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Scoot getting jealous every time Quibble spoke to Rainbow is the funniest thing


What was that henchman gonna do to that body pillow? I'm scared.


derpys eyes were normal when the flashback shows her as a kid

Awkward Segway

Stranger Than Fan Fiction is one of the few season 6 episodes that I love. It's one of the funniest episodes of the show.

Ashley Flower

the whole episode is just scoot being jealous LMAO

Ember Aura

I’d say that when the CMCs were first introduced they were probably 11-12 (based on their maturity, voices and personalities) and now they’re probably more like 15-16 (based on the same things). I also say the 11-12 year old thing because I think in a way cutiemarks are supposed to symbolize puberty. Like how nearly every 12 year old girl is so obsessed with the idea of being more grown up, having a more adult figure, or how some girls get bullied for not having one yet. And, kind of a spoiler but kind of not, the show also kind of hints at puberty in a different way later on. Not to mention, in EG the girls are at least freshmen in high school (14-15), and it’s obvious that in EG everyone is aged down a bit. Honestly this might be a hot take but I don’t like EG as much as the show bc it flings new things at you out of nowhere and doesn’t even feel canon to the show a lot of the time. Anyway, this has been my geek speech, hope this helped!