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I said I would wait until next week to explain my horror idea but it manifested itself in a late night 2am doodle session. I have a lot of world building created for this system and I’m pretty excited about this idea. I think it would be a lot of fun to make. (But I think that for all my ideas 💀) This is exclusive to Patrons only- I’m not sharing much of it online. I need to do so much more research it get it off it’s feet. So it lives here for now. ENJOY

This world is much like our own world but inhabited by demons. These demons are angels that lost the war in the uprising against God. Each of the fallen angels were sealed away into a prison chamber. Each demon has their own cell and they’re completely separated from one another. The worst part of their punishment is the fact that their hell prison is super boring. The demons found a loophole in order to escape their prison. When a human has a strong will to live slips between the moments of life and death, the demons can call upon their soul using their demon powers. Basically the human spirit is able to visit their prison. There the demon can make a deal with their human. They offer to use their powers to save that human’s life in exchange to allow the demon to possess their body.

If the human says yes- they have to drink the demon’s blood to seal the pact. They become possessed by the demon’s soul, making them a demon host. The demon is able to use their magic to save the human’s life.

If the human says no- the human dies, but their keep their soul intact.

This is the only way a demon can escape their prison- by entering the human world. They need a human body and human soul to latch onto, like a parasite. The demon will corrupt the human’s soul over time. The host’s body will start to grow demon traits the longer they’re possessed. It starts with a demon mark and spreads over the body. Eventually, the host will be able to use the demon’s powers. The more the host and demon are in sync, the more powerful their magic becomes.

To become a demon host is extremely illegal. Human society knows that these demons exist and they’re extremely dangerous. Naturally, there’s a demon hunter detective squad that works on finding demon hosts and slaying them. There is a set amount of demons that exist, no more, no less. Each demon has their own special traits, abilities, goals, and personalities. This makes it easier for the hunters to categorize them and hunt them down. When a demon host is killed, the human dies and the demon’s spirit is sent back to their jail cell. The demon then has to start the entire process all over, finding a new host to accept their deal.

There are some hunters that hunt the same demon who reincarnates over and over and over again. Naturally, this is very upsetting and annoying to the demons. They don’t enjoy getting killed and want to avoid the hunters as much as possible, so many try to lay low. Due to this, civilians will be on the look out for marks of a demon on their loved ones, family members, friends, coworkers, etc. If a civilian tips a hunter with proof of a demon host- they get a huge cash award. However, this caused a lot of false reports of people getting revenge on those they personally dislike, so if you have no proof- you get fined. Everyone in this society is trained to sell out hosts.

The MC of this story is a sad, depressed, doomer of a man. He’s a college student that has nothing to live for and hates his life. He doesn’t see a future and can’t stand repeating the same day over and over again. Isolated, alone, and defeated, he decides to take his own life by jumping off a bridge. Halfway down, he has a huge realization that he doesn’t want to die and is desperate to live- but it’s too late. He’s going to die. At that moment, he meets his demon in the hell prison dimension. He accepts the deal and fully becomes a demon host. He wakes up on the beach of the river, alive.

Over the course of the story, the MC will discover his will to live and by losing his humanity, he becomes more human.

The art are concepts of the MC, his personal demon, and a few fun interactions with them. I hope you enjoy it! I’m currently obsessed with this weird duo.

March rewards are still coming! I’m so sorry. My entire family suddenly wanted to spend time with me now that I’m freed from WT grind. I got to see my niece who just turned 1 and learned the color purple which is a huge accomplishment. I couldn’t miss the chance to see her. April is young so you’ll get a lot this month.




"Guys, you can arrest or kill me! I'm good at Mario Kart! And... and I'm a college student, and therefore that should absolve of any crime" "Understandable have a nice day." The end- XD /jk jkkkk


Also not the demon telling them to get a girlfriend-- XD They're sounding like a mum... actually- Is that demon a mum!? Like the proof is RIGHT THERE, complaining about the MC's buying habits, telling them to get a girlfriend, is wondering why their kid is poor and won't buy the expensive airpods, is constantly looming over them like soccer/helicopter mum-- It's that breakfast scene from Venom all over again XD

Vicky Chang

Sounds intriguing!!


This looks fun. Lots of opportunities for internal banter like Tom Hardy and Venom.