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Asad Khabir

I think the transformation scene that made Sean pass out was Super Sayain 3. Also that's the one that took multiple episodes. I dont remember SSJ 1 being that long.

Asad Khabir

Also fun fact in the original Goku just straight up threatens to kill Gohan if he didn't leave


There is no transformation scene that took multiple episodes even super saiyan 3 is 5 minutes on youtube and that is with goku talking in between it about the forms. A episdoe or even Multiple episodes is a exaggeration that never happened And I don't even know why some people believe that, or where people get that from. There is no transformation that lasted a whole episode like somebody just screaming the entire episode doesn't make any sense which should be kind of obvious. super saiyan 3 was long but even that is just 5 minutes of an episode so everything under super saiyan 3 couldn't possibly be an episode.

Not John

I've seen a lot of first-time reactions to Goku transforming but "yo new fuckboy haircut" is definitely a new one (and also my new favorite). Also, just FYI Boom, people are exaggerating/misremembering the screams. Yes, there's a lot of screaming and powering up and all that bs but there aren't any actual examples of entire episodes or multiple episodes that just consist of screaming. There are episodes in which a character might take several episodes to recharge/transform/power up/whatever (such as Goku recovering in the healing chamber a few episodes ago) but those episodes focus on other fights and/or plot progression and just cut to a shot of the powering-up character every now and then.

Asad Khabir

Oh yeah thats fair. It's been a while since I watched thr Buu saga and over the years I have heard that myth so many times I kind of just thought that it was true.


Actually goku didn't tell dende to specifically include vegeta, by the time goku saw vegeta the wish was already made. The wish was just to wish everyone away except frieza and goku so vegeta got included automtically. That is what goku told king kai to do and then dende did that exactly that.


Alright, halfway done with Abridged now, and you guys are (once again) in for a treat! Season 3 is PEAK DBZA, the greatest jokes, the greatest edits, the greatest character progression and development?! Yes, yes there are! These next 30 episodes are where Team Fourstar really come into their stride and make this retelling of DBZ their own, filled with respect and love for the source material and a healthy dose of ribbing of said materials most questionable moments lol


Well I don't plan on dying or marrying H-man, but If I get to go to Vegas, I'll be silly billy! 5 nights in The Sky Suites of Aria please!


LMFAO the beginning took me out


Regarding Kai, it has its benefits and drawbacks. Pros: newer scan from the original tapes used in Japan (they look a tiny bit better than Funi’s American tapes) Amazing color correction Original aspect ratio, down to lack of stabilization 1080p 4:3. Better dub. Cons: The scenes they had to redraw digitally look awful. Really bad. As for Z, dragon ball z doesn’t exist in both 1080p and proper 4:3, it’s denoised to hell and back, and the color correction funimation used looks really bad. Too saturated and contrasting.


My favorite part about the muffin button joke is how it’s like 3 years in the making and they pull it back. Like going back and watching the whole thing now it’s important to realize we’d be waiting like 4-5 months at minimum for a new episode so each one was savored so much


They should react to DBZAbridged Kai 1 and 2. Basically a recap of the first and second season but with great and different jokes.


Kai is the most manga accurate as is the best in animation if I remember correctly


Might be worth noting that TFS around this point started shifting from only making a comedy series to taking it seriously and wanted to actually make a good show, so it's going to start taking itself more seriously in serious moments

Mitchell Fanning

They have been feeding Boom so much misinformation it’s infuriating. Transformations are quick, powering up never takes an entire episode, and the screaming is reserved for only the intense moments. Any example of a wasted episode was most likely anime filler and not manga canon.


Brosef, I’ve seen the entire DB franchise multiple times, you may be right but it’s really not that big a deal.


Seeing hman enjoy that lord popo part was actually hilarious


I've also seen it multiple times and there's a reason why DBZ is notorious for this stuff. Boom is aware we are exaggerating and like Gavynnnnn said its not a big deal its just a cartoon

Adrian Dickson

Super saiyan was like less than a minute in the anime and literally a single panel in the manga