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Oh....em....gee! These brownies!

These are gooey, chocolatey, and delicious!

The protein and fiber are an added bonus and I promise you that you can't taste a hint of beans. You can make these and serve them to your kids and they would never know they have beans in them.

Be sure to check the notes page for info on substitutions and toppings.

Download the PDF recipe below!


Black Bean Brownies



Silly question do we still add the butter and vegetable oil or are the beans replacing that


I made these and topped them with your cream cheese chocolate protein frosting. They are in the fridge until tomorrow! Each brownie is 237 calories with ten grams of protein!


Where is everyone finding the Kodiak brownie mix at? I haven’t seen it in stores and Amazon it’s like $21


I need to try this!


Help! I made them with a different brownie mix and it came out dry in the middle, I followed all the directions 😏. Maybe I need to shorten the baking time, idk.


If it came out dry then I'd say it was probably the baking time. Maybe reduce just a tad. Remember, there are no eggs or anything in this so you can undercook for a more gooey brownie.


Thank you for responding. I’ll definitely cut the baking time.


I tried these and my house was divided. My hubs and son call them "Betrayal Brownies" but the other 4 of us really enjoyed them.


I made these with regular brownie mix and didn't tell my husband until after the fact. He said they were good and asked for one the next night. I probably will make them again. So don't tell all your secrets! LOL


You think this would work with kodiak muffin mix?


I bought the family size DH brand by accident. Made a 9x13 pan. I just added a bit more liquid. Dense but tasted good and not too sweet. I feel like everything is over sweet these days.


These are sooo good! Even my kids liked them and they’re picky.


It did for me! I added choc chips and some keto choc frosting so good!


Yum this has been my breakfast last 4 days because I’m an adult and I do what I want!


I can not find the Kodiak brownie mix at my Walmart or target anything else I could substitute with?