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01:52 Reaction to Show

16:16 Discussion




Make sure you watch the 3rd movie, Rebellion. The 1st and 2nd movies are just recap. Do they read comments?


they themselves do not! BUT they have mods who moderate and check the comments! People have been mentioning Rebellion almost every episode so most likely they’ll be watching it. im sure they dont get informed of specific information until its time to hear it

L Freya

Weeeeell... since they don't read the comments... spoilers follow!!! Rebellion has the best magical girl transformation sequence (in any show perhaps) that isn't a parody, the best/cutest song sequence, the best action sequence, and the best mind fuck of this entire show IMO. So yeah, keep on egging them on to watch it.

William Pina

The last 2 episodes aired together because after episode 10 there was a devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan and it took about a month before they aired. Imagine watching episode 11 after going through a horrible natural disaster. Also, just like the OP is about Homura, the ED is about Madoka.

Alex Jackson

There's actually a spinoff manga that should be right up Ben's alley: "Tart Magica: The Legend of Jeanne D'Arc". It's about magical girls fighting in the Hundred Years' War in 15th-century France.


Junk-o, oh nonono dont do it to her


Kyuubey never says this, but I think it's reasonable to assume that not every wish can be granted for each magical girl. I wonder what would happen if someone wished for something on a cosmic scale such as "filling the Incubators' quota" when they don't really have the power to do that. It makes no sense for the Incubators to lose more energy on a wish than they get. Of course, no one would really wish that outside of this situation where Homura is involved, since they wouldn't know


Of course, we know that in reality humanity didn't need the help of an advanced alien civilization wanting to use teenage girls as nuclear reactors in order to develop as far as we have. But considering how much longer our prehistory as cavemen is compared to our recorded history as a civilization, it's a fun idea that without the Incubators humans might still be living in just a small extension of that prehistoric time, and this fast development is actually the result of some of the wishes


my fear is that since it's hard to find a *legal* way to watch rebellion they may not watch it


That was my problem with watching Madoka to begin with. Crunchyroll didn't have it in my region so I had to use VPN lol

that girl

Since the mods evidently didn't tell them to read the lyrics to the OP, they're doing a bad job

that girl

A fan theory I find intriguing is that part of having a lot of potential is the ability to conceive of greater wishes. Your average magical girl with middling karmic potential just wouldn't have the ambition and vision to think of wishing for something like filling their quota.


I hope they continue watching Magia Record after the movie since its a side story to Madoka.

亞利克 庫倫

It's such a pity...I wonder if mods would let them know non-spoilery information (that would enhance the story experience if known), for example, neither of them seem to notice in this episode that the "burned witch" in Kyubey's history lesson is supposed to be Joan of Arc...


Pretty sure they don't lol but Until there's a reason to believe that mods make the decision on their own we need to understand that maybe they act following Ben and Ann instructions of what kind of info they would like to get from comments. It is a result of their way they interact with us but it is what it is.

Keith Merrington

Despite the magical girls, Kyubey and the witches, the thing I find most unbelievable in this episode is that Madoka's mother let her go. If that was my kid, no way in hell would I let her go out there. If it meant the destruction of the city and the death of everyone else - tough shit, you ain't going.


I'm sorry, but that's bad parenting. If your 14yo child wants permission to go and perform a heroic sacrifice, you don't let them even if it's the [right thing]. That's immersion-breaking and only a sociopathic parent would allow it.


This was one of very few things that was really off-putting about the narrative. Sociopathic? Absolutely not; I have no clue where you got that from. Bad parenting? Yes, lol.


Can't wait for next weeks reaction. And hopefully they will do the movie also.

William Pina

The reasoning is that the mom feels like she is losing her daughter and if she doesn't let her go, she will completely lose that connection she had with her. It's also the middle of a tsunami, it is reasonable to believe that the authorities wouldn't let her go very far, or maybe even outside the shelter. It's bad parenting regardless, but the conversations that Junko had with Madoka and the teacher are key to understanding her way of thinking and acting.

William Pina

The wish has to overcome entropy, so ending entropy is not something that will overcome entropy.


Its not. We in europe and also in asia are giving our kids more freedoms and more trust. Her mom saw that Madoka knew something that she dont. She had to go save her friend and her daughter wouldnt be stupid enough to just run into a storm and die. Madoka made it very clear that she knows what she is doing. To stop her daughter at that point her mother had to chain her up and thats not something parents should do.


I think that's my only issue with PMMM: sometimes the characters don't quite act like characters, but more like mouthpieces for the show's themes. Most of the time, it's done well, but there's a couple of points where you can't help but think "I'm not sure a human being would actually act like that".


I really hope they don't, 'cause it's a spinoff that tries to milk off the original's success while adding nothing. It's what FGO did to the original Fate series. Both are made to promote a damn GACHA game for crying out loud..