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Chapter Eleven

King Thanitis watched his people re-emerge in the heart of the city. Their elation was fading as they stared at the damage to the city. At the place where so many of them lost loved ones. So many women emerged with children. Not many men at all.

A whole generation of men had been wiped out. It would be hard for the city, but Lord Leo would aid them. Guilt rippled through the young king. He had raced off north like a firebrand, abandoning his people to Tuerien Ironbane's cruel treatment.

If I stayed, would the army and Agubnamus have been enough to keep the city safe? Unleashed in her full form, she was a terrible threat, but she had also been defeated and tamed by Lord Leo.

The city would be under the dungeon builder's protection. Monster girls would march through the streets. King Thanitis took comfort in that. He had come to see how useful they could be when they had a good master.

He moved with his people and crossed one of the surviving bridges to the ruins of his palace. There would be much rebuilding in the coming years. King Thanitis would be a busy king.

*  \ * /  *

“Come on sexy monster girls,” Terra said, rubbing her hands together. Her coppery hair—it was literally made of copper wires—spilled around her gray face. Her big boobs didn't move much. She was made of clay. A golem.

“They're always sexy,” I said. The dungeon was finally cleared of people. It had taken most of the night to move them through. I had slept though much of it. Now things were back to normal, and I could keep summoning Level 4 monster girls.

Earth was next.

“Well, they're ogresses,” I said as I stared at the rotating image of a tall, yellow-skin, and big-titty monster girl. She was muscular and strong with a black tangle of wild hair. She had a thick bush. She looked human other than that.

“Voina, appear!” I shouted

“Ooh, Voina,” Terra said, her clay clit growing into a dildo. She liked to fuck monster girls with it. “That's a sexy name and... boy, she's a big girl.”

Voina's hair brushed the ceiling. She was big. She smiled down at me and rumbled, “Lord Leo.”

Her voice was deep but feminine. Smokey. My cock throbbed. She knelt before me, her head level with my chest. She smiled as she saw my cock. She reached out and engulfed me in her feminine hand. A big hand, but still feminine with delicate fingers.

“Lord Leo, me?”

“Yeah,” I said. She seemed a monster girl of few words.

“Good.” She bent over and engulfed my cock in her warm mouth. Her black hair spilled in a wild tangle around her face. She suckled on me, her tongue sweeping over my cock. I groaned at how good that felt. A big smile spread on my lips.

“Well, you enjoy,” said Terra. “I'm just going to fuck Voina's cunt.” She wiggled her clay clit-dildo at me. “She's not a very earthy monster girl.”

“She sucks cock like one,” I groaned.

“Oh?” Terra didn't even have to kneel to fuck Voina with her clit-dildo. “In what way?”

“It's very earthy,” I said and grinned at my barista.

She rolled her eyes. “That is the dumbest thing in the world. Earthy. You're lucky I love you, Leo, or I wouldn't put up with such lame jokes.”

“I'm having my cock sucked by an ogress,” I groaned, my dick throbbing in that warm mouth. “It's very distracting.”

“Yes, yes, all your blood's down in your little brain. You can't think at all.”

“Think hard with mouth on cock,” I grunted.

She laughed this time and rammed her clit-dildo into Voina's cunt. The ogress moaned around my cock. She suckled hard on me. I loved how hard she suckled on me. It felt amazing as the ogress swept her tongue around my dick. I loved it.

My nuts twitched as she suckled on me. She worked her mouth up and down my dick. It was amazing having her worship my dick. Just a fantastic rush. Terra's boobs jiggled as she fucked the ogress's cunt, making Voina nurse harder on me.

“Damn,” I groaned, enjoying Voina's mouth. The ogress suckled hard on me, loving me. I slid my fingers through her wild tangle of black of hair.

“Yes, yes, suck that dick,” Terra moaned and slapped Voina on the ass between strokes. “Leo's such a horny bastard! Just keep sucking on him!”

I grinned at Terra, loving what Voina did to me. She suckled on me with all that she had. It was an amazing moment. I loved it so much. I savored the building pressure in my nuts. I hurtled closer to dumping my load into her mouth. I enjoyed every last second of it. She suckled hard on my dick. Slobbering on it. I groaned, hurtling toward that wondrous moment.

She suckled with passion on me. She nursed hard with all that passion. It was a delight to have her nursing on me. Terra fucked her hard, the golem's boobs quivering. They were heavy and formed so lovely.

