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Hey all...Doomcock feels that for the next few videos I'm going to focus more on comedy and some positive reviews...all this negativity is fatiguing!  The timing of these things has kind of dictated the tone, but this is to let you guys know that the next several things I post are going to be either positive reviews (like a review of the first two seasons of The Expanse) or absurd (the next video I release is going to be very very weird and hopefully very very funny).

Also, the clarification: Regarding the video I released this morning, it has been called to my attention that some viewers may be mistaking my satire for sincerity in regards to the conspiracy theory of Estrogen being put in the water to feminize us.  I WAS KIDDING.  While pharmaceutical residue in water is a problem just because it has gotten into the environment from over prescribing, Doomcock was exaggerating for comic effect, and no one's dick is going to fall off!  Seriously guys...DOOMCOCK KIDS!  Also, I wish to state here, without reservation, that there is nothing wrong with a male being feminine...I do not judge other human beings and there is no shame in that, and I have been quite vocal when asked that I entirely support the right of people to choose how they express their sexuality - I certainly acknowledge there is a wide range of human behaviors, and masculine/feminine traits do overlap; HOWEVER, Indiana Jones is a traditionally masculine character out of '30s pulp fiction, and as such, replacing him with anything other than a masculine character is reprehensible to me.  It is perverting the core character, twisting him into something he never was and shouldn't be, and Doomcock resists that!

Just as I would resist a reboot of Alien with a male Ripley, or a reboot of Homeland with Carrie replaced with Charlie.  With me, it is not about political roles, but the integrity of the characters.  In this case it's a old-fashioned masculine archetype, hence the flavor of my response, and I hope you all view it in that context.  :)

At any rate, angry Doomcock is taking a vacation for a couple of weeks...it is high time Doomcock allowed his fanciful Id monster out to play!



uh oh, i smell weakness and must now know, "When will you admit that i am your superior"? LOL


Instructions unclear: Dick stuck in slapstick.


I absolutely took it as a joke, but I'm used to actual comedy that exaggerates things to the point of being ridiculous. Just for the record, I found no offense , nor did I see any commenters that might be a little ...out there...when I skimmed the comment section, but I didn't read everything. You have my full support in whatever kind of video, positive or negative that you feel inspired to make 😊 That being said, if your channel turns into you playing Roblox and dancing around with a horse head mask whilst dabbing to amuse 8 year olds I will unsubscribe faster than you can imagine 😊


Ha haaa...not weakness, but Doomcock doesn't wanna become a one-truck pony. I have many tricks up my sleeve...and the next one is a doozy!


Dick securely attached! New video underway...lots of work, but hilarity will ensue...


I understand that it is a joke it is just not my kind of humor. I will never tell anyone that they should censor themselves I just won't support it. My opinion is not the be all end all. Doomcock is going to be a huge success whether I stay or not. Maybe I am being a tad sensitive because at my job my entire case load is teenage boys all struggling with the idea of am I masculine enough? Just yesterday I had a boy tell me that he was called a pussy on a daily basis because he does not want to engage in a physical fights. He is 13. The idea of emasculation is so pervasive that it distorts growth and turns young boys into angry robotic men incapable of joy. I guess I am bringing my own baggage to the discussion. But again my opinion is not the most important one here.


I would like a review of The Expanse since I still haven't watched it yet.


The expanse is the best science fiction show on television right now.


Disclaimer is probably a good idea in the long run, but you didn't cross any lines that made me think you needed to write it. Looking forward to the variety of content you have coming up. I imagine a lot of people are impressed by the secret base at the Earth's core, or the robots, but what really gets me is the creative attention and professional care you put into your content and your relationship with your patrons. Don't burn yourself out. You'd be missed.


Same. I find it so hard to get around to watching things. I've been meaning to watch the expanse.


Thanks Christopher, I really appreciate that. I'm definitely enjoying the opportunity to make these videos, and I appreciate all of you guys being here. Never fear...your Overlord isn't going anywhere! I've got plenty to say...I only wish I could say it all faster. But that's the idea behind the Reactor series...and yeah, mostly they'll be shorter than this one was...any pilot is a pain in the ass, but it'll make me a more responsive communicator in the long run, and keep me from burning out trying to mount a huge production to make a small point! Better to post the shorter ones frequently and save the big ones for major reviews (like the upcoming Expanse piece, and the Mystery Thing that makes me laugh my ass off, so chances are all you guys will think it's funny too...)


I just now, in between running to the bathroom sporadically, finished rewatching both seasons of The Expanse in preparation for Season 3 on April 11th! It is the best sci-fi series, MAYBE of all time...since it's not done and it's one long narrative it's impossible to say right now...but it does have that potential, and that is reason for celebration!


LOL! Uh...no worries there... :D Random, thank you for your loyalty, support, and inspiration! (BTW, you made me go out and get the Walmart Rampage figures...seeing your vid, I couldn't resist...though the Ren and Stimpys are out of my price range...)! :D


I think that's valid baggage to bring. I heard a documentary on the radio last week about this issue specifically, about boys not having lasting friendships for fear of being too emotionally open. That leads to broken kids, as a tree that is too rigid snaps in the wind. A damn shame. I appreciate your perspective in this. When Doomcock takes over, bullies will be fucked up! Doomcock hates that shit! There will be room for only one bully in my kingdom...C'EST MOI! The rest will have to play nice or be disintegrated. Yes...Doomcock is a harsh playground monitor indeed... >:-[


I do enjoy the Expanse series. Great actors, they handle the characters well, etc. However, I'm blazing through the novels now and I like it a bit more. It makes more sense and highlights a tendency for the series to make all authorities more villainous, while,making to many moments of danger happen to the point you start to wonder how any live past 20 in the setting.


A couple of comedies I watched and liked recently on Netflix: Ash vs Evil Dead and Santa Clarita Diet.


great lord doomcock to help lower your blood pressure please check out hishe on youtube they are great and i think you'll enjoy their videos, here is a link to save you some time <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCB8DUGpYQQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCB8DUGpYQQ</a>


I've been meaning to check out Ash vs Evil Dead...how good is it compared to the original Raimi movies?


I haven't read the books, but I'm thinking of reading them up to the current state of the series...I think they're toward the middle of Caliban's War, right? I don't have a problem with the excitement levels, I think they do an admirable job with the characters and the relationships, and they do seem to explore the ramifications of the Earth-Mars-Belt power dynamics. I mean, shit...the Enterprise almost got destroyed every single week! Space is dangerous Terranvoid! :D I feel that, however more fleshed out the novels may be, the dangers and situations seem to arise logically, and I find the excellent story telling very refreshing!