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Silver Kyrie

Kyoshi does have novels that dive into her story, so while it hasn’t been animated yet, that content does exist


there are novels that go into Kyoshi's life and adventures if you want more of her, you can get them on amazon in a box set.


So far there are 2 Kyoshi Novels and they are quite fun, I'm actually reading them right now

Asad Khabir

Avatar Kiyoshi is also the only Avatar that's shown to (at least to my knowledge) kill two people (three if you count Chin). The first she just took him up in the air and yeeted him. The second one is kind of both badass and sad at the same time. Yun who serves as kind of the central villain of the books was a friend turned rival when he found out that she was the Avatar instead of him. When Kiyoshi finally realizes that he is too far gone and she has to kill him. With tears in her eyes her final words to her once best friend were 'I am sorry for saying that you had to live with your pain. Now you don't have to.' Then she places her hand on his chest and froze his heart. She did it with so much forze that particles of ice shot from his back. He was instantly dead.

Asad Khabir

Also despite what my comments would have you believe and what a lot of community believes, Avatar Kiyoshi was not a violent person. She hated violence and always chose it as a last resort. I know this is a meme at this point but it always rubs me the wrong way when someone says 'Oh Kiyoshi was not afraid to throw hands' or something because that's not true to her character. She was actually very kind and a big dork like every other Avatar. She purposely cultivated the persona of this headstrong and 'fuck shit up' Avatar so people wanted try shit with her.

Asad Khabir

Also to top off this badass cake, Avatar Kiyoshi was also fruity as fuck and wifed up her fire bending instructor.

Harley Taylor

They have graphic novels telling the story of Kyoshi. I would suggest you finish watching this show before you start reading them though. I don't know if there could be any possible spoilers on bending abilities or the like in the graphic novel since it came out after the show finished. AND after the third season there was supposed to be a 4th season but they turned what it would have been into a series of graphic novels.

Asad Khabir

Wait you mean the last part? I'll delete it but it was such a good joke ;_______;


"On that day, we split from the mainland." is still one of the rawest moments in this show. Kiyoshi W Avatar


Speak of books of kyoshi, she has two novels of here start as the avatar. As an owner of both, i almost finished the first book the night i got. The second one does not slouch either. Highly recommend


Y’all need to STOP googling 🤣


I think there will be also an kyoshi movie,no?


Lol how did he guess that

William Timmins

'in the darkest of times, hope is a gift you give yourself.' Sniff. Iroh is the best.


There is going to be a film about the main cast as adults, a film about avatar Kyoshi, and the show following a Earth avatar.


There's a live action Avatar series coming to Netflix, I'm pretty sure they said it will be some time this year

iron pirate76

maybe don't search up avatar stuff cause u might get spoiled really hard, maybe just call hman on speed dial and ask certain stuff and ask if he can research some stuff since he saw the series

One G. O A. T. One Dream

I still really really really really, wish the hole Kora stuf could be taken out of canon. like i dont like the future Kora has put store for Toph and now everyting will have to play along to what Kora screwed up. Kora her self, great idea, great design and all.... but man did that need a better writer. and here we are.

VJ Sins

"Birth of Kiyoshi" was referring to the founding of the island, which is named Kiyoshi Island, not to the birth of Kiyoshi the Avatar


I explained in the show. Viewings of Wicker Man and many festivals of giant things being set on fire.


The franchise didn't hit the mainstream (again) until the original show came to Netflix in May 2020. (Notably, this was when most people were staying home due to the pandemic, and many jobs were closed. As a result, most people just watched Netflix all day. Avatar was consistently the most watched show on the platform for a long time.) Netflix then acquired the rights to do a live action remake with the original creators of the show; however, due to creative differences, the original creators left the project, but the project has continued on without them. Soon after they departed, in February 2021, Paramount (Nickelodeon's parent company) announced they'd hired them and given them their own studio (named Avatar Studios) in order to further develop the world of Avatar. I THINK (so I could be wrong) their first project, an animated film, is due out on October 10, 2025.


Bruhhh Avatar (space pocahontas) is the most over hyped movie I've ever seen the pacing is terrible.


they have books and comics on Kyoshi!!


Not a spoiler for anything that happens in the series, it’s extended canon I wouldn’t rlly consider that a spoiler? It’s like naming a voice actor or talking about deleted scenes that don’t have future plot relevance