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You open up Photoshop, you set your canvas up and you draw the most stunning line art you have ever drawn. You complete your masterpiece and it is now ready to colour. 

Then it dawns on you. The one thing that all artists have struggled with.

Not to worry there is a very easy fix. This method can be applied to scanned traditional sketches or inks as well.

Step One

Open your Channels tab

Or Window > Channels

Step Two

Select the Load Channel as Selection icon.

The white values on the canvas will be become selected. It will look like the sketch is selected but it not.

Step Three

Inverse the current selection. Select > Inverse.

The line art will now be selected.

Step Four

Create a new layer and fill the selection. Layer > New Layer > Solid Colour.

A New Layer window will open. Rename and click OK.

A Colour Picker (Solid Colour) Window will open. Select your desired colour and click OK.

Switch back to the Layers tab. A new Colour Mask will appear above the Background layer.

Note: Double clicking the Thumbnail of the Colour Mask will allow you to change colour, changing the line art colour.

Step Five

At this point you have separated the line art from the Background so do what you would normally do.



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