Voina suckled hard and moaned around my dick.

“Oh, yes, she's cumming!” gasped Terra, thrusting her clit-dildo to the hilt in ogress's cunt. “I can just do this and let her suckle on my clit. Yes!”

Voina's passion hummed around my dick. That felt so good. I loved the fierceness of her mouth. She suckled with such wondrous delight. The pressure grew in my balls as Terra squealed out her own passion.

“You naughty ogress!” gasped Terra.

“Fuck,” I growled and erupted into the monster girl's mouth.

I spurted my cum over and over into her mouth. The pleasure slammed through my mind. Stars flared across my vision. It was a delicious rush to fill her up with more and more spurts of my jizz. I treasured it. I loved that heat washing through me as I erupted.

I grunted, spurting again and again into the monster girl's mouth. She suckled it all down. The pleasure swept through me. Just washed through my mind. It was a fabulous treat to have all that bliss sweeping through me.

Just an amazing moment.

“Damn,” I groaned and pulled my cock out of her pussy.

“Oh, that pussy feels amazing around my clit,” I groaned.

“Good,” Voina said. “Good in pussy, yes.”

I rose to my feet, my heart racing. I gripped the Void Crystal and found another name. “Pacvara, join the party!”

The second ogress spun out of the darkness, her tits big. She grinned at me. “Party! Fun!”

She grabbed me and lifted me up. I gasped at her strength as she pulled me to her. She buried my face in between her breasts. My cock pressed into her thick bush. She hugged me tight to her as her boobs engulfed my face.

“Fun! Fun!”

“Yes!” I groaned, smothered by her breasts. “Can't breathe!”

She pulled me back. “Oops! She grinned at me “Party!”

She kissed me on the mouth and pushed me against the wall. The ogress was strong. She could manhandle me with ease. Her tongue thrust into my mouth. I shuddered as I kissed her with passion. She had a sweet mouth, her big boobs pressing against my chest.

“Wow,” Terra said. “You're like her little doll, Leo. Like a Ken doll.”

I broke the kiss. “I have a cock!”

Terra laughed. “Yes, you do.

The ogress then released me, letting me drop to the floor. She spun around, bent over like she was about to twerk, and thrust her plump rump back at me. Her butt-cheeks engulfed my cock. She had perfect aim because her asshole struck the tip of my dick.

I groaned as she pushed her sphincter against the tip of my dick.

“Damn!” I groaned as her anal ring popped open. Her asshole devoured my cock.

“Party!” the ogress moaned. “Ass party!”

“Yes,” I groaned, savoring that sensation. It was a hot delight having her asshole swallow my cock. She devoured inch after inch of my dick. It was incredible feeling her bowels take me to the hilt. Her butt-cheeks slapped into my crotch. “Ass party!”

“Lord!” moaned Pacvara. “Lord big cock!”

“Lord Big Cock indeed,” Terra purred. “Boy, these ogresses are fun.”

“Pussy!” Voina groaned and turned around, sliding off Terra's clit-dildo.

The golem blinked and reshaped her clit as the ogress grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up and onto the ogress's shoulders. Terra was perched there, her head nearly touching the ceiling, as the kneeling ogress feasted on her pussy.

I watched the delicious sight as Pacvara slid her asshole forward. The ogress moaned, tossing her head. Her tangle of black hair bounced as she thrust her bowels back down my cock. Her butt-cheeks slapped into my crotch, jiggling.

I groaned at the heat of her anal sheath massaging my cock. She worked forward and back, sliding that hot asshole up and down my cock. It was a wild thing to feel. I groaned, savoring the delight. My dick drank in the velvety glide of the ogress's asshole.

“Ass party!” gasped the ogress.

“Pussy party!” Voina answered back.

“Ass party!”

“Pussy party!”

“Are they really arguing over which is better?” asked Terra.

“They're both amazing,” I groaned, savoring that hot asshole sliding up and down my cock. “I've spoken!”

“Lord Big Cock right!” moaned Pacvara, her asshole massaging my dick.

“Yes, yes, yes,” growled Voina in such a feminine way, her voice muffled by Terra's cunt.

The ogress feasted on the golem as Pacvara worked her asshole up and down my dick. She massaged me in such an exciting way. The pressure in my balls swelled toward the bursting point. I shuddered, enjoying this delight.

