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Thine Tiny Equine

Uh-oh did you guys hear Ruff say a certain word? I think he just spoke another potential character into the universe.

Kemi Stanton



Oh no trust me, that's one of the things I dislike about Katara. Toph making blind jokes is one thing bc she's making jokes about her own situation. But Katara can be just straight up nasty at times. I loved her until she shot off that ableist one liner and then she dropped below Sokka in my fave characters. This show does love blind jokes, and as someone with a blind mother and my own visual disability I don't mind most. But the "Too bad you can't see them" just to hurt Toph was too far for me. You guys were 100% right to call her out on that! Tired or not it was wrong of her.


Blame Ruff! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


WOoooW good job ruff #Blame Ruff

Kay M

Damn Ruff how could you do that to Iroh 🤣🤣

Ranginald Vagel

Ruff killed Iroh I can’t believe he would do such a heinous thing


I love all of you guys and your reactions but #BlameRuff


Did they say if they were still posting owl house and demon slayer today??


I remember when I was a kid; I was so pissed at Katara. I used to hate her loll

Josh avarada

RUFF KILLED IROH who's he coming after next.


Really want to see you react to rwby as a movie, the tone shifts and plot are so fun to experience, and the enemies are terrifying


Katara can very much be a petty bitch when she's pissed. For all she is usually the most level headed and mature acting of the group, she is still only 14 and most of how she acts is just that, an act, her trying to be the mature, reasonable figure the group needs to the best she can.


Hey guys so I actually came over to Patreon, I just couldn't wait any longer😭. Just want to say I love your reactions and thanks for the response over on YouTube.


Blame Ruff, poor Iroh didn't need this. I can't beleive your powers worked retroactively too, so when I watched it. You did that to Iroh as well. For shame.


Re watching this just made realize how crazy strong Azula actually is. she's going against basically 5 powerful benders and Sokka who is a pretty decent warrior all on her own and not even breaking a sweat.


Stick with kids? Didn't realize Dan Schneider wrote this show

Amy Petty (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-15 03:50:30 "Why don't they just sleep on Appa" is one of those weird plot holes that legitimate does bother me because it's too transparent as plot devices go. It would've been easy to say something like, well, it's hard to sleep while flying in the open air, because you figure that it's just impractical. First, there's got to be some amount of wind shear. I also don't think it would be unreasonable to just think that sleeping on the open-air saddle of an airborne animal isn't safe because, well, none of them are ever actually strapped down. So it stands to reason you'd want to be awake and alert in case you needed to avoid being thrown from the saddle for any number of reasons. But that explanation doesn't work because they often *do* sleep on Appa in shifts.
2023-07-14 23:25:50 "Why don't they just sleep on Appa" is one of those weird plot holes that legitimately does bother me because it's too transparent as plot devices go. It would've been easy to say something like, well, it's hard to sleep while flying in the open air, because you figure that it's just impractical. First, there's got to be some amount of wind shear. I also don't think it would be unreasonable to just think that sleeping on the open-air saddle of an airborne animal isn't safe because, well, none of them are ever actually strapped down. So it stands to reason you'd want to be awake and alert in case you needed to avoid being thrown from the saddle for any number of reasons. But that explanation doesn't work because they often *do* sleep on Appa in shifts.

"Why don't they just sleep on Appa" is one of those weird plot holes that legitimately does bother me because it's too transparent as plot devices go. It would've been easy to say something like, well, it's hard to sleep while flying in the open air, because you figure that it's just impractical. First, there's got to be some amount of wind shear. I also don't think it would be unreasonable to just think that sleeping on the open-air saddle of an airborne animal isn't safe because, well, none of them are ever actually strapped down. So it stands to reason you'd want to be awake and alert in case you needed to avoid being thrown from the saddle for any number of reasons. But that explanation doesn't work because they often *do* sleep on Appa in shifts.

Amy Petty

There's this, and people also forget that Toph is not a victim in this situation. She WAS acting selfish and spoiled. Katara is in no way wrong about that. Like I said in a comment above, this is not to excuse Katara or pretend that what she said was okay. But she WAS being provoked. People are always responsible for the words they say, but responsibility is a two way street, and if you act like a little snot you don't to act surprised if someone finally lashes out, especially when they're already stressed. And you raise a point which I think people tend to overlook: Katara put herself into the role of Mom at a very young age. This isn't a sudden reveal that only comes up in one episode. You can literally see Katara acting in that role early on. She goes out of her way to try to keep things on the rails, making sure they have money and supplies, trying to soothe other people's moods - all the things that I imagine she remembers her mother doing and assumes is what a mother is supposed to do. Anyway, the point here isn't to defend Katara's words, it's to understand where they come from and why.


I assume you googled "basilisk", discovered you were, in fact, wrong, and deleted your comment about how they were "entirely mythological creatures"? ;) Good for you.


Dunno why your replies to my comments don't actually show up here, so I can only assume you are deleting them, since they aren't PMs. I will point out the hypocrisy of your in-depth explanation of not sleeping on Appa. Not exactly the most laissez-faire, is it? Hmmm? lol you silly billy. Amy-splaining things on 3-month-old posts.

Connor Stevens

"First off, they would've made it abundantly clear it happened!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nah, not really!!

Bryan Matola

These comments are for the person making them to get their feelings out. I learned a long time ago to delete mine after I write them but most people don’t.

Amy Petty

Dude. I'm not explaining anything about Appa, I'm expressing agreement over something I find a bit weird in the narrative, so I have no idea what you are referring to as hypocrisy. Or laissez-faire, for that matter. I can only guess that you don't know what those words actually mean. As to the rest, you have some serious issues if you feel the need to hunt down unrelated comments to try to get in the last word over something trivial and petty. Never mind assuming you know why someone might have deleted a comment they can't even remember weeks later.