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Cameron Hofstra

Fun fact nickelodeon hated this show bc it was so much more popular than there other shows they barely allowed them to do 3 seasons they were wanting 4 but Nick denied them and if u watch Korra that series has a story every season that doesn't continue to the next like this show bc nickelodeon allowed them to do season at a time

Shawn Oxley

Korra doesn't come close to ATLA

Kirito Otonashi

when you are finished with Avatar the last airbender I hope you guys watch another fan favorite with the How to train your dragon series. its amazing and brilliant

Angel Hernandez

With Korra it was more so that they got approved for one season so they did that and afterwards they got green lit for a second season so they did another one and that’s why Books 1-3 didn’t have much continuity between them. When they got green lit for Book 3, they also got green lit for Book 4 at the same time so they could tie them together better


As a waring 10 is a double length or its 10 and 11 are a two part


i love backstory episodes


we are getting a avatar movie with the crew in there mid 20s

William. C

That quote from Roku about friendships lasting beyond lifetimes always makes me cry. It's part of why I think Gyasto grew to care for Aang in such a way.


Hoo, been waiting for this one! The lore!

Harley Taylor

And to think season 3 is only going to get BETTER! I love this show! An earlier comment mentioned that the show creators wanted a 4th season since they weren't approved for it by Nickelodeon they did the graphic novels which is what should have happened in the 4th season. I think there are 6? They are all amazing as well, so if you guys want to read them when you finish the show I HIGHLY recommend that.


aang and zuko is crazy LMAO 😭


we seen mad cool firebenders like jeong jeong (aangs first firebending teacher), iroh, and roku. Thats why I love Aangs line at the end of this that the point of the story is that anyone can commit great evil or do great good.

William Timmins

'Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes' I adore that line.


The story telling of ATLA is just so amazing. Every time i watch this it blows my mind.

Zero Dragneel

I would for them to react to Danny phantom or highschool dxd

Fabbrizio Plays

I'm sure comments have already mentioned this before, but you have 15 episodes left, not 10. Netflix bunches them up. Two of them are two-parters and the finale is a 4-part.


This episode is such a lore bomb! So many people think that the volcano is actually Sozin attacking Roku's home island at first, but it's SO much worse than that. I also DO think that Sozin went there to help Roku initially, but when Roku took that hit, Sozin saw his plans he'd been repressing for 25 years suddenly become unchained, and he just couldn't let that go. It was more important to him than Roku's life, the bastard.


I don't understand, why did Sozin kill all the Airbender. Would it not just create the next Avatar from the Water Tribe?


An interesting theory about the avatar’s reincarnation can be seen in this episode. It’s theorized that once the avatar dies they take on a similar appearance of their romantic partner from the previous life to the next. In this episode Roku’s wife looks similar to Aang, and young Roku has a similar resemblance to Avatar Kyoshi’s partner


Would it? He doesn’t know and neither does anyone else, so either the Avatar is gone, or he has another ~15 years before the Avatar can become an issue again and even then could they learn airbending?


So, for more, not quite Avatar level because TLA is pretty much the gold standard of animated storytelling, (Yes as much as I love MLP and think you all would love it, it's got nothing on this show) but very similar vibes from a lot of the same creative staff and even some of the same VA's, you should check out Netflix's The Dragon Prince.

the one

second this, Danny phantom or Teen titans would be perfect to watch (after at least korra )since they all share the same vibes imo.


I just want to comment: I know you guys read these comments and please just be careful with what you read in them. As someone who has grown up with watching the show and korra (while nickelodeon was trying their best to ruin the show), and has watched all the episodes with notes from the creators, is a superfan and reads up on it almost religiously, now that it's had a resurgence in popularity due to netflix, A LOT of people comment things as *fun facts* or facts in general that are honestly just fan theories no matter how popular they might be. Not everyone makes the distinction between these so as you're experiencing these shows- and yes Korra is a good show, people need to be able to recognize that it's a separate story- take things that people are just commenting everywhere with a grain of salt please.


i second this, i watched dragon prince a few months ago and absolutly loved it


Pretty sure they said unless the avatar dies in avatar state he will

Eric Miller

It might be my opinion, but Korra is definitely not a good show. not only does it fail as a follow up to this masterpiece, but on it's own storytelling merits as well. Korra makes me very disappointed and sad the direction this series took. They'll probably end up wasting time with it anyway, but that's just because of hype from ATLA, not because the show is worth it in any way.


Roku and Toph talking about/questioning if friendships can last more than one lifetime always makes me tear up.

Craig Payne

But Roku had to give that information to Aang. It's quite likely it wasn't shared with Sozin at any point.

