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Steven 25-26

Watch "Steven 25-26" on Streamable.


matthew james Stromberg

I feel like this should have been season 1 finalie only cause season 1 is WAY TO LONG XD

Sydney Horton

To be clear, Steven didn't heal Amethyst but healed Connie's eyesight remember. Garnet and Pearl un clogged Rose's healing fountain which saved Amethyst.

Kay M

wdym yes he did hear her eyes. He didnt heal Amethyst only she was healed by the fountain


And here we go! According to the show runners, this is what they consider to be the actual start of the story, with the stuff before this mostly just being prologue/set up. Things are just going to get more insane from here. On Steven healing the corrupted Gems, keep in mind that there was a line in the Centipeedle episode that Rose tried to heal them but was unable to.

Iruma Mob 100

I think they meant to put Steven healed Connie’s eyesight. That’s why they also added the part where Garnet and Pearl healed Amethyst. It might have been a typo on their end.



Iruma Mob 100

okay so the difference here is that Lapis wasn’t corrupted. Like Amethyst, her gem was cracked. Which is why Steven knew he could heal her. They don’t know if he can heal corrupted gems.

VJ Sins

Not a spoiler, but having a cracked gem and being corrupted are two different things, Lapis was just cracked, and the monsters they face are a different case. Also, crystal gems arent a different species, they are more like a separate political party


someone correct me if im wrong, but i remember rebecca sugar at a con or something talking about the initial order from cartoon networks just being 26 episodes, so they made these two episodes as a potential SERIES finale. of course, it was picked up for more episodes and ended up being a mid-season finale. but thats why there was so much action and lore and open-endedness there at the end


The person Steven healed previously was Connie! He healed her eyes. But this was the first case of him actually healing a cracked gem.


As much as I love the audio from this series, some better balancing especially during the tense scenes like the fight would be nice it really drowned you out (pun intended)


steven universe is notorious for its hiatus I'm so glad yall don't have to deal with that


Someone hasn't said it yet but: Episodes 25 and 26 were mid season finales! Season 1 specifically has like. 52ish episodes if I remember right! Very long, and these are the midway point. This is what kickstarts the actual plot, rather than just hints. Not every episode after this will be plot relevant, but more will be.