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Hi guys, Anna and Ben here. We just got home from work to a pretty frantic message from one of our Mods. So we are typing out this post to explain where our heads are currently at, as well as our plan moving forward. 


It has unfortunately come to our attention that Polls on Patreon are far from reliable if the intended purpose is for each Patron to only have a singular vote. We are able to get an OK understanding of someone with multiple accounts on the back end of things, but this is extremely unreliable and has only helped in this instance. This also allows for someone with multiple accounts to not only vote multiple times, but also comment and interact with other comments multiple times. This can lead to misleading statements, bad vibes, and in theory a lot more. One idea we had was to lock the comment section on Polls but we don't think that feature is available to us. Going Forward we are looking at a more reliable place to host Polls. We have a couple coming very shortly and still plan to host them on here if no better option is found but we will let you know!

Steins;Gate 0 

The two of us stay pretty far removed from social media. Especially when it comes to anything related to Anime. We initially decided this to do our best to stay away from spoilers. We have a couple of Mods as well as an Editor to help us out with information and guidance when it comes to making some decisions that involve current and future shows. This practice is of course far from perfect, especially when none of them have seen a show like Steins;Gate. Since starting AutoSave we have always done our best to watch the current seasonal source material available to us as long as we can. We are pretty certain that we have watched all seasons of every show we have started thus far without having to win in a Poll. (Inserting Komi here, which was stopped due to multiple episodes being lost, so we never finished Season 1) Since neither of us knew if Steins;Gate 0 was a sequel season, canon material, or was intended for us to watch; as well as not wanting to do our own research for risk of spoilers. We had our mods look into it. Upon looking at other reaction channels and a few forums, they decided it was not likely considered another season. Therefore we decided to put it on a poll, since it was requested in our video asking for suggestions. After being told of recent comments, and truthfully none of us knowing what the correct answer would be, we have decided to continue Steins;Gate by watching Steins;Gate 0. We will upload Steins;Gate 0 Episode 1 on September 1st. We will wait 2 weeks from then to upload onto YouTube so that our tiers can be caught up due to serious time constraints. To be honest this was a weird decision to make, as we have previously stated if a poll is close in the future, we will only choose the winner. This should not be an issue in the future, if we figure out another place to host our polls. None of us on our team truly know what the correct choice to make is here, so we are trying our best. It sucks to be told that some people doubt how much we enjoyed this show in the first place, because of our decision to put it on a poll.

Bocchi the Rock!

We consider Bocchi the Rock the winner of this poll and will start this show as shown on our YT schedule. Before noticing multiple of the same person voting for Steins;Gate 0 it seemed like this is the show a lot of you guys think we will like ^.^ We are so excited to start this show with you guys. We thought of re-rolling the poll without Steins;Gate 0, but because of what our schedule is like the next few weeks (1 wedding out of state, work, and hopefully a vacation for the two of us) we will not have a ton of recording time. Please note that none of the shows that lose polls are forgotten about and we have a list them in an Excel spreadsheet. We are going to continue to put out shows you guys vote for, or in some cases just because we hear an influx of people thinking that we specifically would enjoy a show. We love hearing and watching what you think we will enjoy! 


We love watching tv shows with you guys and are doing what we can! We are working on some potential video game videos in our very little free time too! Also PS from me (Ben now talking) I was sent the comments on the Your Name reaction i posted with my little sister. I cannot begin to express how much they meant to me. I might post it on YouTube sometime soon after all because of them (:

TL;DR: two again, kind of.



As others have said, please whatever mods are reading this, make sure they know to watch Episode 23(β) first. It's a special version of Steins;Gate Episode 23 that leads into the events of Steins;Gate 0, and it is absolutely essential. They don't necessarily have to watch the entire episode, because only the ending is different. They could skip about halfway through, to rewatch the stabbing scene, and go from there.

Justice Hastings

So I’m guessing you’re not going to watch the Dejavú movie?




Some people I guess just don't have a sense of fair play with regards to polls. Keep up the good work, mods, editors and of course reactors.

Adrian Jansen

Hopefully their mods let them know that in order to understand how Stains Gate 0 begins they must watch episode 23 Beta

Andrew Brown

If the mods read this, it’s worth explaining to Ben and Anna that episode 23B serves as a sort of introduction to Steins;Gate 0, so by watching episode 23B we are introduced to the Okabe that we follow in Steins;Gate 0, so it’s good to watch that first before starting S;G0.


make polls from 5$ onwards. If someone is willing to pay double or triple, its his or her fault.


The issue with patreon polls is that everyone can see what is winning. So that makes it easier to manipulate the voting (or give up on voting for what you really want), cause people know exactly how many votes they need to add. Various reactors have noticed it too, so everyone does their own kind of polls. Personally, I still think Teeaboo's way of polling is the best, cause it's harder to manipulate and it gives more info about the community to the reactor. He makes a google form (so you'll need to share your email with the reactor) with a list of anime and multi-choice. So for each show you vote on a scale of "hell no", "no", "meh", "yes", "hell yes" giving a show -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2 votes respectively. And in the end you can also write whatever you wanna write about why you think the reactor should watch something. This system is not perfect either, of course, (e.g., it's hard for a controversial show to win, cause it's a split between "hell no" & "hell yes"), but it still miles better than the default patreon one.

Russell Gambardella

Yeah at the very least it should be hidden percentages until you submit your vote, and can’t be changed afterward.


First I want to say that you guys are doing amazing considering this is not your main job! I just wish that Vinland Saga reaction was twice a week (but I know that's not possible so just pls ignore me in my sadness 😔 )


Alt acount manipulation is something that will occur regardless of platform. Even with a monetary barrier on Patreon, which should filter out most alt account users, some are able to just toss money at the problem. That said, Patreon is probably the best way to filter alt account usage in polling. There are no solid methods I can think of to prevent alts aside from an ID verification system, which people would generally hate.

Daniel Borrego

this is sorta unrelated but is there any way you guys can post a weekly schedual anywhere. it doesnt have to be fancy, a spread sheet would be fine. im just kinda unsure as to what days certain things are released on .


I don't know where to ask this, but where do we make suggestions?

Bakhtiar Rahim

Hi guys!! Idk if you guys gonna read this! Please try to consider reacting to Classroom of the Elite & My Romantic Comedy Snafu! This two are best for discussion.


To hopefully avoid confusion in the future, this is a very good resource for most anime watch orders, I recommend bookmarking it: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order (I hope links are allowed here)

Alexander Joseph Cruz

Hey guys! I'd like to say first that I love how you guys analyze and discuss as much as you do with your content. So with that said, I would love if you guys reacted to Bakemongatari. I would even go so far as challenge you guys to watch it. It's a masterpiece of story telling and hearing your theories on it would be very interesting. Hope you guys are doing well, and I hope you consider this show!