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Link: https://streamable.com/6ky04c


Steven 21-22 Patreon

Watch "Steven 21-22 Patreon" on Streamable.



Pearl is like the moon stabilizing the Earth. Remove her and it all falls apart.

God of smite

How do you watch 21 and 22


I'm confused!

Kyle Smilowski

Ive been throw into a loop D:


Is anyone else having the issue without when they watch it the audio gets out of sync with the video


yall whats going on


Y'all seem to have linked the Episode 23-24 video, and not the 21-22 video.

Julio Castillo

Season 1 it's still a very experimental time for the show, the writters still didn't know fully what rules they wanted to stablish for the lore of the series, that's why you're gonna see a lot more wacky stuff/adventures throughout this whole season than with the rest of the show, like this whole time-travel ordeal. also i just want to point out... i don't know if you guys catched it but when Sadie was talking to steven about the night Lars invited her to his house and play videogames... Steven said that it must've been a really good game... and then Sadie just gave him a very surprised and nervous look, which implies that they spent that night doing more than just playing videogames... if you know what i mean ;3

Santos Vasquez

They fixed it now I don't see episodes 23-24.