinner's ready. Ashiliozia, brought you yours.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Maia,” the elf said as Mrs. Maia walked in with a tray that held a steaming bowl of a rich stew with several slices of a dark rye bread beside it, a pad of butter on the side.

“Why did you pay your taxes, Mrs. Maia?” Munjan asked as the dryad passed him.

“Because I didn't want to get in trouble,” she said. “They send people to prison for not paying taxes.”

“Fear and violence.” Munjan shrugged as if that settled his point. “It's just how power works. Whether it's a government, a lord, or an officer in the army. You can't change that is how power works. You're a man to be feared with your forces, Leo. So if you're worried about it, just make sure you're exercising that strength for the right reason. Still, no one likes being told what to do, so you have to... scare them. Intimidate them. I'm glad you did that to me. You scared the shit out of me, but being a part of your alliance is way better than being on my own.”

I stared at him and... That helped to relax this tension about my heart. I nodded. “I want you two to handle making contact with builders that don't seem lost. It's better if it comes from one of you. If they're a threat, we'll do real planning. But take larger forces. Awe them.”

“Will do,” said Munjan. “Mrs. Maia, did you make enough for all of us.”

“You can stay for dinner, Munjan,” she said like Munjan was one of Leo's friends who'd come over to hang out and wanted to eat a great home-cooked meal. Like Bill or Terry.

I hadn't though of them since coming here. I hadn't had many friend. And what about the real me? I bet he was sitting down to a home-cooked meal Mrs. Maia made. Were the real Crystal and Garnet with him. And the real Maya.

I thought about that as we ate stew. It was so strange that there were copies of me. What did that mean for my soul? How had it even worked? Would me and my real self one day recombine in the afterlife. Or would we go off to the same heaven.

Or separate heavens since I was in a whole other world.

It made my brain hurt. Like thinking about the morality of exercising my power. But Munjan was right. I had the strength. I was dangerous. I could be a tyrant, or I could be a king. But even kings had to make the tough decisions. The good and the bad.

They had to deal with political enemies.

No wonder everyone said politics corrupted. When you had power, you had to use it, and that meant stepping on someone. Like Maké today. He didn't want to submit, so he had been stepped on by Siwang and Halia.

“Thank you for the meal,” I said, leaning back in my chair.

“Mmm, come with me,” Halia purred. She took my hand as Munjan and Siwang were still eating. Akiz was on his fourth bowl of stew. Vern had stayed with Ashiliozia, watching over his elven lover. Maya glanced at me and smiled.

Garnet jumped up but Maya grabbed her and pulled my little succubus down onto her lap and kissed her. That was enough to distract the horny succubus. My devil grinned at me and went back to talking with Hagane.

Halia led me out of the dining room. Terra and Ms. Trueno were playing chest on a board I had made for them. Terra had a frustrated look on her face. There were more black pieces, her color, than white on the side.

“How do you always do that?” Terra muttered.

“You're too eager for the win that you don't think about your own defense,” said Ms. Trueno. “You neglect your pawn structure, allowing me to dismantle it.”

“Fine, fine, this is yours.”

Halia led me into the bedroom. I smiled at my paladin. She turned around. She wore a simple gown since we had guests over, but she pulled that off, revealing those large breasts of hers. My hands went to them, cupping them.

I buried my face between her soft tits. It was glorious being between her boobs. Things were so simple when you had your face pressed between a woman's breasts. Just enjoying silkiness of her skin. The sweetness of her sent. The plumpness of her mounds.

“Mmm,” she purred as I nuzzled between them. “Lord Leo.”

“I'm glad you're alive,” I said, my hands sliding down her back to grip her equally plump rump.

“Me, too,” she said. She smiled down at me. “Mmm, you can reward me in so many wonderful ways for surviving.”

I chuckled. “Do you want to have your pussy devoured.”

She smiled at me as I kissed at the inner slope of my breast.

I slid to my knees, kissing down my paladin's stomach. The gray robes I wore around guests rustled. I didn't bother taking it off. I pressed my face into her thick, black bush. The tangy aroma of her pussy filled my nose before I nuzzled against her vulva.

