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We're starting April off with something that I hold near and dear to my heart. Frito Pie!

I remember as a kid, the first time I tried Frito Pie, I thought it was the best thing ever! And to this day, I still enjoy it and it still gives me that nostalgic feeling :)

Please be sure to check the notes page for some important notes on some of the ingredients in this recipe.

*Download the PDF recipe below! 


Chili Cheese Frito Pie


Dawn Matte

My family loved this!!!

Anna Shirey

I love this idea, but when I made it as described the Fritos ended up getting soggy and kind of gross. Next time I will just make the chili and then when I warm it up add the Fritos and cheese on top!

Jenelle Hernandez

I agree with this, I was glad I had some extra Fritos to put on top when I was eating the warmed up servings. Next time I’ll leave them out until sitting down to eat.