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Re:ZERO 1x5:"The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant"// Full-Length Reaction



I think you guys are a bit mistaken about Betty at the beginning. Betty remembered Subaru because the reset took place after she met Subaru. Subaru woke up 2 times last episode. The first one he woke up alone and went out the room into the looping hallway and met Betty. Betty then absorb his mana which caused him to faint. That's when the reset happened because after that, he woke up the 2nd time and both Rem and Ram was there. Remember when he first woke up he said this is a ceiling that I dont recognize which is an homage to the classic anime series Evangelion. Then the 2nd time he woke up he said that he recognized this ceiling. So the reset point is after he met Betty. So that's why Betty knows him in every reset from now on.


Also this whole event took place in 4 nights. The anime didn't do a great job at explaining it but everytime Subaru dies in the manor, its always on the 4th night.

Anders Pike

I even wrote that preemptively (without any spoilers) in the comments on the last vid :/ Confirms my theory that they don't read patreon comments.


Oh..that sucks. I thought that they would actively read their Patreon comments.


They talked about this in the discussion, they know already and it's good they don't read comments cause if they did they'd just gets spoiled all the time

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Uhhh no, its very easy to just have other people spoiler warning comments first or a chat moderator to delete certain messages. almost all other reactors read comments, this is the only channel that i know of that reads 0 comments


They didnt talked about how many nights have past and a lot of people confused about the number of nights in this arc especially later on episode 7. Also I didnt see them confirming that they get the reason betty remembered Subaru is because she met him before the new check point. Yeah not checking their comments especially on their patreon is really bad decision especially for content creator. They said that they have a mod on discord so why not mof Patreon too? Other channels interact with their viewer to make sure everyone is on the same page especially on a show that are confusing at time.


Yo relax man. They said that they're getting someone to moderate their patreon comments so that they don't get spoiled


Yeah im relax..maybe the way I wrote that sentence made it seems that im mad but really im not. Just a general question. All good here.

Night Sterling

Apparently they're not the only ones that don't read stuff because they literally just made a post a little while back that they are looking for someone to moderate comments so that they can interact with people. Also rewatch the discussion at 22:30 Ben explains that the reset point is after the first interaction with Betty and again at 32:00


I don't really understand why everybody explain things to them here, they don't read the comments anyways. Now they are looking for a mod forpatreon comments but at the moment it's kinda pointless.


I read this comment before I watched the reaction (bad idea, I know) and went in feeling disappointed and surprised that they would miss this. So glad to see Ben realized almost immediately what was happening and not fall for that confusion.