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Carson Spinks

Absolutely wonderful! Internet historian has tons of great react content! The No Man's Sky vid for example!

Asad Khabir

Oh yeah now we are entering the Internet Historian Arc 😊


I honestly started to like 76 after they added NPCs & even the Pitt was fun too. It is heaps better than it was at launch (I was one of the unlucky few to have played it back then). It's a shame a lot of people have missed out on playing the game simply because of the launch. I know Cyberpunk 2077 had a similar response on launch, but is now heaps better too. No Man's Sky being another example. I haven't played 76 in a bit (mostly because I've not been gaming as much in general), but it's been fun.

Know Your Roll

I'll say it now... I'll watch any reaction to Internet Historian vids! The Engoodening of No Mans Sky and Man in Cave are the top two I'd recommend.


The engoodining of no man’s sky is a good one too


Please do more of Internet historian. I highly recommend Man in Cave


more internet historian reactions PLZ!!!!! also react to my favorite anime Overlord. PLZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!

Ranginald Vagel

Uh oh you’re gonna get clapped in the comments Redfall is from Arkane the guys behind Dishonored and Deathloop. Also a pretty sad fall from grace

Ranginald Vagel

That’s fair but if we’re talking Zenimax/Bethesda as publishers and not developers they also released Hi-Fi Rush under Tango Gameworks(also published by Bethesda) in February which was unambiguously awesome so they’re 1-1 right now. What I said was mistakenly interpreting what you meant as Bethesda as devs, but I should have known you meant publishing, but the way Starfield was compared to Redfall was a bit confusing. BTW play Hi Fi Rush if you haven’t it’s awesome.

Ranginald Vagel

Man in Cave, Engoodening of No Man’s Shy and The Cost of Costa Concordia are like the holy trinity of YouTube reactions fr

Ranginald Vagel

The 500 Atoms not being enough for a virtual canvas bag still kills me to this day, it costs them almost nothing to give more and they didn’t think for a second how the players would react

George Vatkov

To be fair, Bethesda games are content rich and immersive games that are just unpolished. Fallout 76 was a massive failure, thought. Thats not to excuse buggy launches, but in this day and age when most triple A games are unplayable garbage for the first 6 months, yet get nominated for "Game of the year", Im not fazed anymore. Its an industry-wide problem and its not really fair to pin it on just one studio. Does anyone remember everyones "Game of the year, for every year" The Witcher 3 and how it was also unplayable garbage for its first 6 months. How about Cyberpunk 2077? Yet people are creaming their pants for The Witcher 1 remake, by the same studio, BTW. Blame it on brand consumers with no critical thinking. I love Fallout, but 76 sucks and I dont play it, but I dont condemn ALL Fallout games because of it.


Internet Historian is fun, I hope yall react to more of his videos!


For myself I got into Bethesda mostly through New Vegas. I tried Fallout 3 I believe 4 times and I did the tutorial, I did most of the starting missions in Megaton but once I did them. I pretty much had no idea where to go beyond just go to the capital wasteland area and I drop the game soon after. I tried Skyrim around the time I beat New Vegas and after doing the tutorial and reaching the next town. Then it lost me. I know with Skyrim people mod out the tutorial which I can kinda understand. But it also says a lot that the tutorial is so lacking of gripping the player, people choose to cut it completely. I kinda realised. I think most open world single player games aren't really my thing. I think New Vegas worked for me cause it swayed you to take the long road by design and was much better for me personally cause of that. And I played Fallout 1 and 2 which I really enjoyed. Far more then Fallout 3 but thats cause by design Fallout 3 wasn't for me. I can see why people really liked it. Just not me.

Bowie Jenne

If you want to include the games that Bethesda’s secondary developers Arkane and Id Software have made, they are very good, but it’s easy not to count those ones. Bethesda is simply the publisher for those companies. And also I would happily watch you react to more Internet Historian.


Skyrim's modding community really DOES change that game. As of right now there are still modders working on the other regions of the game's world, Tamriel. Hundreds of them. That level of support for a decade plus game is insane. I fired it up recently for the first time in like four years, and some of the mods really changed the experience for me in a good way. Survival mode, with the need to eat, rest and keep warm, was so immersive and changed my game. Hell, I had to measure the daylight left before setting out just to make sure I wouldn't freeze in the northern areas! I think in summary I'm trying to say it holds up, even without nostalgia goggles.

iron pirate76

can you guys react to VFX artist reveals the true scale of attack on titan by a youtube channel called corridor crew, only 10 minutes

Andrew Dittmann

I played too much of fallout 3 with out mods. New Vegas was the best fallout game I have ever played. Went back to play the Fallout 1 & 2. Fallout 4 was one of the biggest disappointments I have ever had. And I'm kind of thankful because that allowed me to not play 76. Now to Elder scrolls. Skyrim was the reason I built myself a computer. But I played that game too mod it. Bought a extra hard drive to mod it. I find the base game extremely boring if you do not mod it. I have seen people mod that game in every way that is possible and completely change it. Also about once every year I swap between that and Minecraft to play and mod again.

King Davis

Still no lilo & stitch reaction

The Seven Deadly Sins

I LOVE this video and seeing reactions to this is great.


The Engoodening of No Man's Sky and HWNDU has to be on the playlist from Internet Historian.


Honestly, I loved FO3 and 4, wasn't the biggest fan of NV, and I love Oblivion, Skyrim and ESO. They all have their charm. I haven't played 76 yet but I plan to along with Redfall and starfield. However, I think most people are just waiting for the next Fallout and the next Elder Scrolls game. Also, Skyrim has the biggest modding community in gaming and one of the most comprehensive lores and fans in the gaming space


I did not think I’d see an Internet Historian video appear around these parts but I’m very pleased. Would love to see more!

Not John

Oh wow, didn't expect to see an Internet Historian reaction from you guys but I'm pleasantly surprised. Would love to see you react to The Engoodening of No Man's Sky as well.

Tealeaf (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-21 06:02:33 Great reaction!
2023-05-21 06:02:33 Great reaction!
2023-05-21 06:02:33 Great reaction!
2023-05-21 06:02:33 Great reaction!
2023-05-21 03:54:15 Great reaction!

Great reaction!