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The last few hours have been spent bug-fixing the game, as I received many reports from alpha testers that needed my attention. Most bugs were not game-breaking but some definitely were, so I "Fast-Fixed" them as soon as I could.

But I also kept developing the upcoming release of the game and today I wanted to show you this Daily Report Screen, which is currently being designed by graphic designer Sasquatchii right now.

The screen will replace the currently used "Excel Sheet" for daily reports, which will be introduced in 0.0.18 (the screen will come in 0.0.19 since it's not ready yet). I believe informations are more clearly visible over this one and even more fun to read. I also want to add a couple new options in the "Settings" screen:

- Show daily report (Y/N) if you wish to display the screen each day or not (if you don't the outcome will still apply, even if you won't know about it unless you check your stats)

- Show Exam Review (Y/N) if you wish to display the outcome of your examination or not (feature to be available in 0.0.20)

- Enable Auto/Quick saves view in the Load Menu (right now you have to click on the "<<" button to access it from page 01

Work on the game goes on, I hope you'll enjoy what I'm going to add to the project. Thanks for following an supporting me!

Be safe and healthy,



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