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So nerdy college guy won the poll. He's an incubus. Mother was a sucucbus who left him on his dad's doorstep. Has a step-mom. 

Just come awake.

So pitch some names and character ideas for the story.

Teachers, classmates, other ideas!



Main character gets with his step-mom, step-sister, his shy innocent childhood friend, the head of the cheerleading squad, the one girl that has a “bit” of a reputation *cough* she a slut*cough* sorry allergies, a twist on the goth girl with a twist in so far she has very dark skin, and then his biological mother shows up as well and gets in on the action.


What if the step mother was also secretly a succcubus. Like a lesser succubus who serves as a surrogate guardian for his real mother to prepare him for when he awakens and helps him along?


The childhood friend could be a cheerleader too. How about they were close as kids but then she got popular while he got nerdy and became estranged. His incubus powers help them reconnect and gives him a way to the rest of the cheerleaders?


maybe one of the teachers he snags is a monster girl as well. A selkie working as a teacher trying to run from an abusive relationship and slowly learns to trust men again.


Have you read my Viking Harem. I do have a selkie in that story. I'll consider it, though. Mabye he's on the swim team...

Vigilant Satyr

Has a crush on a girl, Jessica, that he has known since grade school, but she is dating a jock, Daniel, that used to bully him in High School. Uses his budding power to steal her from him and humiliate him in the process. Perhaps turns the tables on him in a Frat Rush challenge that the nerdy guy tried in order to impress Jessica.


Tossing out a few suggestions: - He's a young guy who needs a car/ motorcycle. Samantha, the sales lady with the tight ass and a short skirt could be just the woman to sell it. Especially when she is willing to provide 'special incentives' to special customers. *She winks as she bends forward over the hood over his (soon to be) new car* - Its summer and getting hot out there. Our nerdy guy is just the lucky guy to find Tamara skinny-dipping in the wild. Should he test his new incubus powers of persuasion on her? - One of the only cool places left on campus is the library. Its just to bad, that this is the domain of the uptight librarian Olivia. But perhaps a strong demeanor and a firm spanking could loosen-up her attitude. - A good stepmom should take care of her stepson. Nadia however wasn't prepared for her son's new harem. And what she sees, leaves her wet and horny. Fortunately on of the girls is quite willing to lend a hand... in just the right place. Gr Alex


Just don't make the harem too big. If he gets more than around ten girls it might get difficult to keep track of all of them and might derail the storyline to have to go back and spotlight one that was in the background getting left out. One night stands and hookups are ok, but girls he is going to emotionally invest in should be kept down so they can all shine in the main plot. Also, if he is a full incubus, is there some sort of ritual or spell to bind his girls to him forever or will they age and pass on while he lives forever. Another plot point to think about is the early chapters he will probably use his new found powers to deal with bullies and rivals, but just as he has his mortal identity's life just as he wants it maybe some supernatural opponent rises as a new rival or a threat to the world that must be stopped or hunters think our hero is the threat and need to be dealt with to get his happily ever after.


Since his ancestry awakens, he starts learning that there is a bigger "hidden" world around him (shifters, witches, genies,monster girls, etc). Finding out a crush he has or had, a really good friend or someone who he respects and looks up to is also part of that "world", then having to deal with all that. Heck maybe even someone who is a rival or a bully that he has had runs in with since middle school and/or high school and now dealing with him. Just a few ideas.

Vigilant Satyr

Have fun! I look forward to seeing the bits from a few of these suggestions get into a story.


Some ideas: * Has a step-mom and step-sister of Japanese ancestry. His step-sister is a bit of a goth attending the same college as him. Step-sister is a lesbian and is currently dating a cute girl with curly red hair and freckles that he had a crush on growing up before she came out as a lesbian and started dating his step-sister. Ends up adding them all to his harem. * Has a equally socially repressed and nerdy female best friend that is his confident and finds the whole things fascinating. Maybe is the first one he ends up adding to the harem by accident when his powers come out. She gets really into it, and keeps trying to get him to add more girls to the harem so she can enjoy them too. * Each girl his adds to his harem adds another power. Could be classic demon things like telekinesis or conjuring fire. Maybe could gain the ability to physically alter the appearance of girls in his harem. Also an ability to cause other people to ignore him when he's fucking girls in public. * Since he's still getting the hang of his powers they keep leaking out and cause other people around him to randomly pair up and start fucking. *There's some kind of secret government or religious group that realizes something weird is going on at the college and start investigating, and he has to try to keep hidden until he's powerful enough to stand up to them, but it's difficult when his powers keep accidentally causing strange sexual incidents . * Alternatively, maybe there's just one random other student or teacher at the college that is suspicious that something is going on, or realize what's going on and start taking steps to stop it.

Tentacle Tiefling

Gotta be a mega-prude, like a Grace or Destiny, that gets one taste of depravity and becomes the biggest incubus fangirl. He's not even ready and she's constantly going "Pleaseplease, do more sex demon stuff!"


His granpa is Lucifer, and his birth is part of a plan that will bring the Evil in our world. Which side will his real mother take?


As ever, I'm a little late. That said, I think it would be really interesting if there was one girl who he really loved that just wasn't affected by his powers. It could be a mystery as to why. Maybe she also had origins to uncover and explore.