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These are the latest leaks, and I believe they reflect the ugly truth about how Episode IX will end.  This retcons everything about Star Wars and reveals that come December 20th, Star Wars will never be the same again.


Rise of Skywalker Leaks Prove Star Wars Will Be RUINED FOREVER (SPOILERS!)

New Rise of Skywalker leaks prove that after December 20th, Star Wars will never be the same again. These leaks illustrate exactly why it was important to Lucasfilm's agenda for Palpatine to return, and what this implies about the destruction of Star Wars as we know it. #starwars #riseofskywalker #episode9


Ryan Geiger

I was hoping this leak was just someone used the trailer and leaked photos to put together their opinion of a "worst case scenario" . But then I remembered that's where we are with star wars.


Omg the rape of Luke continues. As a female, I LIKED looking up to Luke. I loved Leia too, but I didn’t NEED the protagonist to be my gender to identify. I’m very upset at this. Not my Luke! Not my Star Wars! 🤬


Sometime this weekend I want too look into which movies that Disney now owns the rights to. And probably look at some of the other wokest of the woke studios. I can see more IP retconning in the future. Frankly, I don't see this crap burning itself out anytime soon.


"The force is flotsam and jetsam" floating in a sea of creative and cultural despair. Disney Star Wars is mosaic of fevered gender identity politics and dyslexic hack vomit when combined forms the front side artwork of the one Disney dollar Bill. The face value of this new currency is not backed by gold or silver but by deranged Woke propaganda and corporate Maoist inspired tyranny. I am gonna download the living shit out of this cinematic clusterfuck rather than pay hard earned cash to watch 2+ hours of CGI hi-res turds being projected on a large screen. STAR WARS IS DEAD - thank you and fuck you Disney !!! Hail Doomcock and my fellow Legionnaire's


So passes the Skywalkers, their bloodline turned to dust, in a story of utter meaninglessness.


Like Batwaman has to steal Bruce Waynes Stuff, do does Faye Rey need steal the Skywalker legacy and name. Star Wars died the day Disney discarded the Extended Universe.

The Crazy Hedgehog Lady

I am so tired of their ridiculous social agenda. STOP IT! Just fucking stop, Disney. I'm rockin' two X chromosomes and YOU ARE NOT making me feel represented/empowered - you are making me feel disgusted and pissed off by your lack of respect for one of my geek passions. I will always love Star Wars, the lore, the extended Universe of books, games, etc., but I refuse to accept what they've done to the franchise as canon. In my personal headcanon, their bullshit was just the fever dreams of an Ewok who drank mushroom tea. Haha sorry! /Rant ;)


An abomination, my Liege. Quite fugly actually.


And let’s not forget DoomCock, By the bestest ever defeating the emperor that also means that she is more powerful than the greatest Jedi Master , YODA. That’s right, remember Episode 3 when Yoda confronted The Emperor and had to escape to the swamp planet to then prepare to train Luke. How is the bestest ever more powerful than Yoda? It’s absurd.... Tragic what corporatists have done with Lucas’s creation.

P.H. Vale

The leaks get dumber and dumber, I don't think we're at the truth yet. I think it can easily get dumber and worse than this. It's JJ after all. And he said, he won't do what fits the lore, etc, he will do "what feels right".


An abomination.


On a somewhat related note, "Terminator: Woke Fate" is facing Judgment Day ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2019/11/02/box-office-james-cameron-and-tim-millers-terminator-dark-fate-starring-linda-hamilton-and-arnold-schwarzenegger-bombs-with-apocalyptic-11-million-friday/#13c208865a3e (I know, it's Scott Mendelson, but it's good to see that the early numbers are so bad. This is one of those high-profile movies that needs to fail. Could it be a harbinger of a cold reception for "Ruse of Soywoker"?)


... also, YAY for 70K !!! Onward and upward!


How typically and expectedly pathetic.


I always look forward to more reviews and enjoy every single one of them! Bless you Doomcock for being our voice!