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Kemi Stanton



jong jong was a neutral firebender fyi

Kay M

Now that Toph is here the story can really begin! She’s definitely one of my favorite characters.

Sincerely, the Best.

Aangs earthbending teacher was supposed to be a character like the The Rock. But they changed it last minute, because they thought a blind awesome girl would be cool.


Speaking of favorite characters your user image is of my all-time favorite anime character


Best girl is here now sorry Katara


Remember in book 1 we met Jeong Jeong. He was a fire bender deserter and Admiral Zhao’s teacher. That’s the episode when Aang accidentally burnt Katara and she learned she could heal


One of the main reasons I rate season 2 so much higher than season 1 is purely because of Toph. She's such a great character and upon rewatch I really missed her energy in the earlier episodes.

Sydney Horton

Fun Fact: The Boulder was supposed to be modeled after and voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but they couldn't get him.

Sydney Horton

Absolutely adore Toph. Fan favorite. Can't wait for next week. Some of the Fandom's favorite episodes are happening. Side Note: did you guys really forget about Jeong Jeong from "The Deserter" episode in Season 1. He was teaching Aang to firebend cause Avatar Roku showed up in his tent. He gave that whole speech about why Aang should learn Fire last.

Ricky Faber

Fun fact: the earth bender in the intro was originally going to be aang's earthbending teacher, it wasnt until season 2 they changed their mind and went with toph.

Jake Finn

Dont forget Jeong Jeong! He's neutral....

Kay M

Hahaha always happy to meet another fan of that. Kaitou Kid is goated 👌😁

Fabbrizio Plays

This is the start of a very long string of episodes that are essentially "why this show is universally acclaimed". When you see youtube essays dissecting the show's deeper themes, these are the episodes they talk about. Enjoy.

Harley Taylor

Toph is probably my all time favorite character in all of the Avatar franchise. She is so sassy and easily the greatest earth bender of their time since she can literally see everything that is happening around her because she feels the vibrations. Also that's one reason why she's barefoot its so she can feel it easier!

William Timmins

I think she's the best bender, period. Adore her. There's ATLA pre-Toph... and ATLA post-Toph


I don't think anyone Shipped Toph and Aang tbh. But I have been SO excited for you to meet her!! She is the reason this season is so incredible imo. She's a lot of people's favorite character bc she is just sooo bad ass, sassy, and she plays such an important role. ^^ Can't wait for you to get to know her as the show continues!


and thus the blind jokes begin lol


I love hearing your theories while I'm sitting here thinking "they're not ready bro"


I only know Kaitou Kid because of the crossovers with Detective Conan/Case Closed from when I was around 8-12 years old and watched it.

Roronoa Zoro

Toph is definitely my favorite character in this show. Glad you guys finally met her

Kay M

actually fun fact the Magic Kaito manga came out before Detective Conan manga did they just added him in as a character (cuz same universe already) and stopped making the manga about him specifically cuz Conan got way more popular. Author didnt have time to continue Kaito after that so he just adds him into Conan sometimes instead.

William Timmins

The Boulder is voiced by MICK FOLEY. That's just... chef's kiss

Natasha C.

I love hearing your theories! It's always more interesting to hear theories from people who have watched a lot of anime - your familiarity with picking up world building and power system details, as well as plot theories make for such great discussions!

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Best part is they were at first going with a big guy like "the bolder" type deal. But at some point someone was like, yo would it not be funny if... Best choice ever made. looking forward to see them experience Toph!


These boys forgetting about the fire bending deserter from the first book who Ruku told to train Aang lol

Gavin Bickel

yeah, you guys are not stupid. but you are taking things at too much of face value. just because an Avatar was a Fire Nation member, doesn't mean they hate an Avatar FOR that. it's the same as what you said before about just because someone's a Fire Nation member, doesn't mean they're evil and LIKE all this war and takeover of the world.


Them talking about Iroh's possible fates, and I'm just sitting over here. Listening. To it. All. Knowing what happens at the end of the next two episodes. AH


The best character of the show arrives! Been hyped for this one, and still hyped for next week's two episodes, as one of them will leave you...restless. Voice Actor Fun Facts: Toph is actually voiced by the same girl who voiced Meng in season 1 (the girl with the unmanageable hair who had a crush on Aang). The Boulder, despite being designed to resemble Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, was voiced by WWE wrestler, Mick Foley. I love how Boom called the Zutara ship, arguably the 1st or 2nd most popular ship in the show, and now SeeOhKnee called Taang, the arguably 3rd or 4th most popular ship.


