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*NEW POLL!* (ends in 48 hours)

  • The Apothecary Diaries 403
  • Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyou) 310
  • Hell's Paradise 95
  • 2024-01-21
  • 808 votes
{'title': '*NEW POLL!* (ends in 48 hours)', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Apothecary Diaries', 'votes': 403}, {'text': 'Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyou)', 'votes': 310}, {'text': "Hell's Paradise", 'votes': 95}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 21, 1, 4, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 808}


Thanks to feedback we will be filtering polls more specifically going forward, especially regarding when the show was released. For this poll, we are only including shows that were recommended by you guys that have started airing in the year 2023.   

Thanks so much for your feedback and we will continue to hear you guys out so that our polls can be more balanced! ^^



Hells Paradise is a good show, but Heavenly Delusion is a must 🔥


If hells paradise doesn’t win this time definitely watch it later one please


Let's go Maomao!

Austin D

They would absolutely adore apothecary. Right up their alley compared to the other two. Tho heavenly could be good still for them.


Tengoku supremacy


Heavenly Delusion all the way


apothecary is the most repulsive show I've ever seen and I made it through dress up darling

Jay Rez

Please put Code Geass on the next poll

Joel Mason

lol what??? You clearly didn't understand the themes of the show if you think that


i am in love with the mc from apothecary diaries she is so cool and adorable 🥰


omg I can picture them shipping Maomao and Jinshi (like all of us do 😂 )


Maomao supremacy.


Heavenly delusion gang rise up


Heavenly Delusion definitely!!!

Aaron Griffin

Both Heavenly Delusion and Apothecary Diaries are great. I will be happy with either winning, but I'm voting for HD because it needs a second season!


damn another L for Heavenly Delusion. I kinda wish they had a mystery box show to analyze again.

Daniel Borrego

Heaven. Hell. < MAOMAO!!!!!!!


Apothecary Diaries !!!! You guys will love MaoMao


Man... what are these choices.... Come on....


I hope what you mean by that is that they're too good to choose between, because this was a brutal poll in the best way.


No what I mean by that is I wanted more choices because for reactions I would rather see other things. Not saying these anime are bad. I prefer others for reactions though.


There were more choices when the poll was public on YouTube. These are the top three from that poll. This specific poll was all recent shows, I imagine the next one will be exclusively older ones.


Man I love both Apothecary Diaries but Heavenly Delusion is just such a more intense story. I want to see them react to both.


I'm caught up on the manga, it's gotta be one of the best mystery stories I've ever read. So many stories are predictable but Heavenly Delusion always keeps me guessing wrong.

Aaron Griffin

I think I'm close to caught up. At least I understand most of the core of the whole thing but there's some threads that need tying up. Definitely a wild manga. I hope to see many more seasons of the anime


Don't take it the wrong way. I am happy with the other series they are doing. I just am not very interested in these anime for their reactions. I can think of a few dozen anime off the top of my head that I would prefer for reactions even though these are decent anime on their own.


i agree, im only here for vinland and frieren, which by themselves are worth the sub, and its a high bar but there are many shows worth the sub but not these or any other on their channel. name a 24 episode season anime or just name your top 5 anime of all time. full metal is said to be thebest in history i disagree but at its time and how they managed to do it on 64 episodes its ok. DBZ naruto one piece bleach death note and a lot more. now the 12 episode a season anime even 24 its hard to develop a story as frieren and vinland did by ep 1, they aim for the new anime fans and forget we the old schools are the ones who are loyal and those anime will get you subs, but i would never pay for any of those 3 never

Russell Gambardella

This is the first poll in which I haven't seen any of the choices. I'm excited to watch whatever is chosen alongside AutoSave for the first time!


I have seen hells paradise and heavenly delusions, but not the 3rd one, i admit thats the reason i voted for it. I wouldnt mind watching it weekly-ish on here.


i would say it depends on people opinions, i have seen people drop re zero because the characters didnt make sense for them and subaru was irredeemable asshole/neet.... Me personally i wouldnt even mind if they were repulsive xD (which they are not prolly) Just a show after all...


Heavenly Delusion is about as degenerate as Attack on Titan..


So sad to miss out on heavenly delusion.


Tbh, both Heavenly Delusion and Apothecary Diaries are amazing shows and you'd love both imo, would be nice to see them back to back tbh.


They should react to both Heavenly and Apothecary. I love both, despite me picking Heavenly so that it gains more traction


wanna see them react to 86 sooo bad


Same, someday..... A new season def would help push it into the polls and votes but press x to doubt...


Really wanted heavenly 😔


Damn... Pluto really lost to Heavenly Delusion last minute 😭 I guess my vote is for Apothecary Diaries then.


in youtube it lost to hell paradide for 3rd place, i dont think it ever had a chance to beat heavenly from what i saw. But yeah i vote for apothecary aswell


@Vladi It was really close though. Pluto was 1% ahead of Hell's Paradise until almost the end.

Nut Kon

voting for apothecary so that heavenly will not win. do not need to see anymore of that show :D


Apothecary is so good. I haven't watched Heavily.

Pat C

Wdym? I've only watched 3 episodes but it seems pretty interesting so far?

