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Ho ho ho, and HAIL ALL!  Doomcock here with an invite to tonight's Xmas Party at the Center of the Earth!

In case you didn't know, tonight is the Dick Doomcock Power Hour Christmas Edition, and we're gonna have us a blast!  Everyone gets 5 minutes to do anything they want (sing, dance, recite, rant, ask questions, whatever!) and this won't be recorded...it's just for us!

So bring your Santa hats, sleighbells and whatnot, and let's have a party!

Here's the invite:  https://discord.gg/79wkXm

Be sure to click on "The Great Hall of Xanadoom" which you will see to the left of the screen.  Test our your mic beforehand if you're talking, and if not you can type and Doomcock or Harvey will read your message for all the rest of us!  Can't wait to see you guys!  



I am so sorry, Commander. I will not be able to attend this one despite my wishes. I have been unwillingly debilitated by the foul beast known as Migraine. I regret my inability to report as requested. I will be in the infirmary of my Impenetrable Mobile Combat Fortress guzzling coffee and attempting to repair the issue.


I hope you can get some rest in the nice, quiet darkness of the Fortress! Migraines are hell, and I would never wish them on any of my Doomcockian brothers!