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“I'm fine, Cassie,” you say. “Just some... indigestion.”

“Are you sure?” Cassie asks, her grip on your arm relaxing.

“Yeah, I'm sure,” you say. “I can handle this on my own.” Your new futa-cock throbs in your panties, aching for you to do something about it. “Just give me a few.”

“Okay,” Cassie says, sounding unsure. “If you say so. I'll be out there. Please, if things get worse... Who knows what will happen from swallowing that pill.”

“Yeah,” you mutter. You break away from her. “I'll tell you if I find anything.”

You rush down the length of the cubicles, that aching need growing your heart. You can feel it throbbing and aching. It seems so impossible, but swallowing the futa-pill caused you to grow a cock. A futa... cock. You shudder, that word sounding right in your head.


You burst into the bathroom and head for the last stall. You are already sliding up your skirt as you reach it, the charcoal-gray rising up to expose the top of your thigh-high stockings. You enter the stall and closer the door. You yank your skirt above your light-blue satin panties.

Your new futa-cock bulges them.

“Damn,” you mutter when you thrust your panties down. Your cock flops out. You grab it, sliding your hand up and down it.

It throbs and aches. The tip pulses. It's massive. You won't be able to hide this. Not if it stays erect all day. “I hope you'll go soft once you cum,” you mutter. “That's what happens to all my boyfriends.” And once they went soft, they lost all interest in sex.

It has to work the same way for you.

You stroke your hand up and down your dick. You've given handjobs before, but this is so much thicker than you're used to. Longer, wider. Your fingers can hardly wrap around it. You stroke up to the crown, rubbing the sensitive tip, then stroke back down.

You whimper, the pleasure surging through you. It feels incredible. This wicked thrill making your heart hammer in your chest. The ache grows at the pinnacle, at that spongy crown at the tip. You lick your lips, your heart screaming in your chest. You suck in deep breaths, squirming. Your pussy grows hotter and hotter, drinking in the delight.

On the upstroke, you brush your new, sensitive tip. A quiver shots down your cock to your cunt. On the downstroke, you brush your pussy lips wrapped about the base. Tingles rush through your snatch and then up to the pinnacle of your dick.

Two delights.

You groan as you fist your dick. Your eyes squeeze shut as your hand slaps down on your pussy. Then you're back up to the tip where your precum bubbles out. It lubes your hand, letting you stroke faster and faster.

It feels incredible.

Your cunt clenches every time you caress the tip. It's so sensitive. Like your clit but bigger. You fight those moans as you fist your girl-dick. That wonderful ache builds at the tip while pressure grows deep in your pussy.

Is that your ovaries? Are you preparing a load of cum to fire out of your new futa-dick?

You hope so. You're eager to orgasm with your new cock. You shift on your heels, your pussy juices soaking into your panties bunched around the base of your cock. You let out a little whimper, your clothing rustling.

You stroke faster and faster, loving it. You moan louder, your passion echoing through the bathroom. Your hips shift from side to side. You flex your fingers, loving the way the heat builds and builds in your pussy. Juices run down your thighs, trickling towards your knees.

“I'm going to cum,” you whimper, feeling that ache. It's almost unbearable. Your hand is fisting fast, slapping into your cuntlips and stroking up to that spongy tip. Fatigue burns in your arm.

You don't care.

You stroke through the pain, eager for that eruption. Your head throws back and—

The bathroom door opens. Heels click as someone enters the restroom. Your heart clenches. For a moment, your stroke falters. You grip your cock, so close to your orgasm. Just a few more strokes, and you'd be there.

Do you risk it with someone else in the bathroom? Or do you wait for them to leave?

Do you pause your masturbation until the person leaves? 

Do you keep masturbating and hope they don't hear you?  


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