Daniel Borrego

holy crap, i've never watch pluto and just looked at the graphic, then realised this is a remake of teh 3 part astro boy episode with the robot hunting super robot pluto!?!! what the heck?!


@Daniel Borrego Yep, it's a good adaptation. Sadly very underrated, probably because Netflix always releases every episode at once, which kills hype built up over time.


Wasn't Heavenly Delusion already tied in first place for the poll with Madoka Magica? I don't know why we're doing another one when we know Heavenly Delusion and Madoka were ahead by a landslide in that poll. And the people that voted for Madoka are most likely going to vote against Heavenly for this poll because there was some drama going on between the people who favored one more than the other between Heavenly and Madoka

sabeurre (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 22:53:51 Yes really I'm really surprised with this one, I thought HD would win by a landslide based on last poll results
2024-01-21 19:18:34 Yes I'm really surprised with this one, I thought HD would win by a landslide based on last poll results

Yes I'm really surprised with this one, I thought HD would win by a landslide based on last poll results


For me, Apothecary Diaries’ design of character is better, but I love the Heavenly Delusion’s world view and story development more. I hope we would get both of them, they both worth it.


They separate shows by recency now when voting, so these 3 shows aired within the past year versus older shows, which is why there's another poll


Oh well, one day they’ll get to Heavenly Delusion. It’s a must watch for them imo


Praying for March Comes in Like a Lion on the next older shows poll


I am super happy with the current list of frieren, vinland, and re zero. All 3 of these anime are damn near perfection in my opinion. They were doing mushoku and are currently caught up with that and I love mushoku just as much as the other anime I just listed off. They also did made in abyss and that is peak anime as well. With all these top tier anime they have been doing I was a little worried about the fall off from these amazing anime reactions to ones that were just alright. Not that these anime are bad but I just don't care much for them as reactions. I feel like certain anime are better for reacting than others. This is all my opinion cause someone could think completely different from me. A lot of newer anime are great but its important to show love to some older anime as well.


I think they do quite a good job of hearing people out and trying to do their best for their reactions so I don't ever complain. These just aren't on my list of what I wanted to see most from 2023.


Don't worry they'll still react to older shows, this is just the poll specifically for the newer shows. They sorted off old and new shows into their own respective polls to reduce recency bias


I'm aware. I'm just not sure why it wasn't the logical choice to just instead choose to react to Heavenly Delusion from that poll since it had basically won as a newer show contender (madoka aside) in that poll against basically the same options as this poll


Same, was super excited when I saw it winning the original YouTube poll 😕


RIP Heavenly Delusion. Also, is 86 coming back to the poll? It keeps on getting paired up with other really good shows. I would be really sad if Heavenly Delusion and 86 were in a poll together. Would also like to ask for Summertime Rendering, Angel Beats, Log Horizon, and Assassination Classroom for the next poll for the mods reading, please. I think Ben and Anna will have a blast theorizing and discussing about those shows.


Heavenly Delusion wasn't tied. It lost by 11%pt to Madoka. If you're talking about the YouTube poll, that's across a field of 5 candidates and the whole point is to whittle it down to then give patrons the final say (and that wasn't even the most recent YouTube poll). It doesn't make sense to just take whatever's next as it doesn't give people an opportunity to reallocate their vote based on their own preferences. Second among a field of three doesn't mean second most preferred overall, as this poll demonstrates. That's the entire basis of things like instant runoff and preferential voting. "And the people that voted for Madoka are most likely going to vote against Heavenly for this poll" just sounds paranoid. Rather than thinking people are making their selections to personally spite you, the alternative explanation could just be, shockingly, that they have different preferences to yours.


They could do polls for the most popular/good 2020, 2021, 2022 animes that they havent seen, separate from their 2024 polls or polls for older shows from like 2010-14 etc. But then again let them watch/finish what they have, having time for other stuff than anime/youtube its good👍

Daniel Borrego

log horizon is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow for a reaction video. its a great show but its a show that needs to be binged.


I will watch Heavily Delusion. Too many people seem to like it in this poll along with Apothecary Diaries. If I like it, then I will vote for it bext time.


86 is really good they should bring it back ether next poll or in a few.


Can we get The Dangers in My Heart into the pool someday?

Daniel Borrego

i finally watched the whole thing and its just ok. its got some wierd pacing though and some baffling story elements. i was not a fan of 'that part'. i thought it was needlessly brutal for literally no reason. i even read through the manga and its still unexplainable story wise. there are theories but honestly i think the author just put that in for shock value. think made in abyss aweful but with no follow through or punchline. its basically the OH NO, anyway meme as its completely handwaved just a scene later. even in the manga its basically never brought up again except for a line waaaay later.


I understand the re:zero one because while watching the first season I hated him with a passion till he started to change himself.


I doubt it would win anytime soon though. They still got quite a few top 5 of the year type shows to get through first. I'd put it somewhere in the top 15 of last year maybe. They are overdue for a romance though. Maybe Toradora?

Nut Kon

not sure if they're doing it but please dont react to episode 1-3 of apothechary without letting them have a discussion after each episode.. it was painful to watch for frieren, they had so much to say between each episode of 1-4 frieren!