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Julio Castillo

As far as i know nobody is saying stuff like "Pearl is Perfect" or "Amethyst is Perfect" and if there are... i think what they meant is that they are amazingly-written characters. and just to note... of course everyone can have their favorites and their least favorites, if you don't like Pearl for how her demeanor is then that's completly valid. what does feel odd (at least from our perspective) is that you guys rag on Pearl for things that aren't that bad while being completly understanble and chill when amethyst makes mistakes of her own. if anything... THIS is the Right Time to rag on Pearl because HERE she Fucked Up Severely, anyone with common sense would be mad at her (i personally didn't get mad cuz i knew there was a psychological and emotional justification for her actions here, but that's just me). But as people here has been saying... this show is all about Growth, Tolerance and Forgiveness so... im really excited to see guys react to all of these character's developments from this point.


Ah this episode, caused SO much controversy within the fandom. Pearl was a well liked character and then the Sardonyx stuff happened, I feel it was the start of the fandom tearing itself apart. Very tiring stuff. As for her actions, she didn't put the world in danger, but she sure did sacrifice Garnet's trust just so she could feel the brief high of feeling better. I admittedly wasn't looking forward to this one, while I'm pretty neutral on you ragging on Pearl for the most part, I worried on this one. However, I think you guys went surprisingly easy on her! I appreciate that you analyzed and shared thoughts on the situation rather than jumping to how she's 'the worst.'

Sydney Horton

The fact that they remember Giant Women but not the fusion

iron pirate76

you guys probably forgot but pearl and amethyst have fused, it was opal the one with bow and arrow


Amazing discussion about this at the end. The episode does a great job of showing us and letting us understand why Pearl was doing this, with even Amethyst wanting to fuse with Garnet just as badly. Though to me it feels more like, for all Amethyst talked about feeling powerful, what I think both her and Pearl most get from fusing with Garnet is sharing in Garnet's self confidence. It's likely the only time those two actually feel good about themselves. Both of them have a whole host of issues, and yeah many of them similar, they just have completely opposite types of coping mechanisms to deal with them. But both really do not seem to think well of themselves.


I haven’t seen anyone talk about it but a thing I remember from the Onion episode was people debating on if Onion had autism or not and if it was bad representation if he did. I don’t really have a strong opinion either way since Onion is a funny kid who clearly likes Steven in his own weird way since he stole his chips to lead him to his house. He also sees Steven upset about feeding the mouse to the snake so he just holds it in his mouth for whatever logic onion uses. He also gave him a toy he knows he likes for hanging out with him.

apple jacked

I... never thought about it that way, though this is the first I've heard about Onion possibly being on the spectrum. I just thought it was cause he was more like his dad who I believe might have been confirmed to be from a different country within the Steven world. But not sure if I remember that one correctly either, but it would make sense with how Onion acts.

apple jacked

Just in case, it was Ameythest that named Stevonie

Kemi Stanton

I'm autistic - I actually never thought about Onion being autistic until this exact reaction watch, something about revisiting onion made me think about how he's nonverbal and weird about food, and I think the hints actually are sort of there! Autism presents in many different ways and I always personally found Peridot to be autistic coded and a character I really loved and related to. But I am mostly verbal (I lose words when I am overloaded or having a meltdown), and don't know a lot about the strictly nonverbal experience, but since meeting now autistic people the stuff you're saying makes a lot of sense and I can totally see it too!

Ryanne Gentry

I agree! I was worried about how they would react to pearl but they did a great job analyzing the gems and what was pearls reasoning for what she did. Obviously what she did was wrong but I’m so happy they looked past the surface level and came to the conclusion about how pearl, as well as amethyst, have their insecurities that influence their behavior


Just to refresh your memories Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl already fused together in Season1 episode 32.


Pearl's relationship with Rose is like the mail man's relationship with Garnet.


I know you were joking, but no, Pearl definitely will never have a crush on Greg. she's 100% a lesbian. not all gems are, as we see with Rose of course, but a lot of gems are, to our standards, lesbians because they only like other gems, who are all very feminine


Also, great question about their biology! Gems are sexless, but naturally appear very feminine, so to us humans, we assume they are "women", but they don't have any gender at all. they can assume a human gender if they would want to, Amethyst displays genderfluidity through her wrestling persona, for example, but they don't have any bits unless they shapeshift some bits


You guys are so awesome, I really enjoyed your thoughts at the end of this episode. I was worried because you don't like Pearl but I loved hearing the analysis and similarities you drew between her and Amethyst.

Katherine Lott

They call each other "she" as well. They are sexless, but gender is a construct and they clearly consider themselves femme. All gems are femme except Steven because he considers himself his sex assigned at birth, right? 🙂


Y’all probably don’t check this far back, but the mineral malachite is actually toxic in water and considered a safety hazard, further showing JUST how toxic their fusion is

Jordan Rudnick

if they all fuzed, it's quadruple, not triple

Jordan Rudnick

Also, the question for Steven fusions is would they be the same as Rose fusions? and would they remember who they are