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Welcome to 2024!!!

I know some of you may just be starting, or maybe refocusing, on your health & fitness journey for the new year. So what better way to kick it off than with a sample meal plan!

If you are new to my Patreon, I just want to say that I am not a big advocate for meal plans in general.


Nobody knows your food preferences better than you. Oftentimes meal plans are just going to set you up for failure, because eventually you will get tired of eating what somebody else tells you to eat. You start to crave other foods, stray from the meal plan, and given up.

So with my Patreon recipes, I have tried to essentially create an a la carte meal prep database. Where you determine your energy (calorie) needs, and pick and choose the recipes that YOU think sound good.

You just pick a breakfast, lunch, and dinner that fits into your individual calorie needs, and supplement any leftover calories with snacks, fruits, veggies, shakes, desserts, etc.

This way, you are in full control of what you are eating, while also making progress toward your health and fitness goals. And because my recipes are not “diet food”, you actually look forward to eating them each day :)

So these sample meal plans are exactly that....just samples. It's a way of highlighting how you can determine a daily calorie goal (1,800 in this example), and build your daily/weekly meals from my recipes to add up to that calorie amount.

I want to get back to posting these at least once a month if they are helpful to you. I do try to do a wide range for calories because I know not everybody needs the same amount of calories.

So if this sample meal plan isn't close to your goals, be sure to use the search feature here on Patreon to see all of the sample meal plans posted thus far. Simply type in "meal plan“ and they should all pop up.

What do you think about these sample meal plans? Are they helpful to you? Do you think they would be helpful to others?

Download a PDF copy below!




This is really, really helpful! It’s the first time I’ll be trying a full weekly meal plan and look forward to being and feeling less stressed about food during my crazy work week. Question: for Saturday and Sunday-I see extra meals like the steak and shake bacon with cheeseburger-is that on Patreon?


I might be wrong but I think with that one he is trying to show that you can go out to eat or get take out once in a while and still hit your goals :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 10:05:39 Good Evening don’t know if you will reply to this but is there a way you can do one of these PDF with your recipes that are good to half and then add another half recipe which would complement the 1st ones ingredients? If so that would be awesome!!! If not it’s okay to! Thanks for all the recipes you do put out! Thanks for your time!
2024-01-05 04:09:03 Zach Good Evening don’t know if you will reply to this but is there a way you can do one of these PDF with your recipes that are good to half and then add another half recipe which would complement the 1st ones ingredients? If so that would be awesome!!! If not it’s okay to! Thanks for all the recipes you do put out! Thanks for your time!

Zach Good Evening don’t know if you will reply to this but is there a way you can do one of these PDF with your recipes that are good to half and then add another half recipe which would complement the 1st ones ingredients? If so that would be awesome!!! If not it’s okay to! Thanks for all the recipes you do put out! Thanks for your time!


This is great. Thank you!


Hi there! I’m back again after leaving your site due to finance but managed to save up to continue this again. 🥰 now, I was wondering if you could please do a sample meal plan for someone who is on 1000cal per day as I’m a weight loss surgery post 16months. I normally would consume between 150g to 200g of food per sitting. I love your food and recipe but not sure if it will be enough for my protein intake for the day of 70g minimum. Thank you so much for your ongoing education and I look forward to more of your videos!