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"Its time to get appa back dood"


I like that this episode shows that some places in the Earth Kingdom are kind of neutral with the fire nation like the spring. The fire nation hasn't been seen to have any military forces there but there are still fire nation bounties posted.


This episode was the best of this season besides another episode but I won’t spoil it

Harley Taylor

Ah yes some of the saddest moments in this show are this episode. Also, how dare you?! I will be a silly billy if I want!!!

Ben Asay

I almost forgot about Sokka drinking the cactus juice 😂 I'm also the same, I don't like it when people are mean towards my friends but I can just brush off anything towards me.


Aang and Toph are both bending masters in their element its not just katara

Sydney Horton

I hate it when Aang cries. It physically hurts. It is said that one of the most terrifying things is a calm man's rage. This spirited little monk boy is no exception.


This was one of the episodes i was really excited for you guys to watch


I think this and the previous episode are my favorites. If I remember correctly they premiered together as a special event. I was staying with my cousin at the time and we went out when it was on, so we stayed up until like 3am to watch the next rerun. And the episode was just such a major turn for things, everything in this episode feels so heavy. Aapa is taken, the plan for the eclipse begins, seeing Aang (intentionally) kill something for the first time when he took out the buzzardwasp. These episodes really showed that Avatar is in another class.

Miles Porter

This literally one the saddest moments in the show, when this aired the fan base was upset about Appa. You gotta also keep in mind this is the first time that Aang has gotten so mad he threw away his monk pacifism teachings and beliefs


Love the ending with katara, you can really feel the sisterly love she really sees aang like a little brother.


Aang being so upset about Appa makes so much sense. I'd go into a blind rage if someone stole and sold my pet. But even more so, Appa is the last of his kind of just Aang. And the only person from Aangs old life that he still sees daily. Boomie being the only other person from his old life that's still alive.

Ranginald Vagel

“It’s time to get Appa back” bruh


Cant wait for the Appas lost days episode 😁👍


He was so Aangry he actually KILLED a living creature, Aang is definitely not himself and I don't blame him.

apple jacked

Do loke how when Zuko was told to wait outside cause members only he littlerly stopped to smell the flowers!

Trinity D. Law

It looks like each Avatar had a close animal companion. Roku had the dragon, Aang has Appa... This is more than being close with them. It's almost as if they are the physical embodiment of their spirit animal.


If you think about it Appa and Momo are like the only living companions that Aang has left from his people/culture I'd be mad ash too if one of them gone missing or been killed.


That’s a great detail. As I’m rewatching the series with these guys I’m starting to see a ton of subtle symbolism the makers of the show added like that.


This made me wanna see DUNE reactions

Jimmy Wise

The one scene in the show to still give me chills 17 years later: You MUZZLED Appa?!?! *Avatar State*

Down D Stairs

Aang: “then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn’t care anymore more. I didn’t care about…”


The insects are buzzard wasps. Aang caught his first body in this episode (if you conveniently ignore the many, MANY soldiers he wiped off the mountain with an avalanche at the Northern Air Temple in 1x17), cuz he kilt that thing. You guys just aren't even ready for the coming shenanigans. Hang on to ya butts.


When you learn that pissing off Aang could be the last mistake you ever make.... In between watching Sokka go on a total trip because the show knows how dark this could get and wanted it to not get too bleak.

Laura D

That's because there's no proof or solid evidence from the show or writers that he killed it and in fact it appeared the opposite if you know anything about physics, which this show's animators are usually very on top of. He threw it to the ground, which was violence out of anger, still rare for Aang but he did not kill it. The head did not come off as some people claim. The buzzards had tan feathers around their necks that at a distance are hard to see but it is clear to see the head fell in tandem with the body in the way it would being still connected. There are also other facts that provide evidence against the fan theory that the buzzard was killed but I can't go into them without spoiling, so I wont but the claim that Aang killed the buzzard wasp is completely unfounded by the actual canon of the show.


SPOILERS------- The wombo combo in a few weeks of Tales of Ba Sing Se directly into Appa's Lost Days for the silver patrons is going to be BRUTAL. Episode 15/16 god damn.


Aang has literally lost his entire family/culture/life. Appa is his ONE tether to the life he had with the Air Nomads. Stealing Appa is like stealing an emotional support animal from a child who saw their whole family murdered. Except that child has god-like superpowers.


“Where is my bi son”

Josh avarada

It's odd but I think you can appreciate this "kids show" much better as an adult. I remember watching this episode as a kid and knowing that Aang is angry and not acting like himself (and rightfully so) but I don't think that it affected me as much back them. Maybe I thought that this is a kids show so of course Oppa will come back. Now as an adult who knows what happens I get choked up seeing Aang like this and understanding more of what's actually happening besides his friend gone so he mad. And then the way Katara stops him, no words said, and the scene ending with him crying. This messed me up

The Seven Deadly Sins

This show is utterly amazing. I re-watch it every so often.

John McFarland

Anakin 🤝 Aang 🤝 US Military Going absolutely ballistic on sand people


The sad thing is that we forget that while Aang is the last Airbender, Appa is the last sky bison. They've been through everything together even the extinction of their kind.