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Hey guys...I hit 70k and I'm feeling not pride but gratitude. To all of you. So even though I'm not feeling that great, I want to do a Discord with you all just to say I love you. To that end, if you can join me around 10:30 pm Central, I'd like to sing you a few songs and just let you guys know how much you mean to me. Invite an hour before. Just need to spend some time with my family.


Red alert

Oh I will be there

Red alert

And I have a story to tell


Yay! 😊

Red alert

Oh dear dicktor what is wrong


Congrats boss. Sadly I have to go to work now .. but I’ll catch the non-live version later.


Oh god, he's drunk with power! Unleash Harvey!!!!!


Feel better soon Doomcock, possible to get a fresh link to the discord?


Wouldn't miss it for the world 💛




Nothing, other than being kinda sick, but jeez st really grateful and wanna spend a bit of time with you guys!


I will post the link soon! Looking forward to spending some time with my favorite people in the world!


Congratulations would love to join in


Wish I could be there. It's past my bedtime. Congratulations, my liege. I hope you feel better soon!


Sweet Jesus, you had enough and you're gonna kill us all!!!!!!!!


Ah, I'm so sorry! Can't you just stay up a wee bit late? I'll sing a song for you...! (Sorry for the typos!)

The Crazy Hedgehog Lady

I should be finished with work stuff and be able to make it! If I can’t, many much congrats and I’ll be looking forward to the next one! ❤️🦔


Will try to be there! Congratulations again to you on 70K!


It would make me DELIGHTED to have you and StarryEyedGirl there at the same time! 😊


So sorry Sparkie! Sigh...but I'll do a livestream tomorrow afternoon!


Congrats on 70k! - I won't be able to make it (bit late for us UK peeps). Hope you feeling better soon my lord!


What a wonderful surprise! See you all soon!


neee neee neee neee,neeeeee...neee neee neee neee neee neee neeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I’ll stay for a little bit at the beginning. I’m returning to doing a charity stream til midnight, but for you I’ll make quick break to spend time with y’all. :)


There be tremendous rumblings from the center of the Earth, although that might have something to do with the sausages. Hope to catch it, Lord Doomcock!


Congrats on the 70k! I'll try to be there while I head to work! (Hope this comment posts)


Woohoo!!! Congratulations! That's awesome! You have an amazing channel and I look forward to every video and live stream. You deserve it, my Liege! ♥


Huge congratulations on reaching 70k !!! Like @Blower I'll be in the land of nod dreaming of a world where George didn't sell to Disney lol. Looking forward to a Wokenator review from you soon 👍


What is your channel?


Congratulations my lord!


I'll Be there!!! CONGRATULATION my liege!!! :D


He will post an invite to his discord channel about an hour before the show. Make sure you have a discord app and/or account and you can accept the invite! Then you don't have to leave but hang out whenever


Congratulations!! 🍾 Glad you’re celebrating with us, thank you so much!, but go easy and slow, ok? We love you! 💕


Hail Lord Doomcock. We love you!! You bring joy into each of our hearts with what you do. I was wondering how you were doing. You should still try some hot peppermint tea with lemon and honey.


We can get there early too to do mic checks and voice chat while we wait! Like a pre chat for a livestream, but in chat and vc


Clothing optional, right?


Wish I could be there, but I wanted to congratulate you anyway! So, bravo for all your success, but please don't let it run you down, and remember to take time to rest! (And yes, I need to do better in this area myself!).