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Next Week is going to be Epic

Roronoa Zoro

Damn was hoping we got the finale as there’s only 1 episode left. But fuck it. Excited for next week. Now time to binge some avatar greatness

Kay M

i mean next episode is technically 2 episodes in one so it makes sense that they arent doing it until next week

Roronoa Zoro

You know. I forgot that it was almost an hour long episode lol. Excited nonetheless

Billie Turner

I believe this is the best fight in the series, and I feel very alone in this opinion

Chaz Finch

I can't wait to watch the season finale with you guys!!!

Asad Khabir

The last few episodes are what I call the 'fuck around episode'. This episode is what I call 'find out' episode


I like waiting for these videos give me something to look forward to 😆 but then there is that side of me like just release it all at once so I can bin watch it lol the cliff hangers are to real


Hey now, you all should know better, it is not The Boulder... Toph was very clear it's really 'The Pebble". But yeah, seems things are going not good and only two eps left..... next week is going to be awesome!

Will F

You know I've never seen anyone mention it in the discord or in the comments but if yall haven't you need to watch Young Justice you'll love it


I think most people go to 'correct' you guys because they want you to have all the knowledge possible and enjoy the series to its fullest potential, which we often forget is not typically done during your first watch through.


yeah, if they’re running on misinformation it can be really frustrating to watch lol, but people definitely need to understand the difference between correcting a mistake and spoiling what will be explained in the future anyway


the next episode is probably in my Top 5 for the whole show (maybe even Top 3), really excited for that one

Samantha Bailey

We got to see Sokka and Katara's father during Appa's Lost Days when he was headed towards the Eastern Air Temple, and he flew over some Water Trib ships that the show zoomed in on once he passed them.

JRax 17

Any plan you have you immediately throw out the window when Azula shows up😂

Ben Asay

I enjoy these reactions so much. This show is one of my favorites, the fighting sequences are fire.


Zuko: *does One Good Thing(tm) and takes 999 psychic damage*


Sorry but you had to be corrected about The Boulder 'cause the actual Boulder is 10x better than these wimps lmao


Cognitive dissonance can actually manifest through physical symptoms IRL, like fever and dizziness. Zuko obsessed over capturing the avatar for over 3 years, it's been tied to his sense of self and identity, and suddenly he's taken actions at odds with his state of mind.


This is not my comment: This is actually based on the government of China during the “reign” of its last emperor. He was also basically a puppet with all actual power in the hands of his advisor who also had secret police patrolling the streets. The Earth King’s name Kuei is even similar to the Emperor’s name Puei and the advisor was named Dai Lee. "The Last Emperor" is a 1987 epic biographical drama film about the life of Puyi, the final Emperor of China. A fantastic live action film based on this historic event. You should see it if you are interested in this topic.


It's not my "best fight" pick but I absolutely respect it as a choice because it's awesome as hell.


I had never noticed it before, but when Sokka was trying to convince everyone to go to the Earth King and they saw the ships, he turned specifically to Katara to asked for her decision. Was that because Katara was just the deciding vote (He and Aang wanted to go to the Earth King and Toph was a hard no) or does he trust Katara's decisions enough to let her effectively be the leader in such situations?


One of my favorite comments for this episode is from Lupasan of YaBoyRoshi: "SHE TURNED THE STAIRS OFF! BRO WHAT?"


idk why they thought he was the Boulder, he looks and sounds nothing like that guy 😂 he doesn’t even speak in the 3rd person

Josh avarada

I sorta wish the scene where Toph gets captured happened in the next episode. That way it goes from Sokka explaining how everything is going good and the future is bright to Azula ready to f*ck shit up


The Earth King is without a doubt the shittiest character ever because he needed to do something but didn't later in the series when he REALLY should have

Asad Khabir

Actually that's how the end of every Chinese dynasty went. They would start of well and then a string of child emperors would slowley cede power to either their regent or the Eunuch faction in their court


Here we go! Turning points all around!


I always remember this fight sequence 😂 more than the Aang Ozai fight