I squeezed her heart-shaped rump as I smooched at her pussy. I kissed at her cunt, rewarding her for coming back to me. She moaned, her big boobs jiggling as I licked through her folds. I stroked through my lover's labia.

My concubine. My wife. She was one of those things. All of those things.

I licked at her with hunger. I stroked my tongue through her folds. I savored her taste. She groaned and arched her back. She had a flat stomach, her abs rippling. A strong woman. An amazon. And yet so soft. So feminine.

So tasty.

“Lord Leo!” she gasped as I thrust my tongue into her pussy.

I swirled around in her. I flicked my tongue about in her snatch. She quivered there, her entire body trembling. I savored her taste. The tanginess of her was just spectacular. It was wondrous. Glorious. I danced around in her snatch.

I flicked about in her cunt. She moaned, her hips squirming from side to side. It was wondrous to have her dancing like that. It was just amazing to have her grinding her twat on my face I plunged my tongue into her cunt. I flicked about in her.

She moaned as I flicked about in her. She cried out in delight as my tongue swept around in her silky walls. I loved how she groaned. Her tangy juices dripped down my thighs. Her back arched and boobs bounced.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned. “Oh, oh, you spoil me!”

“Yep,” I growled and found her clit. I suckled on her.

She gasped as I nibbled on her bud with my lips. I loved her little clit. I stroked her pearl with my tongue as she quivered. Her hand grabbed the back of my head. She held me to her cunt. She ground her hot lips on my mouth.

“Lord Leo, you are such a loving man,” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, I love you!”

I suckled hard on her clit to show her how much I loved her. I gripped her rump. Her moans echoed through the room. Her cries reverberated. I savored this so much. My dick was so hard. So ready to fuck her, but. I had to make her cum.

She tossed her head. She cried out in rapture as she did so. Her body bucked as her tangy juices gushed out and soaked my mouth. I licked them up, gathering her joy. Her boobs bounced above me, so beautiful to watch as I drowned in her cream.

“Lord Leo!”

“Mmm, that's my delicious Halia,” I growled, my cock so hard.

I lapped at her as she shuddered through her orgasm. She trembled through her bliss, her breasts quivering. She gripped the back of my head, gasping out one more time before she panted. She trembled, her orgasm passed. A wicked smile appeared on her lips.

“Kiss me!” she gasped.

I rose and engulfed her in my arms. I pulled her naked body against mine, hating the robe between us, and kissed her. She moaned, tasting her tangy passion on my mouth. Her lips melted to mine. She thrust her tongue into my mouth.

I groaned as she did that. She gripped my arms and spun me around as we kissed. I groaned at her strength. It was sexy having a woman just manhandle you from time to time. She pushed me back onto the bed. I fell down it as she stood over me, licking her lips. Her eyes burned.

She ripped open my robe and grabbed my hard cock. She stroked up and down me as she mounted the bed and me. Her big boobs swayed. Her braid of black hair fell off her shoulder and swung before her. I grabbed it, stroking the silky strands.

She smiled at me as she mounted me. She pressed my cock into her thick bush. The curls tickled the sensitive crown. I groaned at the feel of her kiss. My eyes rolled back into my head at the heat. It was just an incredible moment.

She plunged her snatch down my cock. It was an amazing time chance to feel her doing that. Her pussy swallowed my dick. It was a delight to have her warm sliding down me. She groaned as her big boobs swayed above me. I stroked her braid dangling from her.

“He's right,” she purred, her pussy squeezing around my cock.

“Huh?” I groaned, staring up at her. “Who's right?”

“Munjan.” She smiled at me as she wiggled her hips, the pleasure rippling through me. “It's better to use intimidation and win some allies then let them slip through our fingers.”

“What sort of men are those who serve me out of fear?” I asked. “How can I trust them if they didn't join up willingly?”

“Because they're bound to you.” She slowly slid up my cock, teasing em with that hot pussy. “They're lives end with you.”

I hated being reminded of that. “I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life in my dungeon. A prisoner. I can never leave.”

