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00:00 Intro 01:51 Reaction to Show 16:34 Discussion




Friendly reminder for the mods to allow them to read the lyrics to the OP for next episode!


Make sure you've watched the whole credits for this episode!

Alex Jackson

Faust, but the Devil is a Sufficiently Advanced Alien and he buys human souls to use them as renewable fuel. Anna almost got the link between Sayaka's tragic fall and her witch form. Sayaka's witch has the tail of a mermaid (visible for a moment when the labyrinth floor collapses), and Sayaka's arc has parallels with The Little Mermaid (the original Andersen story, not the Disney version with a happy ending) The special ED song in this episode is sung by Sayaka's and Kyoko's VAs. I've now seen three anime with a special ED sung by a character's VA when that character dies. One was this episode of Madoka Magica; one was Made in Abyss (Belaf in season 2), and one was another magical girl show that I don't think Ben or Anna have seen.

William Pina

Kyoko's father told her she was a witch, so the last thing she wants to do is become one. That's why she desperately wants to find a way to avoid it. I think when she realizes that it is impossible, she decided that she would rather end her life with Sayaka so they won't be alone


Get a soul gem on side and a grief seed on the other


Next episode we jump into the abyss guys!


This is 100% a spoiler, but they don't look at comments. Also, the Walpur thing isn't even confirmed.


MADOKA SUNDAY LETS GOOOO mods pls let us know if they know about Rebellion (the movie) and to tell them to read the lyrics of the OP next ep : )

Mirror (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 06:59:14 y'all should have reacted to the song, it was sung by their voice actors
2024-03-11 06:59:14 y'all should have reacted to the song, it was sung by their voice actors
2024-03-11 04:39:22 y'all should have reacted to the song, it was sung by their voice actors

y'all should have reacted to the song, it was sung by their voice actors

that girl

It's amazing how quick people are to just take Kyubey at his word. The alien who has repeatedly deceived everyone (including the audience) says that he can't understand the concept of deceiving somebody. He couldn't possibly be lying about that, right?


I started expecting the worst when Kyoko said “It’ll be like one of those stories where hope triumphs all”, because we know from the very beginning that this is NOT at all what this story is fond of lol


Yeah. "Somehow" Kyubey's lack of understanding seems to only ever result in good consequences for him, and negative consequences for others. It's almost as if the little POS actually understands quite well.


I mean, I believe it. You don't have to understand lying or deception to withhold information.


No, the problem is that people distrust him and DON'T take him by his word when he says "he doesn't know wether there is a way". Kyoko thinks "ok then there definitely is a way and he just doesn't want me to know" instead of believing him.


And to be fair, although his words led to the outcome he wanted, he also was not lying. Lying would have been if, at any point, he had told Kyoko that yes, she might be able to do it. Unfortunately, Kyoko never asks the right questions and just assumed.


He's not saying a lie, but he's very carefully choosing his words so that it sounds like there could be a way. He's dishonest in a way that a lawyer might be.

Iejir Isk

#Kyubeydidnothingwrong....? What happens when pure rational, utilitarianism comes into knowing of a universe ending problem... this is kinda the one i dislike Kyubey for... even though I 100% understand it. I really like the relationship of Kyoko & Sakura.

Emma Bowman

Agreed. He even admits at the end of this episode that he wanted Kyoko out of the way. If he had said "Of course it's impossible" to Kyoko the way he did Homura, he wouldn't have gotten what he wanted. He chose his words quite purposefully.


There are some strange audio layering issues at certain points of the discussion section


I remember the first time I watched this anime. It makes you feel so hopeless cause you want something good to happen to them for once. But nope, ever since Mami died, nothing good has happened. Shit just keeps getting worse and worse


Maybe something nice will happen next episode.

Tempered Glasses

We can all agree that Kyubey is a bastard.


Kyubey = Echidna with how he tells you 'everything' in your contract but is still tricking you into signing one thats not to your benefit

Hoa Trương

Sayaka witch is actually also a mermaid. Refference to the little mermaid tragic love story