Pacvara humped back against me, her asshole massaging my dick. She squeezed down on me, driving me wild. I loved how she worked her asshole up and down my dick. She gripped me with that hot asshole. It was a beautiful thing. I loved how she massaged me with her anal sheath. She suckled on me with all that she had.

My nuts twitched as she worked. It was an incredible moment. A wild rush swelled at the tip as she fucked her cock down my asshole. I groaned, hurtling closer and closer to it. I slid my hands around her body and found her tits.

I squeezed them.

“Titty party!” she moaned, her asshole massaging me.

“Yeah,” I groaned. “Damn, Pacvara! Make me cum!”

“Uh-huh!” Terra moaned, her voice growing in volume. “Oh, Voina! Oh, you're so good at eating pussy!”

“Pussy good!” Voina moaned.

Pacvara slammed her asshole down my cock and threw back her head. Her pussy convulsed around my dick. She suckled at me. I shuddered at that hot delight rippling around my dick. I shuddered and erupted.

I pumped my cum into her bowels. Blast after blast of my jizz pumped into her anal sheath. It was wild to do that. I groaned with each spurt. Each blast of cum. The heady delight rushed through me. I grunted, enjoying my ogress's asshole.

“Cum party!” she gasped, her anal sheath rippling around me.

“Yes!” I growled, pumping all that cum into her anal sheath. I filled her to the brim with my spunk. It was just a wondrous delight. The heat blazed through me. I loved every moment of it. “Fuck!”

“Oh, oh, yes!” the barista groaned as she climaxed on the ogress's mouth.

Pacvara's asshole milked my cock. she worked out all the cum that I had in my balls. I shuddered, my dick emptying all my jizz into her anal sheath. The ogress shuddered, her head tossing. I squeezed her breasts and smiled.

Two more glorious monster girls for the harem.

*  \ * /  *

Fuegin gripped his Void Crystal.

Soulita stretched as she glanced up at him, the piece of the Incarnation he protected. She trusted him. He would find a way to make her whole and protect the full entity. Queen Puabi... That boy has found so much.

Fuegin smiled, admiration spilling through him. Leo learned much, and Fuegin had to catch up. He needed the knowledge found in one place. The most secure sight in the entire world. No dungeon builder had accomplished what Fuegin had planned.

Now that he had extended his empire across Kormialia Strait and taken the halfling city-state of Anshire, he was close to elven lands that held the Great Library of Lyrialiasa. The library lay just to the east and slightly to the south. He was so close to it.

He extended his dungeon network that lay beneath Anshire toward the edge of the Varmilianakiza Forest, the dense woods that the elves of Varimilianiatha dwelled in. They had ancient knowledge. Power. They knew how to keep out dungeon builders and how to fight them.

He had to be bold. Risk much to accomplish this.

His dungeon extended further and further east until he hit a barrier. It was like crashing into another dungeon builder's domain. An impenetrable wall that he could not pass. He extended his dungeon up and down, right and left. It was vast.

The Ward that protected the elves. He had no idea how they did it. It was a great mystery. One that he hoped to learn, but he needed more knowledge. Leo had found something out major. Fuegin had to know it before he went to war with the boy.

Unable to venture father west, Fuegin thrust his dungeon upward and breached the surface. He would infiltrate the elvish kingdom and figure out how to take down the Ward for the inside. He knew the answers to all his questions would be found at the Great Library. His goal was clear.

Fuegin glanced at the other woman in the room. Zorra. A petite woman with orange-red hair and green eyes. His childhood friend in the other world. She looked completely human other than the garish hue of her hair. A werefox, she was his Life Companion.

“Ready?” he asked.

She winked at him.

He sent her to the exit along with Vaphaadar, Rakshaka, and Aastha, three of his werewolves. All of them could pass for human. To further that end, he created sets of clothing for them all to wear, placing it beside them.

It's strange wearing clothes, cuz,” Zorra sent. She'd called me cuz since we were kids but we weren't related. “Itchy.”

A burden you'll have to endure,” Fuegin said, smiling. “I'm sure you're up to the task.”

I won't let you down, cuz,” Zorra sent.

I knew she wouldn't.

We're into the woods. It didn't keep us out.”

Fuegin sighed in relief. He didn't think so. The elves of Varimilianiatha liked to put out that they had never been even attacked, but there were rumors and some records Fuegin had found to indicate they could be invaded, just not by a dungeon.

