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Episode number wise, I think there are 22 episodes in season 2! (Could be slightly off since the beginnings order was messy and mixed with season 1's ending). But you're basically half way through the season!


I used to love when H-man would sing for us and give us inputs 😭 now he's just a mute smiling man with nothing to say


vidalia appeared in story for steven (farty marty was greg's manager)

Julio Castillo

Season 2 originally had 25 episodes, it ended with the episode called "Log Date 7 15 2".

Julio Castillo

For the record guys.... In Hulu it says that Season 2 ends with the episode called "The Answer" but the actual Season 2 Finale is an episode called "Log Date 7 15 2" (Listed as Season 3 Episode 4). DON'T WORRY... there is no weird order of episodes here like at the end of Season 1, just a bit of a mistake regarding where S2 ends and where S3 begins. After that point EVERYTHING is listed exactly as it should be.


That is the final episode for sure everything I've seen shows that as the finale of the season! I just know google says 22 episodes, the wiki says 26, but some of the episodes from season 2 on the streaming services were watched in season 1 when correcting the order. So I'm not sure how many total there are after that correction. somewhere between 22-26 total. So either way they're at the halfway point of the season or slightly past it! :)

Julio Castillo

No wait... you're right, Season 2 did have 26 episodes originally, it begins with Full Disclousure and ends with Log Date 7 15 2, my mistake is that i wasn't counting the "Say Uncle" episode as part of S2 cuz the staff of the show said that episode was supposed to be in S1 but was pushed back onto S2 for corporate reasons.

Sydney Horton

And so, the Onion =Finale Boss theories rise again


If it has The Answer anywhere near there it is a big deal, since that's a late season 5 episode.


And that reaction at the end was priceless. Yeah, Onion is a blast.... to see other people have to deal with.

Bruna G

You’re confusing “The Answer” with “The Question”

Bruna G

You guys should watch the shorts, specifically “The Classroom Gems” - it’ll clear up something’s about the mechanics of the show


I haven't seen anyone comment on this yet, but remember when amethyst asked if she has ever talked to Marty? Marty was in Greg's flashback and his old manager, Vidalia was actually in the flash back too. Marty is sour creams dad, and yellowtail is onions.

apple jacked

What, y'all can't hear H mans beautiful voice? I sure can!

Kay M

yeah the episodes are all in chronological order at this point they are just labeled wrong numerically so even if they dont watch the season finales as finales they will still be watching them in the correct order regardless

matthew james Stromberg

So I’m sure it hasn’t been discussed (maybe it has) but onion is most likely autistic also I love vidalia she took a shitty situation and became a kick ass single mom

Mark Frado

Guys please just skip historical friction it has Jamie in it


I know the ending of Onion with the mouse was jarring and terrifying, but I wonder if there was a sweet undertone of him actually saving the mouse from the snake because he saw that it made Steven upset. Onion still a serial killer tho.