“You can leave,” she said.

“Yeah, in Astovin where everyone is sworn to me. I can't risk my life any longer. Too much at stake.”

“You'll risk your life.” She smiled down at me. “You're a hero, Leo. It's not in your nature to hang back.”

“Not any longer.” Bitterness soured through me. “I'm an emperor. I'm forming an Empire. Those are only created through blood. Maintained through blood.”

“But that doesn't mean you won't be just. You won't be fair. You won't do your best to mitigate the losses.” She squeezed her pussy around my cock as she leaned down. Her boobs swayed as she lowered herself to her elbows. Her tits piled into my chest. “That's how you won my heart. My loyalty. You'll see, some builders will hear about you and sign up willingly. They'll see what I see in you, my Lord.”

Her lips met mine. She kissed me with such love and passion. I groaned, my hands sliding over her back and down to her rump. She slid her pussy slowly up my cock as she kissed me, her boobs rubbing into my chest.

She felt so wonderful in my arms.

About me.

I rolled over on the bed, kissing her. She moaned into my mouth, her hands sliding up and down my back. I drew back my cock and made love to my paladin. She gasped so sweetly into my lips. I gloried in her as I thrust back into her.

The bed creaked beneath us as I made love to my paladin. I enjoyed having her around me. I savored the warmth of her about my cock. The feel of her breasts against my chest. She moaned as I thrust in and out of her pussy. I plunged deep into her.


My nuts slapped into her taint. She groaned, her cunt clenching down on my dick. She massaged me as she held me in her sweet embrace. I gloried in being in her. I reveled in each plunge into her pussy. She felt so glorious around me.

Just so wondrous.

I broke the kiss, gasping, “Halia!”

“My noble Lord!” she moaned, her pussy clamping down on me.

“My heroic paladin!” I groaned, staring into her vivid, blue eyes.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she gasped, her pussy clamping down on my cock. She held me tight as I buried into her again and again. “Oh, my Lord! Ravish me! Pleasure me! Take solace in my embrace and the others who love you!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I growled, thrusting to the hilt in her cunt. I fucked her with passion. I buried into her with all that I had. It was so gratifying to be in her.

She squeezed her pussy down around my cock. She held me tight with her hot snatch. She massaged me with her cunt. I groaned, savoring that delight. It was spectacular. I thrust into her cunt hard and fast.

I fucked her with force.

With passion.

I plowed into her with all that I had. She groaned, squeezing her cunt down on me. She held me tight, the pressure rising in my balls. She hugged me to her, those big, soft breasts of hers rubbing into my chest. I gloried in her.

I pounded her hard and fast. I rose toward my climax. I would have a huge burst of delight. Just shower her pussy with my jizz. She groaned, squeezing her twat down around me. She felt so incredible about my dick.

I grunted, pounding her with all that I had. I plowed to the hilt in her again and again. She gasped, her twat clamping down hard on my cock. It was such a wondrous treat to feel. She massaged me with her silky snatch.

“Oh, my Lord!” she moaned, her pussy gripping me. “Yes, yes, that's so good, my Lord! I love you!”

“I love you, Halia!” I groaned, my cock about to erupt into her pussy.

I plunged into her. She bucked beneath at me, her pussy writhing around my cock. I groaned at the strength of her passion. She suckled at me. The heat rushed through my body as I plunged into the spasming heaven of her snatch.

I erupted.

“My Lord!” she gasped as I spilled my seed into her.

I filled her up with my spunk. The pleasure rushed through me. Stars flashed across my vision. I groaned as she trembled beneath me. I savored this heat washing through my body. I enjoyed every last moment of this heat.

Her pussy rippled around my cock. She suckled at me. I loved the passion of pussy. She suckled on me with all that she had. It was such a glorious thing to feel writhing around me. Just so wondrous. I groaned out in delight as I spurted more and more of my cum into her.

“Oh, my Lord!” she moaned.

“Yes,” I breathed and kissed her as I spilled the last of my cum into her pussy.