:) Good for you! You're probably the only person I've ever met that does. I don't bc .. well there aren't really any moments to indicate they'd be even mildly interested in each other. Sokka x Toph had more of a shot and even it didn't really have much there. But ya know, you can ship wtv you want~


They definitely had shipping together back in the day. Korra kinda does a nod at it too


Really? In what way? I just rewatched Avatar and Korra and I never really noticed anything shipping Aang and Toph. I know some characters related to them had a thing. But that was about it. Unless I just didn't read into things the same way as some others did maybe? / (also this is me being genuine, I really don't mind any ships! I just really don't recall them ever having any hints of romantic feelings at all in either series.)


Episodes like this imo are obvious especially when u pay attention. The only thing i don’t understand how yall called was the fire from last episode. Yall pick up the smallest details that most ppl miss and sometimes miss the biggest info it’s entertaining 😭


Jeong jeong the guy who showed aang how fire can some times hurt ppl is a fire bender who is neutral btw.


TOPH HAS ARRIVED!!! Here's an interesting detail about her: As I may have mentioned before, each nation's bending style is based on real life Chinese martial arts. For example, earthbending is based on Hung Gar, which was chosen for its firmly rooted stances and powerful strikes as a representation of the solidity of earth. HOWEVER, Toph doesn't use the typical earthbending fighting style. Because of her blindness, she developed her own fighting style which is based on the real-world Chu Gar Southern Praying Mantis style. You can tell there's a difference between her fighting style and any other earthbender's fighting style just based on her movements even if you're not looking for it. That's how different it is.


I think I'm more excited for their "vacation" the week after next.


Boom is always talking about how much he loves earth bending, and while everyone is entitled to their own favorite element, I just wanna remind everyone how op air bending is, but it's makes sense it's op, they had to make it like that since it's aangs primary fighting style against all his enemies


We just don't get to see how utterly broken Airbending could be because Aang isn't the type to go all out and do things that could kill people. But, as always, remember Monk Gyatso's body was surrounded by a massive pile of fire nation soldier corpses... and these were fire benders amped up on Comet Steroids at the time.


I love that they took the time to actually do this level of detail!


I mean even with aang holding back, we've seen him match a master earthenware and firebender, run so fast he looks like a blur, create tornados and cut through wood with just wind


Toph is my all-time favourite character


I love how much you guys pick up and can call coming, it does show just how into this you all are and how much you are paying attention to the little details and engaging with the show! Now, best character is here and the the next few weeks are going to ROCK!


Number one character Toph Motherfucking Motherfucker Bei Fong (Government name btw) introduced


Toph is among the most favorite characters in the show if not the number 1. and she will quickly become one of your top 5 favorites.

VJ Sins

We saw Jeong Jeong the Deserter in book 1 and he was a fire bender aginst the fire nation

Iruma Mob 100

From what I remember they don’t show many if any moments in the show for Aang x Toph, but the ship itself is probably the second most popular Aang ship after Aang x Katara.

Iruma Mob 100

You guys forgot poor Jeong Jeong, the neutral firebender who taught Aang in the episode ‘The Deserter.’ 🤣 Also yes, a lot of people ship Aang/Toph. Most of them are the ones who ship Zuko/Katara and I think it’s so they can get Aang out of the equation. Also Toph is pretty much the best character in the show which is telling since she appears this late into the series

John Rea

They are both insanely op tho, earth bending just has much more utility than airbending. Being able to create whatever you want if you have the skill is just crazy. You need to take out fire benders while protecting refugees? Then in the aftermath house said refugees? Earth bendings gotchu. Air bending may be more "powerful" with all the crazy stuff we've seen in later seasons and in korra, but it just doesn't have the utility earth bending does.


Flight and super speed are pretty good utility, earth benders can build basic huts sure, but notice every intricate house we see has more in it than just earthbending? With the speed and flight of air bending, you could just build basic structures fast but build actual houses faster than even earthbenders just by the fact you can move so fast, meaning faster building and gather supplies faster


YAAASSSS best character in all of ATLA


Toph is Tough!!


As everyone said, y’all already met a neutral firebender in book one. The deserter. But you’ve also met the fire sage who helped the avatar at roku’s temple. So there’s ppl out there who would help aang. Now that we’ve met who I think is one of the best characters, I’m so excited for y’all to go through the rest of this series. Cause it really only gets better and more connected. There’s a lot of character development left and skill improvements on bending. I’m rewatching this for the first time in a while with y’all. And I forgot how good this show was. I was afraid it was only good cause nostalgia but this is actually a great show. I’m just sad y’all only do 2 eps per week lol.


Please skip the recaps. You guys are already too good at guessing what happens and the recap can give away even more of what's going to happen in the episode 😭


Toph is an incredible character, you guys are going to love her.

matthew james Stromberg

Fun fact the boulder is the man the myth the legend MICK FOLEY

Manda Ree

I know this is late but to answer the question- yes, people do occasionally ship Toph and Aang. It's called "Taang", which I find hilarious.

Kernaisha Gaines

I think if you guys brainstormed and theorized less and just took in/commentated on the show it would be more enjoyable