He released the Void Crystal and sighed. It would take them time to reach the Great Library. Days, even. He had to be ready for the next part of his plan. He didn't know if it would work. But he had to gamble.

He had to know more before he continued conquering his way toward Leo's domain. From Anshire, he would have to cross a large stretch of wilderness to Nayton, a human city-state to the northwest. Then all that would stand between him and Leo was another elvish nation, Kalianiathrastia.

They lacked the Ward and would fall easily to him. Then Fuegin's lands would border Myreman and Leo's domain. Regret spilled through Fuegin as he imagined the coming conquests. Leo was a good lad.

This world was too cruel for a good-hearted boy like him.

Chapter Twelve

“I hope they'll fit in here,” I said to Hagane.

My animated statue stood on the other side of the Void Crystal, her chrome body reflecting the world. “I have this feeling they will.”

“They are giants,” Hagane pointed out. She pushed up the glasses she wore. They had no lenses, just metal frames.

I never got why she still had them on, but they kept her looking Hagane-ish. That and the fine wire that made up her hair. I knew what the giants would be like. I had fought those. They could grow to immense sizes. Twenty or so fee tall, and wear iron armor. Brown skin and black hair with big breasts and thick bushes.

“Milzisi,” I called. “Appear!”

The shadows swirled and a large woman appeared. She must be standing seven feet tall, towering over me like a WNBA player. She was feminine, with a lovely smile. She was definitely shorter than the ones I fought.

“Ah, Lord Leo, what an absolute delight it is to be summoned by you,” Milzisi said in a rather erudite accent. “And Sister Hagane, what a treat to meet you.”

“It is a pleasure,” said Hagane. “So you can control your size.”

“Indeed. We would be of little use in a dungeon if we were our normal size. I can grow quiet large if you wish to unleash me, Lord Leo, but I am content to remain this size if necessary. I am but your loyal servant.” Milzisi knelt before me, bowing her head.

“So polite,” I said. “Opposite of those air-headed ogresses.”

“I believe the term is rock-headed, Leo,” Hagane said.

I gave her a sharp look. “Was that a joke?”

“Me, joke?” She gave me a level look.

I grinned at her. She did have a dry wit lurking in her soul. She could be so robotic sometimes. Of course, she could be rather passionate. “Why don't you show Milzisi the delight of her your vibrating fingers. Well, maybe vibrating hand. I think you can fist her with ease.”

“Of course,” Hagane said.

“Vibrating hand!” Milzisi looked rather eager. “My, my, that does sound like a rather engaging activity.” The giant rose.

Hagane reached her. The short, Japanese animated statue didn't have to kneel. She just thrust her arm between Milzisi's thighs and rammed her buzzing hand up into the giant's cunt. Milzisi gasped and threw back her head. Her big breasts jiggled.

“Oh, my word, that is an exciting delight,” gasped Milzisi. She glanced at me. “My Lord, Sister Hagane is a woman of many talents and such utter delights. Oh yes, yes, she is stirring up my pussy with that most marvelous hand of hers.”

“Good, good,” I said, gripping the Void Crystal.

Souleen giggled and watched. “What fun monster girls.”

I nodded and said, “Stiprsa! Appear before your lord ready to be fucked in the cunt!”

The second giant spun out of the darkness. The shadows spilled off her brown body. Her big breasts swayed as she smiled at me and dropped to her knees. She turned to present her rump and the thick bush between her thighs. She knelt there, wiggling her hips.

“I am ready to be fucked in the cunt, Lord Leo,” she said. “I am wet with anticipation and quivering with an eagerness to have my quim thoroughly plundered by your mighty prick, my Lord.”

“Quim,” I said, ginning. “One of the old great names for pussy.”

“Indeed,” said Hagane, watching me as she fisted Milzisi's

I moved up behind Stiprsa and frowned. I was too tall to fuck her standing up, but if I knelt, my cock would be thrusting between her thighs. I grabbed the Void Crystal, cycled through the various furniture I could conjure. I found a kneeling bench and conjured it behind her.

“There,” I said. “That's what we need.

I knelt on it, my cock now at the right height to fuck my giant. She glanced over her shoulder, smiling encouragingly at me. Milzisi meanwhile just gasped and moaned, her head tossing as Hagane's vibrating fist drove her wild.

