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Just a reminder, tomorrow is our Xanadoom Xmas Party, hope you guys can make it!

Also, these past two days have been crazy busy with boring mundane everyday life obligations, chores, holiday shit, and so on, but my aim is to be answering you guys and replying to messages later on tonight! Sorry for the delay, but even Doomcock has to do boring busy stuff from time to time. But I shall be back in the Lair later this evening to delight in all your community posts (and can't wait for the party tomorrow)! 🖖🏻😃🤖



The banality of life makes the sweet nectar of the lair so much more rewarding.


Great! I shall try to make this one.


Mistletoe is a parasitic, toxic plant that is spread mainly through avian defecation. 😈


Maybe I can make this one.