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Ste uni ™️


Kaiju fight baby, love the giant monster fight scenes.


Loved the fighting scene between Malachite and Alexandrite

Kemi Stanton

EEE I just so happened to check at the right time let's goooooo! The music during the Malachite fight is so fire Also like, Peridot's little "wow thanks" 🥹💚

Ben Asay

Garnet at the end with We Love you.. 🥰 garnet the best


I do kind of love how it was as soon as Steven said they were going to destroy the Earth, the Cluster shards started freaking out and trying not to form, since these were the shards of shattered gems who sided with Rose Quartz to try and protect the Earth and it shows how much of them is still in there.

Julio Castillo

Remember how in a previous episode Steven was able to communicate with Lapis and Jasper through his dream? Well.... This is basically Steven utilizing that new power voluntarily, only that now we know that he can also possess other living beings. The Island were the Watermelon Stevens are living is indeed the same island were Sadie stranded herself, Lars and Steven on purpose.... And as you can see they somehow developed a way of creating other kinds of creatures out of Watermelons such dogs, horses and chickens. Also Fun Fact: the Big Statue in the Watermelon Village is a representation of the little Watermelon Steven that sacrificed himself in order for the others to understand the consequences of their actions. Meaning that this new Watermelon society is treating the original watermelon Steven as a kind of Idol or Hero.

apple jacked

Keep in mind that the Steven Watermelons actually nearly defeated the Crystal Gems. Also, fun little theory is that Steven taught the Cluster how to bubble cause he was inside of its mind, beaming information straight into the brain.


Can y'all PLEASE put all the videos on streamable? I have to pause multiple times while watching because it loads so slow on the main page


me too! So frustrating I thought I was alone but for whatever reason it's always seamless on streamable


There are 5 seasons in the main show so you are kinda half way through since season 1 was double the length of the rest. But there is a movie and a full season of Steven Universe Future after the that. So you're still a little under half way through the entire show! You will definitely finish the series this year. There should be like 24 more weeks worth of SU content on the silver tier (as long as there aren't any issues that postpone uploads). ^^ And I'm excited for every bit of it!


Man that just makes the fact that the diamonds shattered them, combined their shards and intended to use their bodies to destroy the Earth that much more messed up... It's like forcing them to unknowingly kill off all of the life they had fought so hard to protect as punishment for rebelling.


I am Billy, Not John How dare you, H-Man!!


It's so creepy when you realize that the cluster is basically a supermassive graveyard.


A detail I love about 3x1 is that when the watermelon Stevens show up at 8:30 Malachite is smiling, presumably because Lapis is amused