I drove my cock into Stiprsa's cunt. She groaned, her hot pussy engulfing me. She had an amazing one. I enjoyed the feel of her twat around me. She gripped down on my cock. I groaned as she wiggled her hips, stirring her cunt around my cock.

“Oh, that is a wondrous delight, Lord Leo,” she moaned, glancing over her shoulder at me. “I do say this is one delicious treat for me to enjoy. My thanks!”

“Yeah,” I groaned, gripping her hips and fucking her cunt.

I thrust away at her pussy, driving my dick into her hot cunt. She moaned in delight as I fucked her. I buried into her twat again and again. I loved how she clamped her snatch down on my dick. It was a delight to fuck her twat.

To pound her cunt with all that I had.

She squeezed her cunt down on my cock while throwing a glance over her shoulder. She wiggled her hips from side to side, stirring that hot cunt around my dick. It was a glorious delight to enjoy as her fellow giant squealed on Hagane's hand.

“Oh, my dear Sister Hagane, that is a wondrous treat,” Milzisi moaned.

“I can only imagine the joy that you must feel, dear Milzisi, for I am experiencing the splendid rapture of having my quim so thoroughly plundered by our Lord,” Stiprsa groaned, her pussy clamping down on me.

“So thoroughly plundered,” I groaned. “I'm a quim plunderer, Hagane.”

“Indeed,” she said in that dry way.

If it was my little succubus or Terra or Crystal or Nina, I would have gotten a great reaction. From Morana and Alizee too. Maya would call me a big perv. Hagane just stared at me as she fisted her giant's pussy.

That was the appeal of Hagane. She was so cold yet she did everything with such hidden passion. She showed the depths of her feelings in her actions. When I was in her, it was always a hot time. I grinned at her and kept plundering Stiprsa's quim.

I rammed into her, the pressure in my nuts building and building. I fucked my giant hard. Hagane stared at me. Her chrome breasts quivered as she fisted Milzisi's pussy. She worked her buzzing fist in and out of the giant's snatch.

The giant shuddered, her big breasts heaving. “Sister Hagane! Oh, my, that is a wondrous appendage you possess. Oh, my, that shall have me climaxing with passion!”

“That is the point,” Hagane said and lowered her face to Milzisi's bush. She licked at the giant's pussy. At her clit.

“Sister Hagane!” gasped the giant. Her entire body bucked as she cried out her passion.

I loved hearing her rapture echoing through the room. I slammed to the hilt in Stiprsa's pussy. I fucked her with force. I pumped away at her, loving the hot grip of her cunt. I enjoyed every plunge into her snatch.

“Lord Leo!” the giant moaned, her quim clamping down on my cock.

“Am I making your quim quiver?” I asked, pounding her.

“Indeed.” She trembled. “You are making my quim do more than quiver. I... I... Oh, my Lord!”

Her twat spasmed around my cock. I plowed into her convulsing cunt as her moans echoed through the room. She added her own passion to Milzisi's resounding through the Vault. The pressure in my nuts swelled toward the bursting point.

I plowed to the hilt in her snatch, loving the way her cunt spasmed around my cock. She suckled at me with all that she had. It was a wondrous treat. My nuts swelled with the passion of this moment. I buried into her cunt.

I unloaded in her.

“Fuck!” I groaned as I pumped my cum into her pussy.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” gasped Stiprsa. “Oh, my, yes!”

I filled her to the brim. She rippled around me. It was so wonderful feeling her cunt spasming around me like that. I enjoyed the passion. I savored that delight spurting into my cunt. It was just an amazing moment to have all that spunk pumping into her pussy.

I unloaded every drop of jizz that I had. I felt so good as I pumped the last blast of cum into the giant's pussy. I loved my monster girls so much. I groaned, savoring having giants in the harem. Milzisi trembled and dropped to her knees. She started feasting on Hagane's pussy.

My animated statue smiled.

I grinned at her. Yes, yes, the giants were amazing.

*  \ * /  *

“How beautiful is she?” Anji asked as Siwang gripped his Void Crystal. He was deep in the interface looking at the Ice monster girls.

“Very,” said Siwang, smiling. “Dongtian Muyang is a graceful and beautiful actress from Hong Kong. It's an island. Lots of beautiful movie stars come from them, and Muyang is the most beautiful.”