Tyler Green

I have the literal opposite opinion. It’s judged too harshly because it’s the sequel to ATLA. If you watch it without the expectation of it being ATLA than it’s pretty good and definitely for a Nickelodeon show. The story is iffy but they didn’t have anywhere close to the prep time they had for ATLA. Is it the best story ever told? No but it’s still entertaining and has its moments. The fights are great, the characters and certain dynamics can be hit or miss sure but it’s still fun and enjoyable. If you expect ATLA level story then yea it’s disappointing but if you just enjoy it for what it is (a story in the ATLA universe) it’s still worth the time and is entertaining.

Zero Dragneel

Yeah I don't get why they haven't react danny phantom or Teen titans. Heck they seen rise of tmnt but not tmnt 2003 or 2012 at all which weird don'cha think?

Shadow King

I don't know if anyones said this yet but do you remember how aang said he thought he a zuko would be friends in a different life. I guess they kinda were huh?

Cloud Kitsune

I find it hilarious that Boom went for both the very popular ships (Zutarra and Zaang) which I couldn't stand back in the day. XD My heart was forever for Zukka.


In general I think comparing Korra and ATLA is a disservice to the series as a whole. Korra is built on the foundations created by ATLA, it is a continuation of the themes and stories of Aang's era. Korra tackles many topics ATLA couldn't and explores plots that can only exist in a world shaped by the events of ATLA. They are part of each other. Yes Korra has only 3.5 good books IMO, it has amazing highs and some rocky lows, but it is still worth watching. Korra tells stories that are different from ATLA but they are still important and meaningful. Korra couldn't just rehash what ATLA did, it had to break the mold, and that means taking risks and some of those risks didn't pay off. However discrediting the whole series because of its low points is just wrong. Thanks for coming to my ramblefest.


So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something. His ass. Five long years, he wore this crown up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the crown. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the crown to you.


I think maybe he thought he could kill before the potential avatar before they were born then the cycle would end otherwise you’re right they would just be a water bender


The reveal in this episode is amazing. It stares you in the face the entire time and makes complete sense and yet nobudy ever sees it coming. Its fantastic.


The writing is brilliant showing Zuko behind bars through his whole discussion with Iroh


Sounds like the kind of philosophy Aang could get down w tbh 😭😭


Zaang 😭😭 Y’all make me laugh

Chelsea Williams

My heart is with Tokka, nothing quite holds up to the equal measure of chaos and bad assery those two have in every scenario their in together.

Chelsea Williams

I second but be sure to watch in order. Rise of Berk, Defenders of Berk, and Race to the Edge. The Gift of the night fury short film should be watched anytime around RoB. Dawn of the dragon racers short film after RTTE. And all this content takes place between movies 1&2. The new short film Homecoming takes place after movie 3 but before the epilogue. Apart from those I don’t believe there is any content between movies 2&3. There a few other short films but they take place before 2 but I’m not as familiar with them more if a recall do they have any references in the movies like the ones I listed.

Andre Avery

I like how Sozin's dragon is blue or has a blueish green color to it and Roku's dragon is red and in the dream Zuko had in Ba Sing Se, he dreamt of a blue and red dragon which could represent the turmoil inside him.


Don't forget the graphic novels after you finish.

Brock Percle

yes and that would give him quite a few years to deal with the water nation, which is why it shows him searching in the pole after.




Can't wait for only one of next weeks episodes, the other one I could wait for lol.


it does tho, this episode reminds me how well intertwined the story of each avatar is with each other. did you even finish korra?

John McFarland

I've always thought that Toph asked about friendships lasting more than one lifetime, because she is friends with Iroh, and she knows she will outlive him. She wants to know she can see her friend again.

Shawn Oxley

I will give full credit that the wan episodes are goated and the red lotus are cool but apart from that it's pretty shit


The Solstice is just the longest day of the season. Each Book has taken place over the course of the seasons (Book One featured The Winter Solstice, which is the first time that we contact Roku). We have now reached the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the summer time. In Book One they explain that during the Solstice the boundary between the mortal and spirit worlds blur completely. So the Solstice is one of the easiest times to contact Roku; keep in mind that Aang being raised a monk makes him more spiritual by nature. This also is the reason why Aang was absolutely speeding through unlocking his chakras. All that being said, the Eclipse is a celestial phenomenon when the sun is completely blocked out by the moon, entirely independent of a solstice, or equinoxes, which occur every season. Hope this helps, love the reactions, very excited to be in Book Three!


Solstices refer to both the longest AND shortest days of seasons, occurring in Winter and Summer, while in Spring and Autumn, Equinoxes denote when the day and night are equal in astronomical time.

Thine Tiny Equine

To put it out there, Avatars are all the same person just reincarnating. It's the fact that they're Avatars that make them able to speak with their past lives. It's hard to turn one evil because of their past lives influence on the current one. Essentially they'd have one hell of a spiritual journey while the other thousand something versions of themselves told them 'no. Fuck off with that.'

John Rea

Last 4 episodes should all be done together. Just in case you guys haven't been told

Anna H

My guess was that it was just Sozin's hail mary attempt at severing the Avatar cycle, or to simply just prolong the avatar's return altogether so that he could continue his world takeover.


