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Ah yes the Footloose episode


Just heads up there are a lot of 2 parters in this season, this season has the most episodes


And the final episode is 4 parts

Ranginald Vagel

Yooo wtf no respect on Jeong Jeong’s name at the end


this is the ep where aang has the most rizz


Even aang can have rizz if he stops looking like caillou.


you guys dont remember jeong jeong he was a firebender master in season 1 who doesnt work for the fire nation anymore


Yep. I know it was just one episode in Book 1, but the whole episode was about him starting to teach Aang firebending. I'm sure I'd have forgotten his name at this point, but they seem to have forgotten he even exists... 🤔

Kemi Stanton

This episode is so great because yeah Aang has the rizz but also when this episode first aired I remember thinking how deep and real it was that we saw kids being taught sanitised history in real time. I was like damn this kids show is not subtle about how messed up colonialism really is

Asad Khabir

Tbf they did say chill firebenders and Jeong Jeong is anything but chill

Asad Khabir

Writers: You know how we were using euphemism to imply the Fire Nation was based on the Japanese. Well actually they are just straight up Japanese

Asad Khabir

Not naming any names here but there are some religions that do ban dancing. It's a form of control mechanism. Dancing like other arts is a very powerful mean of non verbal communication. In a way it invokes intellectual debate. Don't want your followers having fun when they can be spending their time unquestionably following your dogma.

Asad Khabir

Tbf that's like every nation in history including the colonies. They all teach their children sanitized history.

Asad Khabir

Writers: You know how we were using euphemism to imply the Fire Nation was based on the Japanese. Well actually they are just straight up Japanese


i was just thinking guys maybe you could react to the spongebob movie because some of you have never seen spongebob it could be a funny experience

William Timmins

There's a huge metaphor here for countries where some movement sweeps in and rewrites history and culture. Where the country's own traditions become the enemy. Whether that's North Korea or the US or... you name it.

Roronoa Zoro

This episode shows how much aang has improved his ability to rizz. Comparing this rizz to the failed rizz shown during the fortune teller episode is like night and day


Yeah but in this context of chill im pretty sure they mean like not evil and willing to teach aang and that was da jeong jeong


I lowkey wanted to see their reaction to that and they click on the final episode and it was a whole ass movie


Youve been misinformed Avatar studios still in production they havent released a movie yet


Jeong Jeong had one episode he was a cool fire bender who was gonna teach aang but aang burned katara so he was like im not doing this shit.


Hmm that national oath before class is an awful lot like having to say the pledge of allegiance in schools in the US, and elementary schools teaching us that Thanksgiving was when the pilgrims and the Native Americans got together to make stone soup , and that we needed to manifest our destiny, and police the world, because we, a fledgling 200 year old nation, are somehow the greatest country on earth. Neo-imperialism is just old Imperialism with a fancy coat of paint, and using wealth and resources instead of weapons.

Kemi Stanton

Yeah that's the point I was trying really poorly to make haha, when this first aired I took a lot of stuff at face value and was just then starting to realise the basic truth of "we're taught history through the biased lens of nationalism". I had never seen a cartoon demonstrate it like that before. Even as an adult and it's not so mind-blowing, I still think it's cool for the creators to show that.

Mitchell Fanning

I said this on the last video, but I’ll say it again here. Zuko is a 16 year old child of abuse that was raised in a propaganda fueled nation. Any hatred one feels towards him should be directed at his father, grandfather, and great grandfather. I would say the same for Azula but she was born crazy.

King of The Trees 06

The original creators actually meant for the fire nation to be the usa. That's why in the live action show the fire nation will have a special forces unit called the see eye aye since we didn't get the message the first go around

Virginia Wilson

Yeah I know it’s tough but hang in there. Zuko is not a fan-favorite character for nothing. I think he’s at probably his lowest point in the whole series here, despite having regained all the things he thought he wanted all this time.

Brandon Dodge

Honestly you're right to be upset at Zuko. What he did was wrong. Understandable for his character, but still wrong.


Yeah I know it’s very easy to be frustrated by Zuko’s actions in the moment, but the dude has probably one of the worst abusive fatherly relationships I’ve seen in a show, and I really think that every single line he says and action he takes should be viewed from this lens. He’s a teenager too, and ternagers make horrible choices all the time, many with much less trauma and abuse.


i mean its like star wars right with the imperial forces. They can draw from many things.

apple jacked

"No, I'm Kuzon!" "No, I am!" "No, I'm Sparticus!"


I love how quick Katara is to pick up and run with other people's ideas. First it was June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, now Sapphire Fire.


The last thing a country wants is it’s citizens to hate it and when they hate it enough civil wars happen that tear it apart destroying it.


This season is Fire... heh


Does anyone else have problems with the Patreon videos buffering really badly?


yeah that always happens to me when I try to watch these on google chrome. I have to switch browsers every time just to watch these

Kevin Mcmanus

monsters inc and finding nemo movie reaction


We’ve completely reworked our website and will be officially launching it soon. This should fix these issues

Matt R

agree but also disagree, its right to be upset at the choice he made, but not right to be angry at him or hate him for it, teenagers make mistakes all the time with much less trauma


Plus we should also consider almost every time he's done something morally 'good' it doesn't end up good for him. He either fails or gets punished for it. Versus nearly every time he does something morally 'bad' he's praised and it typically goes well for him. Makes sense he's so conflicted and lashing out right now, to me at least.

Tyler Brasher

I love that whenever you watch Zuko talking to Iroh in these scenes its always portrayed as Zuko is the one in a prison


Never noticed how garbage this episode is


subtle thing but Aangs headbands on upsidedown, I've always loved that

Amy Petty

She wasn't. Azula's just as much a victim of abuse as Zuko.