I made out with her, luxuriating in this moment. In her comfort. I would risk my life, but with care. I had power. I had to use it to keep everyone safe. To protect what was mine. I would break the cycle of this world.

I would protect the Incarnation.

*  \ * /  *

Siwang rose from the bed, leaving Anji sleeping naked. She snuggled up against Xiongbu. The wraith didn't sleep as she watched him rise. He smiled at his step-mother and stretched. He just couldn't sleep. His step-mother stroked his fiancee's hair.

Anji had been... loving when he had returned to the dungeon. Loving and mad that he hadn't come straight home instead having dinner at Leo's. Siwang had a lot to learn about relationships from how his monster girls had all sided with Anji.

He had to think about his worrying wife. She had to come first.

His other monster girls were about in the dungeon. They didn't have to sleep. They found ways to amuse themselves. Gossiped with monster girls or village women. Maybe had secret orgies. He wasn't sure. Monster girls had the ability to just let the world flow around them, even the ones he had conjured.

Boredom wasn't a thing for them.

Well, maybe for Garnet. But her solution was just to have sex with someone.

Siwang was curious about the sigin he fought. A Death monster girl named Kao. Did she want to serve him, or was she bound to Maké, sharing his fate. Souls went somewhere with death. It didn't seem like reincarnation, unless that was what monster girls were. The normal ones. Reincarnations of old ones.

Maybe I'm not a copy of the Siwang from the other world, what if this is the future and I died and was reincarnated here in my full body.

He frowned.

Wait, Leo's still alive in the other world as are all his women. The soul split. Was copied. How does that work? Unless we're still reincarnations. Everyone dies eventually, then we end up in this world where we were summoned.

It was a philosophical question that could be explored endlessly. Siwang had thought about death a lot as he died. He remembered having strange experiences there at the end. He knew he was going to die, and he was at peace with it. He felt there was something better on the other side. He glimpsed it. Spoke with beings sometimes. Beings his step-mother and the doctors and nurses never saw.

Then the Soul of the Incarnation came to him. He made a choice.

I chose to let go and come here. We all did.

This wasn't the afterlife. It was another world where he had another chance.

Such big questions rippled through him as he gripped the Void Crystal and sank into the interface. The monster girls said they dreamed while in the Void. Happy, comforting dreams. They weren't alone. They felt held by the Soul of the Void Crystal.

Or maybe by something else. Something grander. The Incarnation? Something beyond her?

He found Kao. She did wish to serve him. Wish to have another chance of life. So Siwang gave it to her. “Kao, appear and live once more.”

She spun out of the darkness on the clop of hoofs. Her white hair swayed about her, curly goat horns thrusting out of her tresses. She stretched, her round breasts jiggling. She smiled at him, flashing vampire-like fangs at him.

Does she feed on blood?

“Wow, it's pretty rad to serve you, Siwang!” she squealed and darted to him, hoofs clattering. He hadn't realized it in the fight, but her knees bent backward like a faun, though her thighs were all smooth. She had no hair on her legs even where they narrowed down to hoofs. She threw her arms around him. “Tots rad!”

Siwang blinked as she rubbed her cheek on his. “Er, I'm glad you're here, too.”


“Tots glad to be yours,” she continued, breaking the embrace. She smiled from ear to ear, cute dimples appearing in her black cheeks. “Tots better than being Maké's. He was a little worm, you know. Always hitting on us surfer girls out at Waikiki or Shipwreck Beach. Like he had a major hardy for us, just tenting his shorts. At the same time, he was tots rude. Always putting us down. Claimed he was better than any woman at surfing, but he tots always wiped out. Pathetic, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Waikiki. That's Hawaii, right?”

“Tots,” she said. “Raddest place to be born. Love being an island gal.” She grinned at me. “You're cute. Want me to ride you. I mean, you're naked, right. I'm cool. You're cute. So let's get down!”


Before he could say anything, Kao grabbed him and spun him around. She shoved him to the ground. He ended up on his back, his hardening cock slapping into his belly. She squealed in delight, grabbing him.