Anji smiled. She was clearly glad she suggested it. Siwang was glad, too. He hadn't considered summoning a gorgeous woman like Muyang to this world. she appeared as something called a dahu, a type of monster Siwang had never heard of.

Muyang marinated her graceful bearing, but she also felt nimble, like a mountain goat. In fact, she had dainty, hoofed feet. Her hair was gray now, not black, and her skin even paler. She had slender goat horns the peeked through her hair. She was beautiful. His cock throbbed at the sight of her.

“Muyang, appear and star in my harem,” Siwang said. He flushed at how corny that sounded, but it was too late.

He had reached across the gulf between worlds and summoned a version of the Hong Kong actress who could love him. She whirled out of the shadows, her hoofs clopping on the ground. She trembled, her round breasts quivering from the motion. She had pale-pink nipples. She blinked her gray eyes and looked around.

“Oh, my,” she said, her hoofs clopping as she turned around. She had a great ass and long legs. “This is so real. Not a movie set at all. I'm really in another world and...” She stared down at her cloven feet. “I'm a dahu!” She grinned and leaped over the Void Crystal, ducking her head to clear the ceiling, and landed on Siwang's other side. “And you... You're the moan that brought me here. It is an honor to meet you, Siwang. I feel that this is how I should greet you.”

She threw her arms around his neck and planted her mouth on his lips. She kissed Siwang with passion. He groaned, holding the movie star in his arms. Her body was surprisingly warm for an Ice monster girl. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him.

“She is beautiful,” Anji said. “Oh, Muyang, it is so wonderful to meet you. I am Anji, beloved and betrothed of Siwang.”

Muyang broke the kiss and glanced at her. “Beloved.” She stroked Anji's pale cheek, bringing a blush from the girl. Siwang found it a treat to see her squirming there like that. “That is a beautiful thing. And what a pretty girl you are, Beloved Anji.”

Muyang broke from Siwang to cup Anji's face and kiss her. Siwang loved the sight. I'm becoming more and more like Leo, he realized. Lecherous. Enjoying my monster girls and their passion.

It was a wonderful place to be.

His cock twitched as the movie star broke the kiss with Anji and sank to the floor. Anji grabbed the dahu's horns and held them tight. The girl trembled as she had her pussy devoured by the movie star. Siwang smiled at his fiancee.

She flicked her gaze down to Muyang.

Siwang stared at the actress's cute ass. She always had a great one. He remembered her wearing that leather bodysuit in Hong Kong Rumble that hugged her butt-cheeks. It had gotten a rise out of him despite his illness.

He dropped to his knees and pressed his cock in between her butt-cheeks. He found her anal sheath. He nuzzled right against her asshole and thrust against her. She moaned into Anji's pussy as Siwang buggered his favorite actress.

“Oh, Siwang,” groaned Muyang. “Going straight for my backdoor? How long have you wanted to plunder me?”

“So long,” he answered, smiling at Anji.

She winked at him as his cock popped into Muyang's asshole.

“Enjoy,” the actress moaned, her asshole devouring his cock. He sank into her, loving the way she swallowed every inch of him. It was a treat. He penetrated her bowels, sinking deeper and deeper into her bowels. “Oh, yes, yes, enjoy!”

He groaned as he sank to the hilt in her. He had every inch of his cock buried in her asshole. He loved it. He savored that delight. She squeezed her bowels around him. It was a wonderful treat. She wiggled her hips from side to side, stirring her bowels around his cock.

It was a pure delight. An amazing treat to have all that ass around his cock. He enjoyed it thoroughly. He drew back his cock and plunged back into her. He fucked into her with force. He pounded her with all that he had.

He churned her up. He fucked away at her with passion. It was a delight to pound her. He fucked her again and again, ramming his cock into her asshole as she moaned into Anji's pussy. His beloved gasped, her round breasts jiggling.

“Oh, Siwang, she is enjoying your passion,” groaned Anji.

“Yes, she is,” he groaned, fucking the actress hard. His cock plowed into her while her bowels gripped him.

The heat swelled in his nuts. He loved it so much. He savored the velvety delight as he fucked her bowels with all that he had. He plundered her. She squeezed down on him, massaging him with her flesh.

“Oh, Siwang,” moaned the actress, her asshole clamping down on him. “Yes, yes, I can tell you're such a fan!”

“A big one!” Siwang groaned.

“Mmm, so big,” she purred as he thrust into her.