If you guys watch Legend of Korra you get to see flashback adult Aang. But not beyond 53 year of age so not as an old man.


OMG I just realized, the dragons in this show are also hybrids, just like most of the other creatures! They appear to be hybrids of eastern and western dragons! (Much like ATLA is a hybrid of eastern and western animation..?)


Also, I think the thing Iroh said about two sides at war within Zuko was more than a spiritual idea, because he inherited good values from his mom, who probably got it from Roku's child, and vice versa on his dad's side. This show man.....

Belle M

yeah that or that I think she's the youngest so she's worried she'll outlive them


What a hot take lol, Korra is a top tier show, just like ATLA, and most of it is far more re-watchable than ATLA's first season.


I mean, you can't be obsessively chasing someone for years and NOT have some kind of attachment to them. It ain't Zuko and Aang fighting for Katara, it's Katara and Zuko fighting for Aang lol

Chaplain Harvest

The fact I’ve gotta wait two whole weeks for them to see the most wild episode of Avatar kills me man. I want to see there reactions to it like mad because of how bonkers it gets.

Owen Zon

Love that boom and ruff were just shitting on Zuko for the last 6 episodes for his choices (evil as they were) and but now after Aang says that everyone deserves to have a chance they all are now back on the Zuko joins the Gaang train.

Curtis Rice

are you guys planning to do Legend of Korra?

Iruma Mob 100

Wow, I never thought Zukaang (Zaang, whichever you choose) was that popular. I always thought the two most popular was Zutara and Kataang


I think that you guys will really enjoy Legend of Korra. It has weak points but overall I think it is well done.

Amy Petty

This isn't entirely accurate, not least because the idea that Nick would somehow have hated one of its own shows for being popular is nonsensical on its face. Airbender has a single overarching story that clearly had at least a roadmap to the finish line from the beginning. There's too much polish for them to not have had a clear idea where they were going. And the reason we didn't get a fourth season is because of the movie. It was hardly some arbitrary decision because Nick just wanted to hate on Airbender. Korra actually *does* have continuity between all of its seasons. The continuity is weakest in the second one and strongest in the links between seasons three and four, but by no means are they four discrete stories.

Amy Petty

What? Of course he knows. It's common knowledge that there's always an Avatar, and that when dies another is reborn into the next nation in the cycle. Why do you think Sozin wouldn't know that?

Amy Petty

Roku had to share it with Aang, but it's also known among at least some people. The entire reason why the Fire Nation wanted to take the Avatar alive is specifically BECAUSE they knew that killing him would just lead to the birth of the next. But Azula herself knew that the time to kill Aang was when he was in the Avatar state.


You...you don't understand the concept of discussion, do you? Lol. You are following my MONTHS-OLD comments around for the sole purpose of adding, essentially, "Well, DUH." Quality engagement, that.

Amy Petty

I don't understand why people who have watched the show keep misunderstanding this. It is common knowledge that there is always an Avatar in the world. Of course Sozin knew that the Avatar had already been born. Think it through. When one Avatar dies, the next is born. Sozin, obviously, knew when Roku died. And he didn't attack the Air Nation for another twelve years. So at the barest minimum he would have known that the next Avatar was a twelve year old child.

Amy Petty

What is with all this "Nick trying their best to ruin the show" nonsense? Folks, that's not how this stuff works. Come ON.

Amy Petty

Or she's just musing aloud about something and it wasn't that deep. I don't think she's nearly that attached to Iroh.

Amy Petty

Maybe hold back on comments like this and let them discover it for themselves? There's no need to "prepare" them for what to expect.

Amy Petty

From the moment I watched this episode, I've wondered if Roku misunderstands the nature of his own mistake. Sure, as things actually played out, Sozin ultimately took to conquering the world and putting all the nations beneath the Fire Nation's banner. But I think he was genuine about wanting to share the Fire Nation's prosperity at the beginning when he first approached Roku with his ideas. From there, I think Roku was right to recoil at the idea of the other three peoples being conquered and suborned under the Fire Nation, but I think there was an opportunity there where he could have steered Sozin's ideas into a healthy direction. Consider when Roku says that the Four Nations are meant to be separate - an idea that comes up again several times after the end of A:TLA. Why exactly are they meant to be separate? According to whom? Is it merely the idea that balance and harmony requires four distinct nations that do not interact? Like, at all? Because that idea alone already fails to work - there is travel and trade, after all, and no one seems to think that that interferes with the notion of harmony or balance. So what does "separate" actually mean, and what are the limits and exceptions? What this highlights for me is something I've noted elsewhere: the Avatars are not objective observers and their ideologies are not necessarily inherently wise at all, much less the pinnacle of wisdom. And this fact remains the case even when a given incarnation has passed on and become a memory link within a later Avatar.

Lucile Byrd

From the 1st season there has always been a beautiful symmetry between Zuko and Aang's stories and growth!