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Re:ZERO 1x5:"The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant"// Reaction & Discussion

00:00 Intro 02:29 Reaction to Show 16:15 Discussion



Beatrice remembers Subaru because that was the 2nd time he woke up in the mansion, the first time was when Beatrice drained Subaru’s mana and he passed out. His checkpoint got moved to when he woke up after that


I have a feeling that Subaru just running out of his room in the morning when the twins came to wake him up changed a lot about their attitude towards him over this episode's week

Robin Berglund

I would recommend watching the Re:ZERO Shorts as well, maybe after each episode discussion. There is one for each episode, and it usually combines furthering lore with some humor.


THIS IS NOT A SPOILER! . . . . . . . The anime is not very clear about how much time has passes between Subaru waking up in the mansion and dying. It's three or four days (can't remember exactly). This is important to remember in later episodes. . . . . . . . Another thing the anime drops the ball on is Subaru's hands. If you go back to episode 4, he explains how he got all the injuries, which is also important, because he mentions things they don't show until episodes five and six. . . . . . . . . . . . Loving the reactions so far, keep up the good work!


Not sure where is the best place to voice this since it was brought up, but I would love if you guys switched to the Directors Cut.


The directors cut removes the censorship present in the broadcast version (what crunchyroll uses for the series) and re-edits some scenes to pace them a little better. I think the more important part though is that the back half of season 1 is paced significantly better in the combined episode chunks the directors cut uses compared to how episodes are split up originally. I do agree with your point that you can digest the story more when it is split into more episodes but I think the directors cut is overall a much better experience.


I prefer the normal version over the Director's Cut. Only benefit of DC is a single minor redrawn scene. It has more negatives than positives: a major scene censored, combines episodes that were originally designed to be single episodes (removing the overlapping ED song too), questionable changes to the Hakugei later, etc. The normal version is much better overall in my opinion. I do like the first scene of S2 being in the last episode of S1, but it's not worth it in my opinion.


Great that you caught the Betty thing remembering Subaru! Many people get completely the wrong idea here because they forget that Subaru woke up twice.


I agree that the anime doesn't make it clear that more than a day passed, but that second point is basically a spoiler


Another problem with Director's Cut is that since it doubles episode length, the discussions would suffer (since they would probably be roughly equal in length to just single episode discussions and it's harder to remember everything). I especially would not want to see ep. 18 + 19 as a single episode, feels like it takes away from the first episode. The benefits to Director's Cut are minimal at best.


Again, a minor reminder that comments won't be read by AutoSave, I ask you to respectfully accept such circumstances without throwing a childich and unnecassary hissy fit. Such decisions certaintly have their benefits and drawbacks in general but reading though some of the comments here, I welcome that choice. If you are desperate for interaction I would highly suggest increasing your social activity. Most of what is written are either spoilers, things they already figured out or other banal things, anyways. This was not meant as a personal affront towards anyone personally. Have a nice day you all!


Yes, they didn't fall for that trap that catches many reactors!


I personally think that the show flows a little better in the directors cut. I always watch this show and show it to others as the directors cut for season 1 now. But thats me. Some people have pointed out that it may be better for reacting to see this, as you can react to each "half" as well as the end. Dunno. I think the discussions would still be really good with the directors cut, but Im excited to see your reactions either way!


Its really easy to miss, especially on the first watch, but this loop is 5 days. Roswell mentioned it in the first loop in passing when talking to Ram how long its been. Its easy to not notice how long it is. Not a huge detail, but it just drives home even more how hard it would be to reset. Losing a week of interactions and connection building is way worse than losing a day. I imagine it would be exponentially worse.


I'm unbelievably excited to see the reactions to some of the later episodes.


I noticed that you guys aren't watching this show on blu-ray version at 16:6. In the blu-ray version, this scene shows Subaru's eyeball.. If you can get a blu-ray version, I recommend watching it.


please stick with this don't switch to dirctor cut they remove some music there