The pressure in his nuts grew with each thrust into her asshole. He churned her up as she moaned into Anji's pussy. The sweet girl tossed her head, her black hair dancing around her head. Her breasts jiggled as she ground on the dahu's mouth.

“Oh, Muyang,” whimpered Anji.

“Cum on my lips, Beloved Anji,” purred Muyang. “Just drown me in pussy cream!”

The actress suckled, the sounds so noisy and delicious to hear. Siwang slammed his cock into her asshole while Anji trembled. Her adorable face twisted in delight. She groaned as she burst in delight, squealing out her orgasm.

Her passion was so obvious to Siwang's eyes. His betrothed came hard. He loved watching his fiancee climax on a monster girl's mouth. He slammed into Muyang's asshole. He buried deep and hard into her, eager for her to burst.

Her asshole went wild around his cock.

He groaned, savoring that wonderful delight. She moaned into Anji's pussy as he buried to the hilt in her spasming asshole. Her velvety flesh suckled at him as she rubbed her face into Anji's cunt. Siwang groaned as the pressure burst in his nuts.

“Muyang!” he gasped and fulfilled his fantasy of climaxing in the actress's asshole.

Her bowels rippled around him, milking his cock. He groaned, reveling in that delight. The pleasure swept through him. He enjoyed every instance of spurting his cum into her bowels. He filled her up with all that spunk. It was an amazing rush to have all that pleasure slamming through him.

“Yes!” he groaned.

“Oh, my big fan,” moaned Muyang. “Yes, yes, I can feel just how much you adore me! Every drop!”

He spurted more and more of his cum into her asshole, feeling so good. She milked him as she moaned into Anji's pussy. The dahu's bowels worked out the last of Siwang's cum. The dungeon builder dumped the last of his load into her.

He pulled out and panted.

Muyang pulled her face from Anji's pussy and purred, “So, which of us should suck him clean?”

“You're new,” said Anji. “I wouldn't deny you that delight.”

Yes, I am become just like Leo, Siwang thought and smiled as Muyang crawled toward him. He was glad that his plan had worked. The rewards were amazing.

*  \ * /  *

“Wow, she's a big one,” said Crystal as she stared at Vysokiy, the first of the jotnar I had summoned. That was the plural of jotunn. Not sure how I knew that. Not sure it mattered. “Come and eat my pussy, big girl!”

“Why?” asked Vysokiy. The jotunn was a tall woman with frost-white skin, icy-blue hair, and a strong build. She was like the giant but had a more vicious air about her. “Why don't you eat my pussy, little ice sprite. You look like the sort of girl that likes to put in her place.”

“Yep,” I said.

“Dirty boy!” gasped Crystal. “I'll spank you if you let your jotunn keep talking to me like that.”

“Have fun with her, Vysokiy,” I said. “She likes to pretend she's in charge, but she's a submissive slut.”

“I know,” Vysokiy purred. “Its written all over face.”

The jotunn's hand nearly engulfed all of Crystal's icy head. I smiled as the jotunn yanked my ice sprite's to her knees and shoved her face into the jotunn's hairless pussy. Vysokiy groaned in delight as she ground her face on Crystal's mouth.

I grinned at the sight. It was a naughty one. I gripped my Void Crystals and another name whispered through my mind. “Lednika! Appear!”

She appeared out of the shadows kneeling before me like Vysokiy said. They could be twins, but there were subtle differences in their faces. The fall of their hair. The shape of their large breasts and size of their blue nipples.

“I am ready to serve you, Lord Leo,” Lednika said. She glanced up at me with her glacial eyes. “To crush your enemies or...”

“Please my cock.”

She grinned from ear to ear. She glanced at Vysokiy. “Since she's busy enjoying that living dildo, I'll have to take care of you, my Lord.”

“How?” I asked.

She grinned and grabbed me by the waist. She shoved me down to the ground. I gasped as I landed hard on my rump, my tailbone smarting. She straddled me in moments, her icy pussy pressing down on my cock. Like many monster girls from her element, she was cold.

And that was exciting.

“I know you can handle being ridden by a jotunn, my Lord,” purred Lednika. “Your cock is mighty enough to survive my pussy.”

“Yes, it is,” I said.

As Lednika slid her pussy up my cock so her cuntlips found the crown, my ice sprite moaned, her voice muffled by Vysokiy's pussy. I swear the jotunn was trying to stuff my ice sprite's head into her cunt and really use her as a living dildo. Frosty mist spilled down Crystal's body.