“Tubular!” she cried as she squatted over him, her legs bending backward as she lowered herself to his cock. “Ooh, you're tots bigger than that lame-o loser. So glad to be your surfer vampire!”

“So you do suck blood,” Siwang gasped as she grabbed his cock.

“Tots,” she said. “I'm like a chupacabra or something. A sigin, whatever that is. Well, me!” She laughed. “I dropped out of high school to chase the waves.”

“Right, right,” Siwang said. What is a chupacabra?

She pressed his cock into her pussy. She was warm unlike most Death monster girls. She plunged her cunt down his cock, her legs folding up. Her butt-cheeks jiggled against my crotch. Her breasts heaved.

“Oh, tots, that's good,” she moaned. “So rad to surf on a full-sized board.” She winked at him.

“Got you,” Siwang groaned. “I always wanted to surf.”

“Got to be some beaches on this bitchin' world, right?” She winked at me. “We'll do it one day.”


His sigin squeezed her cunt around his cock and slid up him. He groaned, her round boobs quivering. He slapped his hands down on her pussy, enjoying the warmth of her. She felt so good around his cock. His dick ached in her pussy. She plunged back down him, taking him to the hilt. It was so wild.

Her white hair swayed around her black flesh. He rubbed his pale hands over her belly and up to her breasts. He squeezed those heaving mounds as his surfer monster gal rode his cock. She squeezed her cunt around his dick.

“Such a bitchin' cock,” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, I love surfin' your board, Siwang. Tots love that name! Wanna see something rad?”

“Sure,” Siwang groaned.

She rippled and vanished, going invisible like she had in the fight.

It looked like he held nothing in his hands, but he was squeezing those ripe, round mounds of hers. His cock thrust up in the air. He watched it shifting slightly as she worked up and down it, her juices soaking him.

It was such a strange sight. He loved it, though. Her hot pussy squeezed around his cock, massaging him. He groaned, kneading those invisible tits. Her moans echoed through the room, mixing with the hum of the Void Crystal.

“That is neat,” said the Soul on her perch.

“Yeah,” groaned Siwang. His face twisted with delight. “Oh, Kao!”

“Such a bitchin' board!” Kao moaned. “Ooh, I am gonna surf the mondo wave! Oh, yeah! Just gonna be a bitchin' orgasm!”

“Good!” He grinned as he found her nipples. He twisted her invisible nubs.

Her cunt tightened on his cock. She moaned as she rode him faster, massaging him. He rose toward that moment when he would dump his load in her. He couldn't wait to fill her up with his cum. He wanted to spurt every drop of his jizz into her. Just baste her with all that he had.

She whimpered as he twisted those nuts. Her moans echoed through the room. His nuts tightened. The silky glide at the tip of his cock rose toward the bursting point. He would just burst in her. He couldn't take much more of this.

“Oh, you bitchin' builder stud!” gasped Kao. “Here it comes! The mondo wave! Yes!”

Her cunt writhed around his cock. She screamed out her orgasm, her passion echoing through the room. Her pussy suckled at his cock. She bucked, shifting around on him, making his dick wave a bit back and forth. He stared at it as the pressure bust.

His cum spurted into her pussy and outlined her cunt. He was nearly to her cervix. His jizz flooded into her womb as he pumped more and more of his spunk into her. He painted her uterus and her snatch. He groaned with each blast, the pleasure slamming through him.

“Yes, yes, my wondrous and bitchin' dude!” she gasped. “Tots, that's so rad! Yes!”

“Uh-huh,” he groaned, pumping more and more of his cum into her writhing pussy. He filled her cunt and womb, loving the outline. It was like something from that adult cartoon he'd watched. The one from Japan. It had shown this scene. An X-ray view of the girl being flooded with the guy's spunk. “This is so hot!”

“So bitchin'!” she gasped. “Siwang, I'm tots glad to be servin' you. I bet you got so many sexy monster girls for me to enjoy!”

“Yeah,” he panted, his chest rising and falling. She felt so good around him. Just so wondrous. He could float away. “I'm glad you're here, Kao.”

“Me, too!”

Click here for the next part! 



Nothing about the company? Hmm maybe later