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Stories and romance options in General Practitioner are treated just like any other gameplay element, meaning it's your choices that make something available or not.

Since Elisa was introduced in 0.0.4 she became a fan favourite, even though someone didn't like her a lot. And if you don't like her story or her character the game won't force you to pursue it after some point.

Choices you're going to make in "Our Clinic, My Baby" update will pair with the ones you already made before and the outcome might bring Elisa away from you once and for all. After all even in our real lives our former girlfriends happen to live their lives far away from us and despite we sometimes leave with an open "See you around" this just doesn't occur ever again.

General Practitioner is a game about the doctor's life. Who will be part of this life? Will he live an happy Casanova lifestyle forever or will he feel miserable about not having someone he really cares for?