I loved the sight, but the feel of Lednika's frozen pussy swallowing my cock was even more incredible. Her cold twat engulfed my hot dick. The contrast in temperature had me groaning. My face twisted in delight as Lednika sank more and more of her cunt down my cock.

“Oh, that's delicious,” she moaned. Her hands stroked my chest. “Mmm, I am going to crush your enemies, Lord Leo. Crush your enemies and fuck you hard!”

I slapped both my hands down on her cold asscheeks. “What are you waiting on?”

She laughed and threw back her head. She squeezed her icy cunt around my dick and slid up me. The silky delight massaged my cock. I loved the frozen passion. It was exciting having her do that. I groaned as she slid up my cock to the pinnacle. She gripped me and plunged back down me.

It was fantastic having her ride me like that. I groaned, savoring her hot cunt around my dick. She rode me. Her hot twat gripped my dick as she worked her pussy up and down my dick. She rode me with passion.

“Oh, that's it,” I groaned. “Fuck, Lednika!”

“Fuck indeed,” she purred, squeezing her cunt down around my dick. “Oh, you're so hot. You're molten, Lord Leo!”

Vysokiy laughed, watching on in envy. “I'm going to fuck your cock with my asshole once she's done!”

“I'm looking forward to it,” I groaned and cupped Lednika's heaving breasts.

I squeezed those big, soft mounds, loving them as the Amazonian monster girl rode me. Her face twisted in delight as she worked her cunt up and down me. She rode me with such passion. She squeezed her snatch down around my cock.

That frozen twat brought me closer and closer to bursting. I would have a huge climax. A big burst of rapture just spurting into her pussy. I couldn't wait to flood her with my spunk. She plunged her twat down my dick. She rode me with her passion, building the heat in my nuts.

That cold pussy made my dick feel so hot as she rode me. It was an incredible rush having her ride me. She worked that cunt up and down my cock faster and faster. She moaned, her head tossing. Her blue hair flew through the air.

She rode me like a valkyrie charging into battle.

Like how Smerta rode me.

“Fuck,” I growled.

“Yes, yes, you love my pussy on your cock,” Lednika groaned. “You cock craves strong monster girls to ride you! Powerful women to revel in your big dick.

“Yes!” groaned Vysokiy. “And you, little ice sprite... Oh, that's it. Suck my clit. You want to drown in my glacial flood!”

Crystal moaned her agreement.

Vysokiy threw back her head and groaned out her pleasure. It echoed through the room as she enjoyed her climax. She gasped and moaned, clearly enjoying cumming hard. It was a beautiful sound to hear. I was glad for it.

My dick throbbed in that wondrous cunt. The jotunn plunged her pussy down my dick. She swallowed every last inch of my cock. That cold twat quivered around me. She grinned down at me, grinding her clit into my pubic bone.

“Mmm, that is a burning dick,” she purred. “Erupt in me, my Lord.”

Her pussy went wild around my cock. She climaxed on me, her eyes staring into mine with such intensity. It was wild feeling her cunt rippling around my dick like that. I groaned, my dick twitching and throbbing in her snatch.

I erupted into her pussy.

I fired blast after blast of cum into her pussy. I savored that heat rushing through me. It was a magical moment. The pleasure swept through me. I groaned again and again, enjoying that delight. I shuddered, savoring every last moment of flooding her twat.

I filled her pussy up with so much passion.

It was amazing pumping all that cum into her pussy. I filled her up with all that spunk. I loved the way she felt around my dick. It was just amazing. I grunted, spurting more and more of my jizz into her snatch.

“So hot!” the jotunn moaned, her pussy milking me. “Oh, yes, yes, your cum is burning my pussy! I love it!”

“It'll be burning my asshole,” moaned Vysokiy. She pushed Crystal back from her. “Mmm, you're a good pussy licker, little ice sprite.”

“Yeah,” panted Crystal. She leaned against the wall. “Any time!”

Vysokiy marched over to pleasure me with her asshole as I pumped more and more of my cum into Lednika's pussy. I filled her to the brim with all my cum. It was a magical moment to have all that delight sweeping through me.

“Ready to have that dick pleasured by my ass?” Vysokiy said with a big grin.

“Oh, yeah,” I groaned.

Click here for the next part! 


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